While the Whisperers are a cool idea, the more I think about them, the more they don't stand up to scrutiny. We've seen in previous seasons that to go undetected by the dead, people have to smuther themselves in guts thus implying the dead work on some sense of smell. The Whisperers don't do this, they merely pop on a dried out face of a dead person and somehow the actual dead are supposedly convinced the living person is a dead person. It's at the level of Superman hiding his identity by putting on a pair of specs.

Furthermore, I realise the show has been often criticised for lack of character development but, honestly, I couldn't give a shit about this Rosita/Gabe/Sadiq "love triangle with added baby". I think it does the greatest disservice to Rosita who, from what little previous development she's had over all these years, has always been a fiery character, so to see her potentially be made into some incredibly boring mother character is irritating.

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Every episode with the character of Henry in it is shit. He's the most pointless character in any show for quite a while. The level of his cluelessness and stupidity just destroys any suspension of disbelief. They should have locked him up permanently a long time ago. How are we supposed to believe he's a survivor when he should be spending his time sucking his mom's tit? What a pain in the ass, a complete baby, his epic naivete just can't be taken seriously. What the hell were the writers thinking??

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Henry has an unbelievable amount of thirstiness. I'm glad he was stupid enough to track them down alone. We might actually see some action now, especially from Carol.

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Romeo and Juliet meet the undead; good thing Shakespeare is still in his grave.

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This episode felt like a chore watching

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By far, this is the most boring and predictable season ever in the history of this show. I'm very disappointed, and this whole "love story" situation between Henry and the girl from the other side is so cliché. I wouldn't say the episodes are long, the time flies quite fast but nothing really happens in them.

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Must be a bitch having to shamble the whole day to get somewhere... How do you get anything done like that?

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Lydia is too cute and clean looking. To make a believable whisperer. Looks like she just got out of the shower.
While Henry needs to die ASAP.

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Put on a dried dead face of a zombie, voila! No need to put on fresh guts to be one of them. Not only that, you can also control the dead to do your bidding by fucking whispering in their ears.

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Shout by TMRider

I liked it.
Was it kinda slow? Yes it was. But not everything in the world is high paced. I think slow episodes somewhat adding a tension to the world of TWD. This is how someone should feel. Tensed. You can't know when something is about to happen. Plus, if cutting someone's head off with a still wire, picking it up, giving it to the boyfriend and then gut the boyfriend is "too slow" and "boring"... I don't know folks... You are tough SOBs that those kind of things are boring you, you could be Gamma.
So this Beta guy. At first I was sure it's Rob Zombie. He sounds like him and he's as tall as him, but it appears to be Ryan Hurst (Opie from SoA). Badass.

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This show has gone down hill .. this season is no different from the Saviors. IT's just replacing one group with another .. rinse, repeat. .. Lets change this, and do something interesting for once.

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I didn't think there would be someone more annoying than Carl. I was wrong. Effing Henry.

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Gaatdammnit Henry!! Why you not thinking straight!

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Ffs, what was Lydia supposed to find out, when her people killed their people. I hate when it gets dumb like that.

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A love story between people of 2 groups of enemies + War between humans + Dangerous Zombies not that easy to kill ones + Niggan. That's why The Walking Dead is enjoyable once again which you can't wait for the next week.

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Shout by Deleted

I stan Eugene at this moment... he did shit in the past but at the end he is a good guy and that braid looks great on him.
Also Henry bores me to death.... he is really stupid is he not?

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Michonne tells the council she's upset Eugene hid their radio system from everyone and the other bad things that have happened lately. Eugene tells Gabriel to respect Rosita and help her with her pregnancy. Michonne visits Negan who's back in his cell. She notices Judith spying on the cell and later confronts her about it where to Judith's defence, she believes Negan has changed. Meanwhile, Lydia tells Alpha what she's learned from Hilltop. They reunite with a more of their group. Henry finds them and is shortly taken captive. (Idiot.) They all travel back to their camp and tie Henry to a tree. Two Whisperers question Alpha's leadership abilities and she kills them. (Brutal!) At night, Alpha tells Lydia to kill Henry or Beta will kill them both. The camp is suddenly attacked by a herd of Walkers. Daryl and Connie slip through the crowd wearing masks, take Henry and Lydia and escape. I'm intrigued by the introduction of Beta and wonder where things will go from her now that Lydia's been taken again.

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I wish Eugene would have a bloody hair cut. Although I still prefer it over the damn mullet. I am disliking Michone. Not that I liked her that much anyway. Big mistake leaving the mask thers at the end

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Shout by kanootcha
BlockedParent2019-03-04T07:55:01Z— updated 2019-03-08T03:04:25Z

I feel like the Rosita/Gabe/Sadiq threesome turning their backs on a wistful Eugene is an allegory for...hmm...something I can't quite put my finger on.

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