O_o I never noticed that the symbol was on the lid of the can of food

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Can't wait for the savior pussy with the mustache to get a brutal death.

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Does Rick have infinite ammo ?

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I love Negan but the words to said to Rick was so cruel because he could have stop the fight too.

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I think this is the first episode this season that was good. The emotions felt real, Negan's monologue with Rick was good. Too often Negan speaks without saying anything. Jadis was really interesting tonight. Hopefully there's more from her now than the usual cookie monster dialogue.

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Shout by david

I can't believe I'm saying this but... Negan's starting to make some sense.

Rick kinda sucked at some point, He failed as a leader, and most of all he failed as a father. Carl and Negan had a very special relationship in the comic book series so I get how he reacted to Carl's death like that. He proved that he's not all bad and he's genuinely sad about Carl's death.
All this fighting doesn't seem to make sense anymore and I'm all about what Carl wanted Rick to do, make peace with Negan and stop all the fighting.

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Shout by andy

Negan is truly speaking the truth at the end of this episode, Rick is an idiot who of course first thing he's gonna do is not give a shit about what Carl asked him to stop doing.

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All this drama is dragging on at this point. The entire season up to this point could’ve been done in 3-5 episodes. I’m just watching out of habit now.

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Looks like Simon is messing things up pretty bad. This going to blow back some way soon and maybe it'll be at the advantage of our friends!

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if i was rick i would have been bawling my eyes out during negan's monologue.

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I've seen a lot of unbelievable moments in the show that required suspension of disbelief, and I am all too willing to allow it. However, the shoot out in "the dump" was just over the top for me. The speech to follow by the trash lady leader was trite at best.

I'm pretty much just watching this show out of habit now. It's gone downhill in a big way.

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This is the first episode where Jada didn’t annoy me. I was never a fan of her and her people so I’m glad that situation has changed now. But it was WAY too gruesome. Unnecessary long shots and gag-inducing moments.

I’m so sick of the Negan storyline. I’m glad Rick was fired up but if he doesn’t kill Negan soon I’ll scream.

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I mean, it's fine and all but the drama is starting to drag on. This whole season was like 3-5 days.

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I remember a time when Rick & Daryl were so BA..wow back then when shit went down and they got involved you just knew it'd be sorted in the most cool way ever..these days Rick is..a mere shadow of his former self..I hardly ever see Daryl..the show decides to. Focus on all these weak characters who were all fine in moderation but instead we get whole episodes about them..
Please, AMC executives, if you're reading this, I've been a fan of this show from the very beginning.. I was in my dorm room on campus watching the shit out of this.. I'm now a Dad!! That's a relation longer than the one I've had with my family..so please..if you can get this show back to where it began..youd make this human being very happy half a world away from you in Hollywood in Dusty asf Uganda..do it so can have a nice father daughter moment rewatching this later on

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A decent episode... at least... decent half of the episode. Didn't care much for the part where they decided to save something that was already engulfed in flames, didn't care at all about those two other people (you know, the one with the guy and the one who wasn't the one with the "bad-ass attitude and lollypop") going to those people again for whatever reason.
I did enjoy the trashpeople arch's ending and how Jades reverted back to a somewhat more human character and ofcourse the showstealer: Negan, who, in every scene, was just great and laying down both the law and the truth.

I'd hope for more episodes like this but I've been fooled enough by this show to know it'll be the same as before.

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loved this episode! love the dialogue and displays of (im)morality. would actually have given this episode a 10 if not for that enid stuff because who cares about that? rick and negan’s different ideas of leadership and how they’re clashing now is so interesting, especially for those few minutes on the walkie talkies where they were having a coherent conversation about carl and not shouting over one another. i love steven ogg’s character, simon aswell and i feel bittersweet in expecting his demise. i feel bad for jadis though, she was a badass and man that was brutal. hope she’ll be back to her usual self soon.

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Shout by Jacob P

Those harsh words from Negan at the end really hit me hard…

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Shout by honzih

I doesn't give a f* what carl wants. NEGAN MUST DIE. He would make me so misserable and hopeless, I'd rather die than live under his "protection". Don't forget that he or some of his guys like Simone goes aroud the world and one day they kill someone close to you just because they don't like your haircut or some other petty bulls*. I don't like you Rick, but you need to get rid off Negan.

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This one I liked... JDM has become my favorite actor in this show. The episode left me wanting to watch the next right away, something that hasn’t happened since many episodes ago and that felt good.

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Rick was cold to that garbage lady. She was a bitch but already lost everything.

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I realized this whole place was a canvas; that we were the paint.
We could create something new. We could become something new.

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I hate to admit this but Negan is right

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I went from having no emotions whatsoever toward Jadis and her garbage club to having all kinds of empathy for her/them.
From the last conversation between Negan and Rick it is now painfully aware that Rick is no longer the 'good guy'. Negan showed remorse for what happened to Carl and Rick only responded with a thirst for vengeance, understandable considering all past events but still.

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If this show was a football team the coach is playing the bench over the starters and running the team into the ground

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

I couldn't take the scene where Jadis was putting all the walkers into the grinder seriously. They were trying to make it emotional but cutting back and forth from her crying about seeing her friends dead to walkers getting cut up totally killed the mood. Still it was some decent effects just couldn't really buy into the emotion.

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