Think its time to let Negan out of his cage!

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Simply put, one of the best episodes of the season in a damn good season, and one of the best in the series.

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Henry is dead oh God thanks

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A solid episode improved by the final few scenes. That said, I'm not sure it was very believable how they managed to cherrypick random people out of Kingdom without being detected. I was expecting - and it would have made more sense - for it to have been the other group that was out there with Carol et al. Still, it was an enjoyable OMG moment and a very memorable visual. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda glad Henry was one of the victims so it ends the blossoming puppy love storyline that was going on. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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What happened to all their guns??? Somehow they disappeared? What about that ability to make bullets?

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excuse my french but:

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Holy shit.

I started this episode with the notion that I was seeing yet another one of those episode where happy people are introduced you just knew were gonna get offed some way of the other. You knew something was gonna happen every second. I didn't quite roll my eyes but I was gonna say here how they should stop doing these cliché's , that we know them by now and that we're not impressed.

And then... the ending came and... Without exaggerating or jest: I had chills on my back, and it kept going till the end. If they tugged a bit harder on the strings the "welling" inside me would have brought up a tear. Who'd have thought the Walking Dead could still do this? I didn't... And that makes it great.
Well done, very... very... well done.

I'm eager to see next weak... Cuz apparently "winter is coming"

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NOT ENID TOO :sob: :sob:

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Uh oh, they done pissed off Carol now!

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Shout by RASMUS
BlockedParent2019-03-28T14:42:00Z— updated 2019-04-27T22:04:35Z

This season has really brought the show back to life. Again, a really good episode. It was still not perfect, but THAT scene truly was something! It was so well done. I also like the fact that they went a bit different with this plot twist compared to comics. I'm so glad Henry's gone. FINALLY! I just wasn't a fan of that character, and I know I'm not alone with this.

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Terrible, boring, pointless...not to mention impossible? How'd they manage to get all those people out unnoticed?? Talk about a show on its last legs; they've had such great bad guys in the past and now this. Neegan and The Governor were so much better than these unbelievable dummies. No amount of shock value (in this case x10 but really, maybe only x3 or x4 that people were vested in) can mask the horrid shit pile that is this season.

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That was sad. So many gone in one scene.

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One of the best episode I've watched... Stunning, didn't see that end coming, really stunning.

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The pike scene is coming.

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This is so freaking slow & stupid. They spent 50 mins with nonsense in the episode then they show the ending with minimum explanation of how they actually got captured. So freaking dumb. Gonna finish the last episode & stop watching this nonsense. BTW, when I say slow; I watched this crap on TiVO with QuickMode which speeds up the episode. Even then this show is slow as shit.

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Where has this been all season!

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My god this episode really feels like old times when the plot took an unexpected turn and main characters suddenly were ripped from the show!
I said it before and until now my statement stands: this is the best season since season 4! Finally loving TWD again.

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The show has been sh!t for a while now, this ep. made it worse - the whole whisperers plot stinks.
Depending on the first few eps. in next seoson, I might jump ship like Rick and Maggie.

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Damn. What an end. I didn’t expect that. This season sucks but this is the best episode of it by far.

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Caught of guard again. Anyone who knows about the comics knew what was about to happen but they swapped out some of the victims for others and I was not prepared to feel all of that. The tone for the finale has been set, wow. Just wow. The walking dead back at it!!

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I can write a big deal about this episode, but I'm just glad we got such a good episode in the ninth season of this show! Can't wait for the finale!

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(10/10) - This episode was terrifyingly spectacular. As soon as I realised that Alpha was the woman in disguise I got goosebumps and they remained right until the very end. This episode was so special and will always have a place in my heart as it was the most delightful and simultaneously painful 60 minutes of my week.

The Walking Dead’s ninth series has been the best series in an awfully long time as there are truly shocking and unexpected circumstances around every corner, and seeing all of those heads on the pikes made me scream! Carol’s reaction to Henry’s death made me cry too!

Alpha is the most haunting and sadistic villain I think I have ever seen and I am very much hoping that our survivors can defeat her and the Whisperers in the next season somehow or maybe even in this season’s finale.

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well damn. I was confused a bit at the end but I believe it was one of the big shockers in a long time

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Wow I totally didn't see that one coming

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So... I've never seen an episode of Game of Thrones, but from what I've heard I'm pretty sure this is what it's like. Damn.

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Shout by Deleted

OMG Great episode HOLY COW!

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Holy Moly! didn't see that coming!

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This was such a great episode and easily one of my favorite this season at. It was shocking, and chilling The Walking Dead style.

I expected the head in the pike scene but i did not expect to be losing major characters like Tara, and Enid whom I started to like since the first time I saw them. This one gave me that same feeling when we lost Glenn and Abraham from from 7x16, but it's interesting here that they changed to line up of the people who's getting their head's in the spike from the comic version to what they showed in this episode, so there's still a bit of element of surprise.

loading replies least we're in shock again. Been yawning for so long.

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Bloody tell. They really was shocking. I cannot believe it. How the hell will they be victorious in a war?

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They didn't have the guts to kill King Ezequiel!!! I'm happy they change it for Henry but I'm not here to be happy, I'm here to be shocked.
Although it was a good episode.

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Shout by sc00bz

I'm not gonna lie, over time I've begun to lose my appeal for this show, not totally but definitely a bit. While lots of my friends have given up on it, I've stuck it out as I still remember that this was one of the best shows on TV.

This episode has made me feel glad I stayed on board. The story build up, the characterisation, the end... all of it was top notch! I knew it was gonna be bad but I didn't guess on how bad! I didn't expect so many heads up on those pikes and I definitely didn't think Henry was gonna be one of them. I'm sad he's been killed off and I'm sad for Carol to lose another child. God only knows what's coming next week.

In my opinion this is a contender for one of the best TWD episodes ever.

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This was the best episode in a long time. Some of the parts were drawn out and lame, more of a , hey look how this characters grown before we kill them off. Don't care about most of the deaths, no really any characters I enjoy watching. I feel we have , 3-4 epidodes until they unleash Negan.

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One of the best episodes of all TWD. I’m enjoying to be excited with an episode since the last two seasons.

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And this is why we don’t let in strange teenage girls who enjoys eating worms with psychopath mothers just because you find them cute, Henry.

Alpha is a lowkey badass, though.

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FUCKING AMC. Alpha refers to a the head male dog in a pact. Liberally fucking hollywood has to make it some fat no talent bitch instead. Yes, im referring to Alpha, the least intimidating protagonist that TWD has ever had. I can not stand this bitch.

Jesus this show is getting cheesy.

If only there was an easy way to skip through all the Fluff and BS and get straight to the stuff that matters.

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THE SCENE W/ DARYL asking connie to feed his dog and trying to do sign language?!? :sob: <3 also, the little wave and smile after... cute as hell!!

tara thinking she means business at that meeting and then michonne clapped back at her :skull:. she cracked cheesy jokes once they signed that pact too bro stfu and die already, please.

‘alpha’ dressed as ‘debbie’ gives me the heebie jeebies. man this character is just sickening more than anything.

they killed ur one but kept her glasses on?? FINALLY TARA IS DEAD! WOOHOOOO!! enid, the upcoming apprentice doctor? poor alden :( poor carol... they really had me believe it was ezekiel though. ultimately, the worst loss was enid.

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What I really liked about this episode is that I didn't expect this ending It was shocking and unexpected
Without a doubt, this is the best episode of this season

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They should just kill her.

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First kind-of-decent episode this season. But please stop listening to the children. Carl got himself killed, Henry got himself and nine others killed. Judith will most definitely get people killed too. And all of that because these walking pains in the asses have to be Mr/Mrs Moral Compass all the time. The kids in the show all seem to succeed quite well at being really anoying

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Dang. Very intense episode that kinda broke my heart. The dramatics of this ending was very well done though.

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Shout by Marc Friedolin

This episode fails to devastate me.

But to be fair, there was one way that scene could have made me happy and only one way to devastate me:
a) Michonne being dead - Oh my, she just goes on my nerves...
b) Deryl being dead as he is the only main character I like left on the show. Kind of funny as he was the one I hated the most in Season 1 - right after his Nazi brother that is.

They should have paid what ever the actors wanted to keep Rick and Maggie for this and kill them off.
That would have been devastating.

As it stands now, they just can't devatate me, as I don't give a shit about those halve-written characters which are left.

I was a bit sad about Adeline, but after a second I realized, that I just didn't like seeing a pretty face like that on a stick.

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