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The Walking Dead: Season 8

8x09 Honor

I actually enjoyed this episode, the split between the two villages was intense, but I will say I was very sad to see Carl go the way he did, but damn did they stretch the death out too long.

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I think Car's death was too quick, they should have make it to double episode to end my agony, because I'd die of boredom for sure.
You HAVE TO KILL in a world where other people are trying to kill you, so stop that bs.

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i really liked this episode, actually. a lot of people seem to be ranting about the pacing but this is probably the best i’ve seen in this season. both events going on are interesting and memorable. i think it will only get worse from here though, obviously. carl shooting himself rather than anyone else doing it before he turned reminded me a lot of andrea.

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Bruh why they gotta do that:sob::sob:

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Shout by Jacob P

Heartbreaking episode packed full of really emotional dialogue. Henry though…

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Shout by Darth

What was the fucking point of the “you would do the same for me” line from Carl to michonne

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Shout by Darth

I’m glad the idiot Scott got booted from show runner for the mess he created

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at the bottom of everything by bright eyes playing during carl's montage was the worst possible use of music in the best way ever.

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Shout by gemma

this episode was total whiplash because one second morgan is pulling someones guts out with his hands and the next scene is carl dying

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Shout by Phoebe

no matter how many times I watch this episode the opening montage will always reduce me to tears

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Shout by Nox

My second favourite episode. I'm gonna miss Carl. This was a proper send off.

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Tara is such a waste of a character. I'm sick of looking at her stupid face. Her whole revenge thing is getting old.

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The whole episode comes down to the writers trying to justify the stupid death they gave to one of the main characters in the plot and, frankly, it is well justified. They succeeded in proving that Carl's death, as it should be, represents the shift in the characters' line of thought from pessimism to optimism. In that sense, it manages to give even better motivations for Negan's survival than at HQ. The contrast with Henry is also very well placed in this episode. But the truth is that, unfortunately, the execution of Carl's death, which could be exquisite, was terrible and poorly prepared. The show was supposed to build this from the previous seasons, but for lack of good synthesis, it made everything look like a destructive script contradiction. They turned a pacifist sacrifice into a stupid death, making everyone (and with certainly) prefer the alive but unmotivated Carl of the HQs, than the Carl killed in the way he was. The Walking Dead at that time was really having problems with the absurd amount of secondary plots it was creating, and the result was that: good idea, bad making.

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who the fuck is still watching this piece of shit show?

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Morgan is out of control. O.O
Could be the reason why I misread the title of this episode as "Horror."

You will be missed, Carl Poppa. :(

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Excellent episode. One of the very best of the last few seasons. In the past years I've waited for the writers to off the kid, but lately he's grown to the proper character he should have been. That is one of the greatest contradictions I've felt from a series. As much as I disliked him previously, this was one of the most impactful deaths of TWD. And thanks to that, it might save this season.

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Shout by honzih

Am I the only one who skipped 95% of Carl's awfully long and boring dying?

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Lol why tf was Negan in the dream at the end

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"Good morning to you, darling"

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I hope it will end boring. Someone is getting killed and you should be sad for him, but after last two series I just dont give a fuc*k and hope all die soon to be the end fo this show

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Shout by Deleted

So fucking sad I mean really sad.

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This show is taking a stupid path seriously I honestly don't care who dies just don't make a big deal out of it, The only way TWD will survive is killing all the main characters and let Negan take the lead,TWD world needs someone like Negan not soft like Rick

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Just a terrible show I wish it would end I want to complete it

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People still hating on episode after episode! Stop watching it then... simple solution!

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I didn't realize I actually cared for Carl til this episode. Surprised myself with how much I actually cried.

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do u know what's weird? ppl who keep blaming the writers, creators, life and Carl. why in the hell u keep watching then and keep bothering us everywhere?
anyway, this kid grew up a front of our eyes since he was 7, and he's been with us for 8 seasons, so do u prefer him getting shot in the head and move to the next scene? i believe social media fucked this generation up, i miss watching TV with my dad.

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Shout by Khawlah

Carl with a little bit of facial hair is the weirdest and tippiest thing in this episode. Anyways, seeing some of the main group slowly die like in this episode has been done one too many times that you barely feel anything watching it anymore. Not that I actually watched the whole thing. Fast forwarded 90% of the episode. Sorry.

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Mostly negative comments and i have to agree the episode was boring as hell. But why does it still get 74%? Who is voting this up?

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You know those old movies where a character gets shot and he grabs his chest, waving from left to right, stumbling to the ground, collapsing, a nearby character leaping to his aid ensueing a lengthy monologue depicting his life, grievences and other things before ultimately passing away with a deep sigh leaving the other character sobbing until we fade to black?

Well that's this episode of the Walking Dead and subsequently the whole show since the end of two seasons ago. I must give the makers kudo's though, thanks to this I finally know what it's like not to give a shit about anyone so when the zombie-apocalypse does come I can thank TWD for making me into a ruthless survivor.

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Can’t they amputate Carl’s abdomen and keep his head in a jar?

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The episode did make me tear up, but as everyone here is saying, it was quite boring, which also sums up most of the episodes of the last seasons of TWD. All the creators do is separate the characters into groups, dedicate whole episodes to characters like Eugene that nobody cares about, or they just show us one perspective on an event in one episode, then show us another in the next, like they did with Morgan here. Does anybody really care how Negan's compound looks from the scope of Morgan's sniper rifle?
All of it is done to prolong the series, and I've watched series consisting of many seasons like Mad Men, yet none of them ever resorted to this.

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It wasn’t the most exciting episode of the show but Carl is there since season one and he’s Rick’s son. They couldn’t just let him go just like that.

I didn’t understand the whole back and forth with Morgan/Carol/Ezekiel storyline until Carl confesses about the kid he killed and we see Henri taking the same path at the same time. It was interesting after all even if the pace felt wrong.

The end scene makes me thing it’s gonna be a thing now in TWD to show short footage of Rick without explaining why and then wait half a season to explain it. I’m not against. I just hope it’s not another dream version.

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This is AMC's... The Boring Dead... zzzz

This show is getting worse and worse with each episode...
But after watching it for 7/8 years it's hard to let go!
This episode was soooooo long and goddamn boring.
I can't believe there are people here commenting, giving it an 8 or even a 10.
I didn't think I would ever say this, but Fear the walking dead and The walking dead should just end it...
And NOT put both shows together.

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lmao, at this point they could kill everyone in this show and they still wouldn't be able to save it. I honestly like how they’re not even trying anymore, it’s like they rly want people to stop watching.

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The entire episode could’ve been done in 10 mins if the writers didn’t fill it with useless talking about nonsense.

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This show has taken a downward turn into shit hole.

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This show is as dead as its name.

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'Honor'? More like horror! You know that gif of Trump saying "All talk, no action, sounds good, doesn't work, never going to happen"? Yeah that's basically the story of this episode. BOOORING

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I wait for one particular "event" for SOOO LOONG but i never think it is might happen in such boring episode.

Hooray guys, CARL DEAD!!

Aside from that this episode HAVE NOTHING. Just a waste of time.

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Thank goodness. Bye bye annoying boy.

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Somebody give me a gun so I can kill Ezekiel.

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Awful, dreadful, terrible , just fuckin horrible. What the heck did I just saw? I was literally dead from boredom after 15 minutes. I really don't want to stop watching, but the show can't help it at all. Disgusting!

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When you're sitting in front of your TV, rolling eyes, yelling at the screen "Come on, just die already!", then there is something fundamentally wrong with the pacing and presentation of an episode.

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Well, I never thought I would spend so much time ugly crying over the death of Carl but I did. This was a beautiful episode and I really liked how the dream visions were Carl's. It makes it all the more beautiful. Also I think it's great how he could see a world in which Negan could live amongst them as a friend, it shows how much Carl has grown throughout the show as a character .

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If you think Walking Dead is too fast-paced then THIS is the episode for you...

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This didn't need to be a longer episode. And can the close up on Rick's eyes stop being a thing? Please

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Shout by Deleted

Is this a 2 hour special?

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Shout by Deleted

Would someone please put Carl out his misery!

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