I liked this episode alot. This episode is the episodes that describes why I like this serie. The bad guy is not just a bad guy, but he has a valid reason to do what he does. Even the "good" guys agree with him in this episode so they work together (which already was a nice thing to see). I hope the serie will continue with these quality of episodes and than this could become one of my favourite series!

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Damn that was a pretty intense ep!

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I like seeing the trio debating whether or not they should help Flynn in this one mission. It made sense to help, it could be that one movement that could make the whole thing better.
I really am curious to see what will happen next.

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Is the good bad and the bad good ?, winter finale with cliffhanger

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I don't mind stupid shows like this, i even enjoy it, bit this forced guy/lesbian crap in most of them just kills the shows for me. Do this episode was obviously my last. Only show i tolerate that is Brooklyn 99 and there it is at least little lesa forced. Get rid of that crap finally ffs

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Good episode. This and Legends of Tomorrow are the best time travel shows around right now.

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