Not sure how I felt about this episode as a whole, but seeing the Governor in this light makes you hope that there might be some modicum of redemption for his character. I hate him so much and at the same time I just hope that he can move on and become a better person - the kind of person who helps other people.

We met some new characters that seem like they might be around to stay, but knowing TWD, that doesn't actually mean anything. I really like one of them though so I hope they're around for a while.

I was hoping that they wouldn't bring the Governor back to the screen after the tragic end of Woodbury. He's done such horrible things that he's truly reached the level of unredeemable, but TWD is known to constantly flip the script so I might be interested if he's less of a horrible person.

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I found it very interesting to see more of the Governor!

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poor governor, got autism after defeat

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Weird episode. Am I supposed to be sympathetic toward the Governor now? Guess what? I'm not.

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god no, i don't want more of the governor.

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Despite negative reviews referring to this episode as 'boring' or 'unnecessary', I personally loved seeing one of my favourite TV villains 'The Governor' having an episode dedicated purely to his journey. Packed full of emotion and certainly makes you think.

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I dont know why but i really enjoyed this episode with Governor.

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the most boring episode of the entire series, for sure!

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yawn idgaf about this man anymore, he should've died in s3. and why were they fucking right next to a child? c'mon

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Why is governor still alive, don't need to see anymore of this dude

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this is a governor centric episode following the events of his defeat last season

we see him befriend a family

there are some very tender moments

we get to see a different side of the governor
if you're a fan of his character in this is a good episode if you're not then you're probably going to hate this episode

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Boring filler. I don't think the Governor deserved this whole episode.

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Ummm, okay what's happening now exactly?

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O episódio mais chato de toda a série!

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The moment an OK show jumped the shark? Pointless from the first to the last second. The Governor was midly interesting at his best moments - this episode is not one of his best moments.

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The Governor walking around with his hair long and the eyepatch on makes him look like Snake Plisskin. I like Snake Plisskin 100 times better. Can we put him in the show instead?

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