Welcome back Morales! We missed you lol

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Shout by Jacob P

All Out War is the best way to describe both episodes in this season so far. Intense, action-packed and with a hugely unanticipated ending!

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All action in this one. Yet, some how I can't say I was really involved.

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That was a hell lof of shooting. How many rounds were wasted? :p

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The directing on this episode was really below average, typified by those bookend close up shots which were equal parts pretentious and atrocious. Also, the lack of sense of place, what the objectives were, why people were splitting/meeting up, bad fight scenes, Rick & Daryl wandering around the Saviors' main lair with almost no one there to stop them, and...actually just everything. Worst of all we're no further advanced than last week, ok, they've taken 1 (count 'em) one outpost.

In fact, this week's episode of Z Nation had a better sense of place, equal movement of the plot, and less confusing machinations than this one and the protagonists in that show spent the whole episode in weird teleporting boxes being zapped unconscious with sound by an unknown entity who was using them to clear out a zombie infested underground factory complex after being honey-potted by a driver-less ghost-truck.

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Nothing... Literally nothing of any importance happened this episode.

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Should I know who Morales is? I don't even care anymore

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Shout by Wéjih M'zoughi
BlockedParent2017-10-31T21:06:20Z— updated 2017-12-23T15:48:53Z

I don't know what to feel about this episode to be honest. I'm giving it a 5 but I'm being generous lmao. This show has had better episodes. C'mon.

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Shout by kinky

Man, there was A LOT of shooting in this episode! This could actually have been this episode's synopsis. It was that deep and meaningful and crucial for advancing with the story... What story? I don't even know anymore.

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Shout by Sames

pfffff another baby that fucks up the walking dead....Why do we even neer this..OMG....and please lets try to learn oud freedom fighters to aim whole shooting. It's like you coupe audition them for the A team right away...

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Why am I still watching this show.
They stopped trying a long time ago. The direction on this episode looked like it was fresh out of film school. The dialogue a hot mess as always. They have followed Game of Thrones and completely given up on a trace of realism too: suddenly they an army of people, troves of rifles and unlimited ammo.
Those shoot outs were painful. I question the tastes of anyone who finds this quality TV.

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the storyline of the walking dead is not 0 to 100
you start from 50 then you go to 80 then you see rick is an old man in 100 then you go back to 0 to see why this story becomes like this, then you see 80 to 90, then you go back to 20 to see how they have prepared for the fight!!!
why you tell the story like a puzzle? why cant you just simply start from the beginning and go to the end?

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why the fuck the walking dead starts in the middle of a fight?!!
no background needed! the director is tired and is not in the mood of telling a story!!
you start to watch the walking dead, you press the play button, rick is shooting the saviors!! you dont know what happened? when did they plan for the fight? when did they become ready? and so many questions!!
you just see there is a fight going on without knowing what is going on and what happened before this fight had started!!

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one of the worst episodes in tv history.

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I just have no idea What’s going on and it’s way too intense for zero storyline development.

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The action was uninteresting. It’s like a generic action movie...shooting back and forth like white noise. Nothing interesting happening. Just shooting.

Boring speeches.

Daryl and Carol acting out of character.

Very few walkers.

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Oh, weak so weak. Probably the weakest episode so far.
Half of the runtime is just stupid unbelievable shooting at 5 meters apart (16 feet :D) nobody hitting anybody, all visibly not shooting and the sound is made in post-production.
I am afraid the show goes downhill from now on :(

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Shout by ethereal
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-11-01T20:26:20Z— updated 2018-03-05T12:47:40Z

God dammit, aren't they messing with Morgan. Poor guy first killed to survive, then they told him to stop killing and teach how to spare lives, then they literally forced him to start killing in order to survive as there's no other way, and now in this episode they again tell him not to kill. ahahah

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I don't even know what the hell is happening.

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Shout by MrBlonde
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-10-30T08:25:36Z— updated 2017-11-01T09:49:24Z


Just fucking Awesome!
The Walking Dead is back on track!

So much action in this one...
Oh my. Love it. Can't belive the action goes on.
Morgan going full badass after getting shot. O.o
Savage as fuck!

Ezekiel is just... you can't describe it^^

Shiva kills another guy. What's not to like.

Wonder how that hostage situation for Jesus and Tara turns out...

Rick and Daryl at that Outpost. Intense. And as he saw that little baby.
Not all of them are bad. Or are they? Which brings me to the next thing:

Morales is back!
Yesss! After all this years!
Creepy to think that if they would have come with him, they could have become Saviors....

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

Way better episode than last weeks but its still not a good episode. There were at least people fighting back this time, even though they were missing 99% of their shots.

I don't understand Morgan. He seems to be all in on killing when necessary, not killing, and now he is pulling a Rick Grimes and going crazy killing people. There is no middle ground with him, can't he just act like everyone else? Plus how thick is his plot armor in this episode? I mean two guys shot dead with multiple bullets right next to him and he has a scratch on his arm, come on.

It's been so long since season 1 that I had to look up who this Morales was. When someone is in a few episodes 7 seasons ago I need a refresher on the show. Don't make me go look it up.

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This episode is even worse then the first one of this season.

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Don't know if i'm watching The Walking Dead or Call Of Duty.

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Shout by Deleted

Could say like other people just said, same story guys, really bad episode..

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