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The Watch 2021

this is garbage, not disc world

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As someone who has read the books multiple times and I will always give movie/TV shows a lot of leeway I couldn't continue watching this after the 2nd episode. I typically give a show 3 episodes to engage me, but after killing a ROCK troll with a CROSSBOW bolt it was just too much. You cannot have The Watch without Detritus. Detritus was the only character they got (sorta) right in the episodes I watched, everything was too jarringly different and made it difficult for a fan to enjoy.

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Didnt read the book, so had no expectation, its actually not bad, i like it, very different

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Shout by John McClane
BlockedParent2022-03-20T17:51:06Z— updated 2022-03-23T18:45:50Z

This is horrible trash. And it's obvious that not every TV Show from the BBC has the potential to become a cult show.

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This series is a perfect example of the principle that no matter how much talent you have behind the camera, if there's none in front of it or in the writers' room, you can't produce a worthwhile piece.

The production value is high, the cinematography is solid, the editing is tight, but the acting performances are tragic and the writing is dogshit.

The only reason I've even continued watching past the first five minutes is that I was an extra on the show, and I'm looking for my scenes. But I'm hating every second of it.

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Look how they massacred my boi :'(

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This show was a fever dream, honestly. It was like... a D&D group taking on a corrupt institution, but one of them is a rock.

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I've watched this all the way through. I've watched all the other Discworld mini series / shows that have been released to date and The Watch is the most disappointing. Just because they name a show to cash in on the popularity of a classic, funny, series of books by a true creative artist, Sir Terry Pratchett, doesn't mean it will instantly gain the same level of praise when the show really just gets hijacked by identity politics, bad acting, bad scripts by activists and not talented screenplay writers. Comedy is all about timing timing timing and this has all the timing of an abacus. If this continues to be the way of television entertainment, there's no point continuing with this lifetime hobby and passion. May as well paint or program apps instead.

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Not a bad show but also not great. It was fun and engaging, but it took me a few episodes to really get into it. They tried to inject some unique humor into the dialogue but it mostly fell flat (for me at least).

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Decent adaptation.

As fan of the books, some scripting choices threw me a bit, but eventually settled in OK, and come to enjoy the series as it is.

I really appreciate decisions made around gender identity: rarely even gets a raised eyebrow & then simply moves on, and then in no way lessens the experience.

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the series started well, but completely twisted towards the end of the season. I even thought for a moment that I was watching a Netflix production

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Was an enjoyable spin-off rather than book to TV, & I liked it.

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Really enjoying this show, the quirky characters are brilliant. Very interesting story line. :thumbsup_tone1::thumbsup_tone1:

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Its ok. Not sure its as good as the Discworld books. Doesn't lack in budget, but lacks in punch and general interest. Why do I care for the characters? I ask myself. I will keep watching hoping things will get soon.

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