When negan said, "some people are harder to break than others." it was facts

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Shout by Darth

:asterisk_symbol:spoiler for newer seasons in rewatching the show:asterisk_symbol: time for the era of Maggie being pregnant for 5 years

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Neegan said the word cool since he appeared on the show till now like at least 5 times!
If he says "cool" one more time... smh sighs

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the walking dead is not about zombies anymore
its about only human vs human

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Shout by Jim222001

I get fans don't like seeing Daryl tortured for an hour. We learn some things though. Like Dwight was once in Daryl's shoes, most of Negan's followers probably were forced to join.
Sorry but since I am a Jeffrey Dean Morgan fan, I kind of like Negan. So I enjoyed this one.

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This episode gives spotlight to Dwight, but we were not given enough reasons to care about him. Only by partially showing his background and his interaction with Daryl in this episode that we were given reasons, but not enough prior to warrant our attention in one episode. Daryl's torture scene seems to be a little confusing at first but it starts to make sense as the episode progresses.

All in all not really a bad episode actually, but it can be spent much shorter.

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Well that's 40 minutes thrown away. Literally nothing happens. Except we see that Dwight also has feelings and that Daryl is still himself. But that's nothing new.
Also they should find a reason to cut Daryl's hair. His face is constantly so covered that it doesn't matter if it's Norman Reedus acting anymore.

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Shout by Vero

I'm Negan, You're Negan. Everybody's Negan. Except Daryl, He's still Daryl. That Easy Street song is gonna to hunt at night. I can't get this shot out of my head. It's haunting me. Negan, you bastard. Why is it so freaking catchy? It's official, Easy Street, the song you torture people with. I think I have my new alarm clock. I'll just get up and throw my phone away. And once again Twd is playing with viewers. Another week left to see the aftermath of Glenn's and Abe's deaths in the group. It's not like I didn't appreciate this episode but, come on. All in all, the episode was OK. We got a glimpse at the Saviors refuge, saw what Daryl was going through and learnt Dwight's story. I felt bad for him. I understood why he did that but let's see how it evolves. Let's see whether Daryl yields to Negan or whether he gives Sherry and Dwight the strength they need to get out.

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Shout by Deleted

If you are a comic reader, you will find this very interesting.

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Today on AMC's The Walking Dead: Watch Daryl getting humiliated for 40 minutes. Yawn.

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Again, another slowish episode, but was great to get to know a bit more about Dwight and how Negan's people live under his rule ha! 7/10

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Shout by chair

so if everyone in negan's group is negan, then his new wife is negan too? i bet he calls her that in bed. that's fucking hilarious. and kinda sad.

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another boring episode. literally nothing happened. at least the previous one established a new community and showed us that cgi tiger. this was just plain boringness. the show haven't really been good since the governor, imo. the writers got lazy because of all that underserving popularity and money coming their way even if they give people crap. it's nice when you can make dumb shit and get rich because most of us have poor tastes.

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Daryl! We are always with you!

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Poor Daryl, that was heart wrenching...

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We got front row seat, right here on Easy Street!

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