stupid use of the fever plot from the prison again, but it was a fairly decent episode.

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Shout by Darth

How does no one hear the walker falling down the stairs lol

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throwback to the prison much

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I thought it was established EVERYONE is infected already and as soon as someone dies, they turn. Now they're surprised the dead turn to walkers?

Also, please end Morgan's story soon cause he's really annoying me now.

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Please Lord, help me through the next 3 episodes. Please make me care about characters again. Please give me less eye rolls and questions about realism in this show. Why are The Saviours like Dothraki? No matter how many you kill they just magically appear in numbers as if nothing happened? Oh shoot, I did it again. Please Lord, I liked this show.

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"You know what it is"

Yea I know this show is shit

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I loved this show for many seasons... but now when I watch this I sit here just wishing it was over...

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You know what it is. You know what it is. You know what it is. You. Know. What. It. Is. YOU KNOOOOOW !

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Is that another win for the Saviors?

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This episode proves why this show has gone down the gutter...seriously I hope they fire the writers & get new staff.

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So, we have silent assassin zombies now? Sneaking behind people without a single sound and killing them? Lmao what a comedy.

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Kids always doing bad shit here.

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It's nice to see zombies back in a show that's about zombies. However, i have one major injection. We saw back at the prison that a fever can turn people. The group had to go out and find antibiotics so their group wouldn't die from the fever, and thus turn. When we saw it at the prison, it was days before anyone fever symptoms died. However, in this episode they turn within 12 hours; and that's being generous. Not just the most injured of those, but everyone injured turned (besides rick, despite getting injuries)! One at a time, like a zombie assembly line, they wake up looking for food. It just felt rushed. Too rushed.

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Don’t know what to say anymore, I‘d like to love this show so much because it was one of my favorite tv shows until Negan came along. This storyline killed every thrill (and as I said before; he killed the soul of TWD with Glenns head bashed in). They firing insane amounts of bullets this whole season, killing one man after another and STILL they talking like „we won’t stand ANOTHER attack“ after that perfect set up ambush that STILL didn’t end this „war“?! What are they shooting? Blanks? How many Saviors are there? And STILL Negan running around with his stupid bat, that shit‘s just so annoying it is so sad, so fricking sad. Anyone remember Hershels demise? Man how I hated the Gov for I don’t even know who is who anymore. That love interest from Carol fe? Man who gives a hoop, sry.

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They need to wrap it up. They need to just end the god damn series, maybe with a happy ending (showing them making new infrastructure, securing the land piece by piece, etc) or maybe with an ending where they all die and Rick ends up alone, or something. But just give us an ending, for crying out loud!

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Good to see the walkers attack back into the show, after all of those gunfire thing in the season.
Anyway, fk dat kid.

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Why does this show kill good characters off?! All the time! Stop - there’s too many characters that I hate VS the good ones.

And some of the good characters like Maggie are acting out of character. Stop it.

I liked most of the episode but I still felt like the show was trying to preach to us - with ‘the cost’ being too high to Siddiq’s talk of not going astray. It still feels like the show is trying to tell the characters and viewers that they don’t want Negan and his group dead. They really need to die and the show needs to find other ways to focus their creativity. This storyline is boring.

Even with all the action scenes and interesting slumber party I kept wanting to skip to the end...considering skipping episodes just to watch the finale which I’m sure the show will use as Negan’s last episode. I hope...because if this goes into the season then I’m done.

I loved Daryl again in this episode though. He felt more like his old self.

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Shout by Deleted

Man the zombies are stealthy like ninjas

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