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Willow: Season 1

1x01 The Gales

So far it is hitting all the wrong notes with me. The dialog is bad, the humor is awful, the actors aren't great, the sets look bland and having pop-rock music for the credits leaves a wrong impression of what this show is. Oh, and that great reveal at the end - what a surprise. That was painted all over the episode.

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How many people are catching up on this this week since it’s being pulled? Standard fantasy fare with some pretty people (the prince who is definitely channeling Madmartigan with his sword flourishes), but a marked lack of Warwick Davis in the first episode.

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WTH did I just watch? Pretty sure they stole that one guy from Thunderdome and I'm not even sure what to make of "Double Zorro". The writing feels like someone pointed an AI at TV Tropes and said "Write me a script, baby!". The only good thing was when they cranked the brightness down to 20% to hide the effects.

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Leader of the quest had died and nobody mourned after him for a second. What a great script.

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Leader of the quest had died and nobody mourned after him for a second. What a great script.

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I'm gagged!! I was pretty sure she was Elora but I didn't think they were going to reveal it in the first episode.

P.S.: So nice to see old Willow. :heart_eyes:

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I loved this! I understand it has its flaws, but it's light-hearted and a great nod to the source material. I love the team-up, it feels forced, but the characters work well together. Shout out to Boorman! A Legend. Dove grew on me very fast, and I feel like there is more to her than we know. While I enjoyed Airk, I'm glad he's the one who got kidnapped. And the guard dying was so dry, I loved it. I expected him to perish, and he did only a few seconds after I said it out loud.

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Hey, this was a super fun sequel to a great movie of my childhood. I also thought the evil monster designs were fun and menacing but not too scary. The reveal that "muffin girl" was the baby from the movie caught me off guard. I thought it would be the redhead night. Yes, its a silly fantasy show and I am glad the writers stuck to that formula instead of turning it into something it wasn't 34 years ago.

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First episode was an utter snore fest. Randomly threw in a lesbian kiss scene too which wasnt called for.

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In comparison to some of the other commenters here, I actually liked this episode. I have never seen the original Willow nor do I know the story but so far it’s quite entertaining and interesting.

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Slow start till the attack and the quest commences. Feels cozy and nostalgic. Very Disney, so more for those of us who refuse to grow up or live in DnD-land. Does exist in a charmed and charming universe so deserves a break, even without undue expectations. I'll go along for the ride but I'm not going to worry if I have to press fast forward. Think of it as fan fiction.

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While the show does take some getting used to if you loved the movie. I think it does actually get better in the second episode. I also didn’t expect Dove to be Alora. I expected Jade.

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WILLOW was a favourite movie of mine, so I was excited when I heard they were making it into a TV series. Unfortunately, it’s badly written and even more poorly performed. Hopefully, it will find its stride, so even my rating of 5 out of 10 is hopeful it will get better.

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Another woke shit. Not finished episode one and it's enough for me. I've never deleted so many shows like in the last 2 or 3 years.

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If you tune your mind way back in time to the wonderful era of the 80s ... you can enjoy this a lot.

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It's silly and pretty ridiculous...but it's fun af and that's all I really care about. I'm down.

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this looks and feels cheap.

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Utterly disappointing (+ words to reach 5)

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Unlike Rings of Power this one told me at episode one that it would be utter shite. Thank you Disney for making this easy, 19 minutes in and it's bye Felicia.

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