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Twin Peaks: Season 3

3x13 Part 13

This show just feels like a bunch of random scenes edited together. Most of them don't even seem to have any purpose. I sincerely hope they end up making sense soon and that most of it is connected. I'm just constantly waiting for shit to happen.

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so much of this show has become dull and uninteresting. norma and ed never interested me in the original show and certainly don't now, nadine is a character ive never enjoyed at all, and much of this episode — outside of anything involving cooper in any form — falls insanely flat. there are some moments of intrigue, but this show just never feels how it used to

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Devon Larratt liked this episode.

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Another episode that was so bad it makes you want to give up all these years and 13 episodes into the new season later. This season really shattered Twin Peaks' reputation. I wanted to go back and watch the original series before this one started, now I couldn't care less.

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Shout by ksbrar

7 for the episode but an extra point for the return of Big Ed.

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Die beste Folge bis jetzt der 3. Staffel.

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So many bad decisions made in this return to Twin Peaks, but that song that James sings was the low point of the original series. It's beyond ridiculous now. While there have been moments I have truly enjoyed in the return, overall, I'm feeling pretty let down. Freaking sad face, man.

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Shout by Deleted

The question is, what id wrong with her that she Dienst seem to have any relation with Richard who is supposedly her son with Dark Cooper.

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Just you, and I. Just you, and I. Together, forever.

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It's like overdosing on Ambien without having to purchase any Ambien.

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It was so hilarious to watch James singing again with his female voice

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All I can say is that Twin Peaks fans deserved much more than this crap.

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