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Disaster on the Coastliner

What a little gem. A '70s disaster that contains most if not all of the hallmarks of that genre. And, it has WIlliam Shatner in it.

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Kaleidoscope: Season 1

Entertaining but...
1) If you're gonna do music in this particular manner somebody who knows how to do that right. If you don't have the budget for it, leave it out. Because if you do it wrong it will take me out of the picture.
2) New York is a "sanctuary" city. ICE isn't gonna roll up on somebody's house. Especially on a lawyer living in Brooklyn Heights. For that matter an FBI agent sitting in one of their cars will stick out like a sore thumb in that neighborhood.
Also, a federal agent isn't gonna casually back and forth between the Eastern District of NY (Brooklyn) and the Southern District of NY (Manhattan) and--OK, I'm getting pedantic but then set the story iin a place like Metropolis so that I know I should set my Fantasy Meter on 8.

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Kaleidoscope: 1x06 Violet

24 years ago is around the time Giancarlo was in "The Usual Suspects." For me this is the bad wig episode because most of my focus was on Giancarlo's ridiculous wig. (And in a few scenes you see Leo moving not as limber as a 24-years-ago old). This is my 4th episode.

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Edge of Darkness: 1x06 Fusion

Sorry but I just can't get over the puerile ending to what otherwise was a still-watchable series.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x01 A Normal Amount of Rage

Team Tatiana since Orphan Black--> my reason for watching.
I think Marvel Studios is doing a marvelous job with this adaptation of Shrek. I'm excited to see more.

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The Sandman

This was aiight. (Glad I consumed the Audible production ahead of this).

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Westworld: 4x05 Zhuangzi

For me this episode's combination of locations, production design and cinematography eclipse rather than complement the story (and dialogue) that's unfolding. (Is the creative side serving the story or merely indulging themselves?)

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D.B. Cooper: Where Are You?!

This could have easily been told in half the time or less. I liked the 4th episode because--for me--it contained some interesting historical information however it did nothing to move the documentary along

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Get Smart: Season 2

So it I think it's in the middle of this season where they really nail Maxwell Smart character as the annoying bungler. Also contains a brilliantly placed Asian sight gag that you could never ever even put on a set today. And that's followed up by an inferred (anti-asian) joke in a subsequent episode. And the return of Harry Hoo (doing an impersonation of the Sydney Toler version of Charlie Chan--I'm guessing). The Casablanca is a jewel in this series. Season 2 is far more watchable than most of Season 1 for me.

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Beyond the Rising Moon

This thing was so poor that I could only watch for 5 minutes at a time. (I don't remember how it got on my watchlist). I had to keep watching because I was fascinated with how bad it was. Needless to say, I made it to the end but it took me a couple of months. There's bad sci-fi from the 50's & 60'S that's far more watchable than this

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x03 Part III

How does it enter some underling's mind not to bow to Lord Vader after having received his instructions!!?? At this point in the Star Wars timeline I don't think Vader would let it pass. But this is what happens in this episode.

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Get Smart: 1x18 The Dead Spy Scrawls

Leonard Nimoy in a cool role!

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Get Smart: 1x13 Aboard the Orient Express

Love the Johnny Carson cameo.

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Alias: Season 4

Season 4, IMHO, plays like it could be an updated Mission: Impossible (1966). Moreover, I speculate that the Bad Robot folks that made Alias what it was 'til Season 4 turned their main attention to other projects like...Lost (2004)

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Alias: 4x22 Before the Flood

40 Minutes to save the world--and lots of time for misplaced tender moments and idle chit chat.

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Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel: 1x01 Lost in Los Angeles

What old building doesn't have a history? This one just happens to be a flophouse, located in the worst and most dangerous part of downtown Los Angeles. So when a single 20-something young woman from Canada traveling by herself enters into this milieu, what can go wrong?

And off your imagination goes. In the end, wherever it leads you would, most likely, be incorrect at every turn.

My annoyance at this series' constant misdirection and injection of unrelated filler material grew in it's palpabilty. If the doc were to solely follow the investigation and forensic evidence there would be at most an episode and a quarter of content.

For me there were two stories: 1) the sad and tragic end of young woman suffering from mental illness and 2) a cabal of "web sleuths" whose misdeeds and missteps led an "online community" to, in fact and in deed, ruin a person's life. Alas, rather than my focus resting with the tragedy of Elisa, I wondered which of the individuals that were interviewed had an active role that resulted in a singer/artist being falsely accused, having his livelihood ruined, him attempting suicide and being institutionalized?

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