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Twin Peaks: Season 3

3x03 Part 3

I actually loved this a lot. Cooper's return was hilarious. Also, I love that the special effects look like they come right out of the 90's, the jankiness is still present in the best way.

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i dont know what to make of most of this episode, what it means or how i feel about it. lucy and andys moments werent too entertaining to me, but hawk was very fun to watch. kyle maclachlan was undoubtedly a shining star here. the acting is incredible, he commands every second on screen. the revolving door was particularly funny to me. im glad the run down old lady followed where he pointed and got a jackpot out of it, i think she needed that. very excited for albert and gordon cole, i adore albert and hes a character i desperately want more of

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"Is it about the bunny?"

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So good Cooper is struggling to come back to the world. But, still, this episode felt very weird and strange.

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I thought the old Twin Peaks was quirky but in this episode a guy shrinks a bit and then his head explodes and he turns into a marble.

Honestly not sure how I feel yet about the new supernatural angle.

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Lynch at his most self-indulgent in an episode that spent five awkward minutes or so in the eponymous town. In fact, we're three episodes into this thing now and have maybe spent ten minutes in any of the charming and quirky settings that I fell in love with alongside a young Agent Cooper. Heck, this thing so far has been entirely lacking in any and all of the sorts of people and things that made this show so charming and interesting and quirky in the first place. But it's doubling down -- heck, quadrupling down -- on the weird, almost as if Lynch is determined to ensure that no one can accuse him of going mainstream. A huge disappointment so far.

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"That's weird." You said it, buddy.

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Hello0o0o0o! - Agent Dale Cooper, 2017
That's a damn fine way to re-introduce Cooper!

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Lynch at his finest. Enthralling to watch.

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potentially the best episode of any show ever

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