Shouts about...

Twin Peaks 1990

Twin Peaks is indisputably one o the greatest shows ever, however you have to watch it at the right time and recognize a few things.

First off, if you get to the end of the 3rd episode and you still don't like it, then it may not be your type of a show. That third episode is really the point where you find out if you'll like the rest or not.

Secondly, if you watch it and don't like it, then wait a couple years then come back. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have liked it if I watched it a few years ago.

Thirdly there is a noticeable drop in quality about halfway through the second season. Hammer your way through these episodes, do not skip them. I know they are painful to watch but the payoff is worth it. The show eventually does get itself back on track just in time for the final episode to be the greatest episode of any television show ever.

I recommend this show to everyone but that doesn't mean it's for everyone. Give it a shot though, it's really fucking good

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Has been one of my favorite shows since the day it came out and I've gone back and revisited it a number of times over the years. However, it's been a bit since I last did and I figured I'd better have a good binge before the new episodes come out. Gotta admit, I'm a bit nervous about the new season. This show has been a huge piece of my personal television culture and I'm not sure how I'll take it if they blow it. Might find myself heading to the hills in search of the Black Lodge or some other crazy shit. I have high hopes that won't be necessary, though. If you're a first timer just getting into this, I envy you in a way. You're in for a hell of ride!

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I wasn't alive when this show aired so I don't remember it when it originally came out. I got half way through the pilot, but the acting was so bad I couldn't keep watching.

Maybe if you remember this show it's still good, but if you hear about it and watch it for the first time now (24 years after it aired), it's not great.

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I couldn't force myself to watch it, Lynch simply doesn't click for me. No matter how hard I try to give his work a chance, I always arrive at a conclusion that he gives "thrift store Bergman" vibe.

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Probably my favorite show of all time overall. Quirky, Lynchesque, crazy good !

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The second season is rough. It's a little reminiscent of The Prisoner in terms of how clear it is there was no plan once the initial episodes concluded. The second season is messy enough that I've been really reluctant to watch the third season.

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first x-files, now this why does every 90s big show disappoints me?

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What a series, what a mood, what a everything! Hats off!

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It's... fine. I think a lot of my dislike of Twin Peaks comes from the creative tug of war that happened throughout this show's run. I like the David Lynch surrealist stuff, and I like the kind of teen drama murder mystery stuff, but trying to reconcile the two of them becomes a bit of a headache. I think it's worth watching, generally, but I'm not here for season 3. It's simply too long for what's there.

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Kind of dated now, but in its time a real game changer. I’ll revisit this through the years. Just so weird.

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It really has a nice concept. You can even find traces of this show in games such as Alan Wake or Control. However, my biggest disappointment is that Lynch doesn't know how to make up a story. Its structure is really weird, and sometimes you can't even focus on the main plot. He tries so hard to not to be understood. This turns a potentially perfect show to a mediocre one.

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After x-files season 2, and seinfeld season 1, I came across this series. I watch series season by season. So, after 1 season, i will go to another series. After I finished the series, i can edit this also.

Seeing david lynch and Kyle MacLachlan attracted to that show.

I always thought twin peaks was like some kind of mountains or another place like that but it was a town with lots of people.

Seeing 90s life is a bit interesting. The old style cars, clubs....

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For me this show changed American television from being juvenile and stupid. This was the first show that turned me into an adult, sophisticated man at the age of 13. It had one of the best ensembles every put together on the small screen. Huge gripping characters with a murder mystery that becomes darker, more absorbing and dreamlike before then turning into a dark universal story about good and evil. The music and Julee Cruise's voice haunts me still 25 years later as does it's ending that is gruesome and perfect at the same time. Beautifully shot in every single frame. David Lynch channeled my inner dreams for this eerie series that seem to become more relevant and logic for every new time I watch it. Even the slower soap opera parts of the show has it's charm and it's stupid comedy too.

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I was in elementary school when Twin Peaks hit the TV screen in Bulgaria and "Who killed Laura Palmer?" was the biggest question of the day, back there!
I remember also, that we were all scared of BOB...
I can't wait to see the last season...

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For all those lost after watching the last season (which I expect to be most of the people), I highly recommend to go and watch Twin Peaks overview by Corn Pone Flicks on YouTube. You'll appreciate it a lot more.

For those about to start 3rd season, I suggest condense viewing time as much as possible. There are a lot of characters and subplots that appear (or are introduced) In one episode and seemingly get abandoned until way later in the season , and it's hard to connect the dots even if you watch them in the same day, let alone with a gap of a few weeks.

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Anybody see the spoof Psych did of Twin Peaks? the episode Dual Spires.

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When Kyle is the lead, supporting, and other supporting actor in Season 3 and the Emmys still don't care

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Shout by McLambo

It took me a lot of effort to finish this show. I heard a lot of buzz around this, so decided I wanted to watch it.
Were the first 2 seasons do-able in terms of getting through them, the 3rd seasons was the real effort.

Wanting to know the end of the story I grinded through some strange, weird scenes (in terms of plot), only to be left alone with a great feeling of unpleasantness, and so many questions...

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I can safely say that Twin Peaks is my favourite show of all time. It's magical, funny, sad and stunning. Dale Cooper will always be my favourite character and I'm sure that I will revisit this amazingly weird world many times throughout my life.

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Twin Peaks was not only about Laura Palmer, it was about the demons inside us. I have no words. Twin Peaks is one hell of a thrill ride, amazing.

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Well.. I can't help feeling a bit let down.

I never had the chance of watching it when it first aired and I didn't have the opportunity until now. I have to say, in comparison to other works from that era regarded as classic, this one didn't age well at all. It's still good and all but it just didn't feel like a classic should have. It's odd, quirky and fun at times but it feels dragged too often. Maybe there were too many characters...

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Shout by Deleted

I remember seeing this show when I was a kid. Some if the odd characters has stuck in my head.
Now I'm watching this from start to end and I have to say, it's one of my favorite shows now.

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Shout by Deleted

The owls are not what they seem

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Twin Peaks is coming in Showtime!!! 2016

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Scary, weird, mysterious and dark while still humorous and fun. Still fun and interesting today. A true classic tv-show.

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Although the show was only 30 episodes, it was and still is the greatest show of all time.

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as the show progresses, the main storyline with agent cooper becomes more and more interesting as the other plotlines/subplots become a complete waste of time

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FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper: You know, this is - excuse me - a damn fine cup of coffee. I've had I can't tell you how many cups of coffee in my life and this, this is one of the best.

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The owls are not what they seem.

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There was a fish in the percolator!

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Shout by Deleted

This is going to be quite a ride. Do you feel it Zach? My coffee warned me about it.

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It all started form here!

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A true classic and must see for every TV show fan!

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Great setting, great cast, devolved into nonsense.

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One of the greatest shows ever :D

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I love it! Great setting, great cast!

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Best show ever.

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