How I hate scene that coupe hugging in a dangerous situation that let to someone dies because of that but TV and movies keep on using them.

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This season plot feels a little sloppy to me...but now that we got some real action goin on and shit is heating up, I'm ready to ...well, take a break and finish up with The Blacklist series finale, give Secret Invasion one more chance, go for a walk, have a snack while watching Foundation Season 1 recap before the new premiere, then later tonight return to Ryan's ep 6. Got a busy schedule ahead of me :smile:

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Stupid. Idiotic. Horrible. Irritating. Bad!

That is five words right!!!

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What a mess of an episode.

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So, the contrived Cathy-subplot's done with... at least I hope so. And I still don't care about Chao Fah. And getting him out without the family... apparently not quite thought through. Overall stupid. I doubt, though, that Ryan, Mike and Chavez can so easily enter Myanmar, even with fake passports.

Don't care about Wright, either - she's not proven herself exceptionally competent in the job so far. I like Greer, although the decision to pull his son into his search is questionable at best.

Well, on to the finale...

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Is it even Myanmar? Doubt

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This episode was fun and that's a step up.

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