Good first episode but I take issue with the plot line in Yemen. I didn’t believe there would be such easy access at a blacksite with people coming and going.

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Good opening episode with him being left to dry by agency

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At the moment it has not started badly, we will continue seeing

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This show wasn't "bad", but, seeing John Krasinski play against type casts a huge shadow. Even the people I were watching with mentioned it. Although, it is worth noting he was also playing against type in "A Quiet Place" and that I enjoyed. The sound mix also seemed very poor--- dialog was extremely quiet and then an explosion would be way too loud.

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Anyone else getting a silence of the lambs vibe????

I've read most of the Jack Ryan books and this series is doing them justice so far...

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I am convinced that the producer or the director are Hannibal Lecter fans... Because I got a serious silence of the lambs vibe near the end... I've read a lot of the Jack Ryan books, and so far this is doing them justice!

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Really nicely done this introduction of Jack Ryan to the TV-Landscape. This show definitely looks promising.

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Totally has the feel of "The Peacemaker" with George Clooney. Pretty good start.

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Whenever I see John Krasinski, I think, boy Martin Freeman ist looking young XD

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I liked the acting and how nothing about the episode appeared cheap. It was on par with a high budget movie or even better than most action movies these days. I never felt bored. I've not been to the Middle East but the locations there didn't appear fake, so even if they're not 100% accurate or were filmed elsewhere, that's a plus. What I didn't like was how the creators tried to imply that terrorists have a reasonable explanation for why they do what they do. While it may true in a few cases, it's unimaginable that the whole ISIS or Al Qaeda were comprised of them. There's nothing I know about bin Laden that would make him reasonably vengeful either. Moreover, blowing up buildings like the WTC or beheading American reporters is just nonsensical as a means of paying back for something the government might have done.

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Finally a good representation of the character, Jack Ryan. First episode had me hooked right away!

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The pilot alone is way better than the Chris Pine movie.

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I was hooked as soon as "Safety Dance" started to play.

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I'm hooked!!
I think the show is gonna be really good

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Fantastic series premiere! Despite being over an hour long, I didn't get bored once. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of this season, and I hope this show has more seasons.

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Not exactly what I was expecting... but seems a promissing show!

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A pretty strong premiere actually, had a few cliques here and there but nothing too damaging. John bought a lot of personality to the character Jack Ryan. I did find it a little boring whenever it cut to the character in Syria however. But the action was handled pretty well and I'm intrigued enough to keep watching

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