Four episodes in and for a while there the Pilot was my favourite episode, but this one is incredible as well. The story line with Mo is interesting and nice, but I also love Zoey trying to talk with her other neighbour. It's so nice to see kindness on tv.

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Incredible episode. Really loved the message. I'm mad I waited so long to watch this show.

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Trigger Warning: Amazing Grace/religious songs.

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Yay for the uplifting, tolerant message.

I would like to comment, however, that this episode has made me question my understanding of the term "gender-fluid". Mo has always been (so far) dressed and styled in a typical feminine fashion. Wigs, clothes, accessories, makeup, everything, The only thing even remotely stereotypically male thing about him is that he seems okay using male pronouns. But does it still apply when everything else about him is pretty clearly leaning towards the feminine side? I though gender fluidity meant mixing what is normally considered feminine and masculine. But perhaps I am mistaken.

Gotta say, also, I really liked how there was a good song variety this episode. The last couple ep. were not very varied in the song department.

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The weakest episode of the season so far is still much better than the best episode of most of current TV shows.

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I'll better stop if you are gonna make this series boring with religious stuff and faith.First 2 episodes was pleasant with good music and jokes.Now it's like a moral class

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