A bit of a slow start, but it set up what seems like it will be a promising season. But there was something different about it, different than the first season, something I can't explain. I have this feeling it won't be as immersive and enjoyable as the first season was. Of course, it doesn't have to be, but it is preferable. As long as it's enjoyable, I'm fine with it potentially being less enjoyable than the first season. Oh, and Noomi Rapace's character has already gotten my attention.

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Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2022-11-09T19:13:17Z— updated 2023-01-24T05:31:53Z

Holy balls. I remembered that the trailer for this season had me halted at just how bad the geopolitics was, but I wasn't prepared for it to jump into this inane plot where the government, of the United States of America, is in utter throat-clutching terror of Venezuela gaining nuclear power. It's utterly ridiculous and it jars me out of the verisimilitude of the show.

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Excellent opening for the season. I love the fact that they decided to film part of the episode in Moscow, very close to the Kremlin and inside the actual Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics, It's wonderful to see any American show feeling comfortable enough to be there, given the political climate. I think that they are also setting up the plot from The Cardinal Of The Kremlin for future seasons, and that's great. However, my sense of disbelief was kinda broken when I saw Bogotá standing up as Caracas, given that I know both cities and they are totally different in both landscape, weather and buildings, something that a little CGI could fix. Then again, the average American viewer won't notice that. The Spanish dialogues are accurate translations, and also accents.

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Sure let's make the government of Venezuela out to be a right leaning Nationalist party and make them the bad guys, since we all know that the actual current leftest government of Venezuela is just such a paradise! This episode has a complete different feel from the 1st season, and a large part of that stems from the writers expecting the viewers to conflate populist nationalism with socialism. The writers seem to have a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I did not care about the senator character at all, not enough back story. The only decent part of the episode was the Moscow portion. That felt like a Tom Clancy plot line.

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Damn the US gov provided crap security to Senator Moreno. Only if the senator was republican would he have gotten top notch security. Too bad...

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Happy Halloween! They released the show a day early. Not quite the bang start of season one but we had some catching up to do.

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The episode felt authentic and on point in its political assessments. The part about the politically inexperienced woman in opposition to Venezuela's leader "on the strength of not being an asshole" seems to have predicted the recent events in Belarus. The prevalence of corruption in a country like Venezuela made sense. The depiction of Russia was accurate as well, as the locations did look like Russia, some of the actors spoke the language fluently, while the ones that did not were still tolerable - it's quite uncommon on American TV or film.

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Shout by Jim222001

I forget where Jack and Cathy left off. Weird not seeing her though. Since he is married to her in every other movie or dating her at least.
The action scene in the end is like its straight out of Clear and Present Danger. It is still gripping though.

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Now in Venezuela, it starts well

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Jack is back! Woooo Hoooo

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