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Westworld 2016

Anyone else totally lost the plot of this show?

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Nearly time for season 4,cant wait especially after believing it had been cancelled.

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WTF....a fourth season meant to be coming out?

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I watched the 3rd season wit so much enjoyment and now... I don't remember the half of it! But I remember that it was nice and the typical watering down (some big moments, a lot of low episodes), for a show that started with a BIG BANG!!!
I still want to see what is happening next, so I am looking forward for season 4!

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First season GREAT but everything else is just stalling crap. It never gets anywhere. Tries to thrill with expectations but it just gets boring as hell. Quit on Episode 4th 3rd season. At least the nudes kept me for some time now not even that.

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I doesn't look like anything to me.

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This being an awesome show, guarantees the idiots in Hollywood will cancel it because actors and writers will be forced to work. That always gives them the idea that their skills are more valuable than they actually are. When in reality, Hollywod Execs, and actors in general should be getting the message that most Americans actually don't give two shits for their opinions, or existence. We just want to be entertained with stable, consistant, programming, that includes long running eposodic shows, sans drama queens and over-inflated egotists. .

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Without a doubt the first season is the best by far - I fear we will see a gradual decline if season 3 is anything to go by, not that it was terrible by any stretch however it has a totally different feel to it, it's hyper violent and nowhere near as suspenseful or surprising which is disappointing. It's still a very watchable show regardless, and obviously I'll be waiting for season 4 to come with excitement - I can only hope it returns to it's beginnings more.

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It's hard to tell a story about the sense(lessness) of existence for 36 episodes. I notice a caesura at season 2, everything about motivations & characters' reason for action seems plausible, because it has to be. At least with season three, I lost connection to the characters. It was like being untrained my empathy for them (that's ironic, because it was one philosophical key access to the show). More and more it seems that I am watching a mix of Heroes, Terminator- The Series and Jurassic Park reboots right now & I must endure constructed twists. The mystery and real scifi was written away somewhere in the middle of season 2 imo. My calculation is as follows: 9+7+6+5 eq ~7 stars.

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This TvShow will go down in movie history as the "Blade Runner" of the XXI Century.

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The 1st season was so good but it fell to pieces in the 2nd. Now after watching the 3rd season I've lost all interest in the show. It's a damn shame.

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Just watched the pilot and I gotta be honest, this is the best pilot of any serie I have ever watched. Can't wait for future episodes.

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Westworld is definitely one of the best TV Shows out there! You’ll get completely addicted to this when you first have started! It’s amazing :see_no_evil::ok_hand_tone2:

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One of the best sci-fi TV show I have ever witnessed
Season 1 and 2 are easy 8-9/10
Season 3 was a little bit too far from the main story and was a little dumb 6/10
Although season 3 was a little low on story, it is still worth a watch and a re-watch for season 4

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If it would be just Season 1, rating 9, maybe even ten. All 4 seasons together more like a 7... Or 6.

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HBO does it again. Totally hooked.

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I was really disappointed to hear that the 4th would be the final season, but now that I've watched it, I think all the loose ends were tied. I had a great time watching this show. I'm definitely going to watch it all again sometime.

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By the 4th season, they forgot what "Westworld" stood for. I do not understand how this show got renewed by WB for 3 disappointing seasons. It was dead from the 2nd season. It had such potential but they always find a way to ruin things :)

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This series is highly overrated. Except season 1, it has nothing. Poor plot, can ask hundreds of questions that have no answer. I think the people who love this series, are hypnotized by 'Nolan' name.

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This is such a complicated and well-orchestrated show that you constantly have to think whether what you are seeing is actually happening or not. While the first season is the best, the others are still great, and it is unfortunate HBO canceled this show as we will never know the true ending of this amazing series.

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I enjoyed season 1 but season 2 feels more like I'm reading what's happening, rather than watching it, thanks to the excessive use of subtitles.

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I am honestly amazed at how bad season 4 is, even compared to how bad season 3 was.

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Good start, nice twists, but they lost me with the endless psychological cruelty, much like Handmaid's Tale. At some point it becomes something to get over, as opposed to be moved by.

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Beautiful and fascinating story
Contrary to all, I think the last chapters were even more interesting
I myself am not interested in western style, but I saw it again

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Admittedly, I am harder on this show than most. The first season was awesome. Second and third continued to decline and felt like a different show, but the newest had regained some of its footing and was ready to continue the series in a positive direction. It is unfortunate we will never see where that regained footing will lead us! Nevertheless, this is one your should check out if you enjoy HBO dramas, just be prepared this show does not receive a proper ending.

Average Season Review: 7.63/10

Recommendation - At Least Give it a Whirl (for HBO Drama Fans)

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HBO delivers again. The first season was amazing, and the best season of the series. After that it's a slow decline. Not that the other seasons were terrible or anything, they just couldn't match the level of awesomeness delivered in the first and the story just isn't as interesting after the second season. It's still a great show and I would recommend anyone to watch it.

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All the seasons have been great so far, but the last episode season 4 really kind of sucked. I'm not sure they're planning a season five,. Felt like it might be, but hopefully the last episode of the 4th season is not a sign it would disappoint.

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If anyone staring this show, I would highly recommend waiting till season 2 is over before starting. Season 2 has some bad editing. No visual indicator as to where in timeline things are taking place & every episode they jump all over the time line. By the time you figure things out, you have to wait a week to see the next episode & by that time you forgot everything from the week before. Just wait 2 more weeks. Moving forward I’m only watching this show after the entire season has aired.

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Got bored 5 minutes into the first episode, skimmed through, shit show. Nothing to see here!

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Luv the futuristic rise of ai beings

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Wow this first season was a great one. U really have to follow the episodes closely but at the end. Super!!

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Easily the best TV show in a long time. Superb acting and very intelligent writing.

I will have to re-watch this before the second season because it´s so complex I´m not sure I´ll remember everything when the time comes.

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Season 3 is absolutely horrible. not sure about this show anymore..

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One hell of a show. Engaging, enthralling, confusing, brimming with brilliant acting and sure to make you question what you just saw was real, but then again... "if you can't tell the difference... does it matter?"

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Brilliant first season.
Meh second season.
Great third season but meh X2 ending.

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\W/estworld give you such an amazing production, that even as a viewer its hard to tell the real apart from the computer made. The quality of the story is no less than superb. Cast are amazing - true, real, and believable every step of the way.

The plot itself is gripping and flowing. By the 2nd episode I'm hooked. I took a small break in the middle of the episode, and found myself just keep thinking about it.
You don't get "cheap" cliff hangers here like in the TWD (which I watch), but actually an ending for each episode.

Only thing is that they say F*ck just all the time, which I think even real people so say so much. Not including Irish.

Extremely recommended, 10/10.

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Season 1 was boring as hell...
Season 2 was confusing and makes no sense...
Season 3 is so violent, it shows so called heroes killing without any remorse...
I'm out... This series makes no sense...
Watch/play Detroit Become Human if you want something positive and real. Way better!
Loved the movie Westworld. This series is nothing like that...

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I don't want to jump to conclusions but from the first two episodes of season 4, it seems like the writing is back to being good again. So far at least even better than season 2.

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It's the best TV show after Game of Thrones.

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So complex, following what's going on takes actual work and you will be clueless most of the time but it is so worth it when it all comes together.

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Totally in love with Maeve <3

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—Let's give it a go

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Most overrated show on TV.

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Shout by Andreas Storvik Strauman
BlockedParent2019-07-26T15:26:01Z— updated 2021-05-11T13:46:33Z

Pretty daarn good. Definitely in my top 10.
It seems a bit stretched in the last season though.

Storyline quality: 10/10 (7/10 in season 3)
Characters: 10/10
Originality: 10/10
Acting, directing and technical quality: 11/10 (:raised_hands: extra point for Hopkins' perfomance)
Progression: 9/10 (It's fast. Almost a bit too fast)
Consistency: 8/10 (the plots changes quite a bit between the season, but here it could be a good thing?)
Intensity (cliffhangers, edge of seat and the like): 10/10
Drama: 10/10

(Please like comment if helpful, and I'll keep writing them this way)

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The first season was FIRE. 10/10 recommend. The second season was honestly so confusing that I had to look up everything on Reddit afterwards. That was kinda frustrating.

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I don't know what the hell season 3 was... But I do know we have 2 years to wait for season 4.
Will we make it?

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Shout by Emily
BlockedParent2022-10-27T02:45:45Z— updated 2022-12-07T03:14:16Z

Season 1 was amazing, but the rest is just a mess.

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Incredibly, intricately crafted first season. Emotionally riveting and grandiose second season, my personal favorite. Most recently, the innovative, visually stunning third season that narratively crumbles in the final episode.

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Every season just keeps getting better and better

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Worth the watch cause season 3 kills it all... What an epic anticipation from us

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It's so rare to find such jewel. Everything about this show is perfect. Stellar cast that superbly does the job. Not one bad apple among them. Script, dialog and narrative are finely tuned machines that deliver the exact amount of excitement needed. After watching only one episode I recommend this show to everyone because I know that it will deliver excellence throughout the entire season.

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A very compelling story! The acting is a welcomed treat and I can't stop watching it. Definitely worth a try.

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Shout by Deleted

This is absolutely my favorite new show. I would even say it is my new favorite show.

It's crazy to find out not all of androids are hosts for the park. Some of them perform other roles.

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season 1 was amazing but season 2 was a let down

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Season 1 was for the most time great.
Season 2 is the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen, trying to do something tangled and complex doesn't make it automatically cool. And that is what happens with this season, trying to do something cool and complex ends as nonsense trash.

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Shout by thoroc
BlockedParent2016-12-05T00:28:03Z— updated 2020-08-05T18:29:29Z

Big HBO production. Slow gripping storyline following both humans and android/robot/replicant. Probably the best show of 2016.

[Edit 2020] After watching the second and third season, I would recommend NOT to watch the 2nd season and ignore completely the 3rd one, despite the fact that 3 more season are planned. The reason is whereas the 1st season is close to the original material, the interesting bits of the slow 2nd season are dropped in the 3rd one and replaced by a very boring simplistic story line. I would go as far as comparing it to Altered Carbon (another science fiction show that has more emphasis on action and CGI than actual character development and story) . I have therefore dropped the rating accordingly.

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The first season was great and had me hooked pretty quickly with great plottwists. The second season was way more convoluted and I didn't care anymore about any of the characters. When season 3 aired I simply felt not interested anymore to go back to it. Such a shame of the great first season.

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one of the most entertaining piecies of film in the last 20 yrs

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what a shame for an excellent first season of a series like this. the first season is a 8 or even a possibly 9, but season is only about a 6.
S01: 節奏有點慢,濃縮點會更好

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I was lost for the first 5 episodes of the season 1 and than I just couldn't stop watching it. I literally was waiting to get home to see the serie. and then, for the end of the season my mind...just... puff... the best show ever!!!! after the Games of Thrones, obviously.

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Shout by Deleted

of the best series, but for season three I hope that mailin is still alive <3

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome but who IS thé dude in the final scène?

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Shout by Astrix
BlockedParent2017-03-15T11:18:58Z— updated 2018-09-11T05:49:55Z

If you love TV shows, you can't miss this one. This is a must. It makes you wonder about humanity and our future.
Unfortunately, as it goes on, the show gets lost in too many brain teasers which weaken its strength.

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Shout by فراس علي
BlockedParent2021-12-19T20:56:00Z— updated 2022-04-27T02:19:56Z

watch the series and make something in your miserable life

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In just one word....... PHENOMENAL!

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I'm in love with this show if this show was a girl l would fall in love with her

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Second episode"Chestnut" was much more interesting than the first episode, think it really has potential if the storylines continue to progress, or will it become just a weekly kind of futuristic "Fantasy Island"... Which could be cool, but not this show!

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OMG, loved the original film so was looking forward to this, it's brilliant and does not disappoint.

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Great show, Great Acting, Really interesting plot.

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Great show, Great Actors, 100% recommend this show.

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Well, this can't be not awesome, Jonathan Nolan knows his way around artificial intelligences.

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This show doesn't get to the point fast. It poses the same boring philosophical questions that you would get if you spent 5 minutes thinking about what happens if robots gain consciousness. The acting is great but they intentionally scatter the plot all over the place just to keep the audience in suspense for some stupid plot twist. A "just ok" season 1 and boring season 2.

This is just pretentious crap. It thinks it is something more than it actually is.

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I'm loving this show thoroughly!

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I'm watching it again, and damn it's so great.

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this show hooked me like no other since LOST. might not be objectively one of the best shows ever, but the pacing and suspense (and twists) all made it so fun to watch.

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So far its all good cant wait for next ep.

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Started out as a very promising show. Unfortunately, the writers care only about suspense and action instead of thinking the story through. In the end, the plot is ridden with holes like a Swiss cheese, bending rules however they feel like at the moment, disregarding everything established before. Shame.

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This is the kind of cerebral show that you expect from HBO and Nolan. I hope it gets enough audience to tell a complete coherent story.

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Wow, really cool! At first I thought "Cowboys versus Aliens", but it's nothing like that.
Very smart concept and I hope it goes on!

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I'm waiting for this series to bring something .. that something that's missing... it's still not there.

Not sure if it will live up to the hype they created around it, or it's just gonna be another 'Antony Hopkins is one of them' and killed Arnold kind of story.

Wake me up when it gets interesting.

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terrible show is this, waste of time.

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Very clever, very violent, very adult. It's the mystery and the depth that hooked me and kept me looking for the deeper story. The payoff was worth it. I was put off by the HBO-ification ("add more sex and violence, it'll bring in the viewers") that distracted from the heart of the show but I loved the actors, the framework, the reveals and the maze.

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Try to think while watching it, that they are "robots" not humans, that they are just programmed to act like humans not to think or remember things, but yet they start remembering things for the first time.
It's hard to try and imagine the feelings that they would have at that point, but they are still just only robots....

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feeling empty and amazed of how good this show has been so far, and wanting more too. just perfection, whoever though Game Of Thrones was the top tv show well they thought wrong. because this one is utterly PERFECTION.

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Watch Season 1 and 2 only

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Due to the bad reputation of 2nd and 3rd season i won't watch them. Also, and this is the most important reason, the 1st season is AMAZING and it could (and should) really end there. Yesterday when i finished it I understood instantly why the following seasons hadn't been appreciated in the same way: they aren't necessary, you can tell it even without watching them. I think it would be a perfect one-season-show.

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I'm instantly addicted to this show. Kind of wishing I'd waited until S1 was over before watching as a week seems like such a long time to wait between episodes.

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All aboard the mindfuck train! Fantastic show!

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Wow, very awesome show at every level. The proportions of good acting, writing, and art are very well balanced. I felt very well rewarded even when I guessed a plot-line and even when I didn't.

The show is very much a reflection of our humanity without all the filters and forced drama. The show drew me in almost all on pure curiosity and mystery.

Can't wait until 2018!

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Looking forward to Samurai World, Viking World and Medieval World :)

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Good but a little bit dissapointment

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Shout by Deleted

Destined to give Game of Thrones a run for its money, great acting, interesting storyline but vastly different from original movie starring Yul Bryner

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at the start i didn't know how i felt about this show, but watched more and more it grew on me.

This show has some nice twist and very good story line.

The Ending leaves you wonder what is to come of Season 2 and westworld anyone who wants to be hooked you should watch this

10/10 from me

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Shout by Deleted

Fantastic and immersive, a must watch for all.

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It was a good pilot. I won't say it was amazing. But I trust Jonathan Nolan. Let's see how it goes.

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The first couple shows will test your commitment, but just keep watching! It'll be well worth it. The show has tid bits that feel like other movies and shows plots but does a great job keeping itself in it's own lane.
The show is entertaining and keeps you wanting more after each episode. There lots of killing, mind-blown moments and lots of sexual content. LOTS.

With that being said, this is not a show to watch with the family lol. Still, a very good show.

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this show is the posterchild of not knowing when to end the show it could have been great if they would have done 3 season and never left the park but somewhere greed entered the picture they were trying to extend the show beyond what they should have and that did them in the story was really bad in season 3 and 4 and they probably should have never made those seasons I don't understand why showrunners do that isn't it better to make a show that is shorter and to the point not watered down it could have been a great show it was really well done

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome! I am in love with the show

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Shout by Deleted

Bit too hyped up for me. The show is ok so far but not so engrossing that I was not multi tasking between it and my laptop 6/10

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Shout by Deleted

I have to said this is the show i was waiting for, so awesome. i love it like everything HBO produce.

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