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2x10 Love, Actually

Shout by Ki
BlockedParent2020-01-20T14:07:15Z— updated 2020-01-31T01:39:05Z

uh, so... they just left candace there, in the middle of the hallway of the locker room... and that's it? no follow-up? i hope it comes to bite them in the ass next season.

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The writer of this series is probably a psycho.Else how can anyone get so much ideas!All the episodes gets more thrilling with mind blowing twists.Please keep this quality in the next season

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We did not need that last twist.

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joe doesn't want to be the prey ,he enjoy to be the hunter that what they showed us at the end .
and they need to work on bodies problem , the logic is not there , its like police investigations don't exist here , so i hope season 3 will be better .

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how do they make all dead bodies go away like that? delilah, henderson and candace? ridiculous show... not gonna watch S3

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Shout by Nikkie

Eve4ything about this was so fucking awesome but that fucking ending ruined it. Seriously, you wanna have him fall in love with someone new every fucking season?

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I liked S2 way better than S1 but did not like the last scene much.
hope they don't start the same shit all over again.
I just can't get enough of Love, her acting is brilliant.

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Well, that was intense. Not sure how I feel about this season. It started well but I didn't really like the ending, I thought it wasn't believable. Now, with Forty, Candace and Delilah all gone, I'm not sure how they're going to keep this interesting. They were the only ones to ever have evidence on Joe. Here's to hoping Delilah's sister, Ellie, comes through in season 3!

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This show transformed its subpar source material of Hidden Bodies into a wildly entertaining season. Not everything worked perfectly, but the last three episodes were stellar and have me interested to see where things go next season, especially since it's uncharted territory.

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This was like psycho meets psycho. A perfect couple. And voila, the perfect ending. I enjoyed it. So much! Can't wait for 3 season.

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This Dexter for teenagers had some virtues in the first season, but this second one has some problems: Structure and characters that are very similar to the first season, useless characters (Candace) and some unlikely twists .

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“We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.”>
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

All of the people saying the last two episodes were predictable are clearly a lot more perceptive and intelligent than me because I was floored! And the final twist seemed perfect. Patiently waiting for season three!

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I was actually rooting for Joe all this time, but now, You don't deserve Love.

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I'm speechless. Just wow...

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The moment that Joe saw that Love is exactly like him, all the passion was gone because he wants a perfect woman, a idealized version that he painted on his sick mind and that's why he will never find and won't stop. I will say that it will be funny to see how he will deal with a psycho just as awful as he is, and a completely toxic and dysfunctional family.

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Honestly, Love turning out to be just as psycho as Joe wasn't so surprising, there was something about her that always seemed off. So, the twist wasn't great for me, and I hated that she killed Delilah and Candace. I just want a painful death for her in season 3. Joe can go to hell too. Forty was annoying, but didn't deserved do die like that too. Season 1 was way better for me. More consistent. But still one of the best and entertaining shows right now. Penn Badgley is so good in this, he is finally getting the praise that he deserves. And one more thing: Ellie was the best this season.

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What a load of nonsense!! This season was great overall but God damnit how awful and stupid that ending was

Love turning out to be psycho was really a turn off to me, it didn't make any sense but at the same time I was thinking it's exactly like how others view Joe, he seems lovely and caring but in reality he's psycho so Love was the same way to us the viewers since we only saw her soft/kind side throughout the season until the end, so yeah I'm pissed but at the same time I kinda get it cuz psycho people are great actors and manipulators so we the viewers got played by Love

Anyway I'm really excited for season 3, wanna see how 2 psychos will deal with each other

Great show

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Went to a place where indidnt expected it to go.

Good guilty pleasure.

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I was scared they were going to make Joe and Love come out as a lovely couple. Something that we would want instead of fear. They didn't do that, thank god. I lost all love for Love and where I felt myself leaning toward Joe more and more this season, they made sure that didn't stick with that end scene of him watching the neighbor. However, first season thought about Joe were that he was just a psychopath. Second season thoughts are that Joe is a traumatized man with severe issues and he needs help, ASAP.

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I have to say I didn’t expect this season to be better than the first one and to me it was!! That last twist I wasn’t expecting it but it feels just right that Joe feels like he is on a prison, after all he wishes he will be with a “normal” girl and instead of that he gets someone just like him just what he deserves...I feel bad for a Ellie though it was a great character and didn’t like the end written for her.... hope we see her on S3 if there’s a S3 at all

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Somewhat entertaining, but obvious and very predictable. Joe is now ”stuck” with a girl just like him, that does not sit right with him at all. Hopefully this can be creatively explored in season three. This season followed every rule for writing a basic story, and every beat is laid out right before us - always to know what’s about to happen.

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«Dostoevsky wrote, “If a man has a conscience, he will suffer for his mistake. That will be his punishment as well as his prison”».

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Wow! I was thinking this season was good but the last 2 episodes really brought it home. I started suspecting Love of being a psycho around the 3rd or 4th episode but I had no idea in the end they'd write it so well with good justification for why they both turned out how they did. Forty also surprised me and I was pretty shocked how good this season ended. The very final moment made me meh a bit, but I kind of think it's probably his mother next door and after this I have faith it'll be written well.

Overall i really think this season and episode were a homerun and even better then an already stellar season 1.

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Wow, didn't realize how much Joe was a hypocrite.

"Sometimes a man gets exactly what he wishes for and that can be the worst punishment of all. So karma and I, we're in a fight. Some people get what they deserve. Some people don't. And each day that passes justice seems more like a literary conceit." -Joe

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I was really worried at first that the change to Netflix would change the show too much, but it kept the exact same humor and vibe as season 1. I definitely enjoyed it.
After the ending I was wondering how they could make the new woman interesting and it could be his own mother he's stalking without him knowing it. I think that could be a neat twist. Even if that's not the case I still hope we'll get a season 3.

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The season started super great, by the end of episode 8 It was great still, the two last episodes were too "easy". the end left me with an bittersweet taste.

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Holy shit !! didnt expected this in finale , dont take me wrong but i liked this season more than season 1 , waiting for season 3

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