

Québec, Canada

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
The Cell
Minority Report

A rough start (6/10) but it gets progressively better (7/10) and better (8/10). Minority Report has instances where it's borderline B-movie and a little too silly for it's own good which contradicts the rest of it which is highly dramatic and serious. The concept of a future where crime is stopped before it even happens is solid though and the different twist and turns they did especially in the second half kept me interested. I like some of the futuristic tech but stuff like the touch screen thing Tom Cruise uses at the beginning didn't age well at all and it looks silly. Two very powerful performances delivered by Tom Cruise, one is about anger and the other is about longing, it was so emotional I cried in the latter. Samantha Morton was great also. A little too long and it felt like it was going to end about three times but then there's another twist that keeps coming.

Dr. Solomon and Greta van Eyck belong in an Austin Powers movie!

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Dark City

"He can Tune!"

I didn't know the Harkonnen's could use the force.

I guess Alex Proyas really is a master of perfect lighting and dark gritty atmosphere cause this hits just like The Crow on the visuals and atmosphere level. It excels in that, the sets look great, the concept is interesting and the Strangers are a group of weird fascinating individuals. I'm mixed on the action sequences in the first two acts but the X-Men battle in the third act was pretty epic and destructive which was satisfying (a little laughable at times though). The mad scientist was alright but this movie is severely lacking in interesting characters. The plot was rather dull and didn't get me invested.

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The Strangers: Chapter 1
The Hidden

Men in Black meets Under the Skin and a dash of Kyle MacLachlan weirdness. Sounds like a winner but the mix of genres doesn't always stick together. There's good action sequences, a decent sci-fi concept and horror with nice practical effects but The Hidden doesn't offer enough of any of those, everything is half baked, unsatisfying and forgettable. The villain entity thing was pretty cool though and the score is something else. Didn't like any of the characters. Kinda lost me in the first half but the third act was entertaining.

Younger Lin Shaye jumpscare!

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Inside Out

When brilliant concept and brillant execution come together, they create something truly magical. A movie about emotions that made me feel all the emotions. One of Pixar's best, instructive for kids and fascinating for adults. There's something so nostalgic about it, the way we see Riley grow up and go through all these emotions and internal conflicts. The emotions constantly fighting, the core islands defining a personality, the stuff they did with the memory archive, imaginary friends, the ideas with the light bulbs... the mechanics of everything is just one of the best concepts ever and it's all fairly easy to understand but still profound. Loved the adventure with Joy and Sadness as they explore this fascinating world, the stakes are high if you care about Riley. Great animation, love the characters, nice score, emotional ending. Funny stuff during the credits, the dog part made me laugh.

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Under Paris
What You Wish For
War of the Worlds

Running after Robbie: The Movie

Trying not to think of Scary Movie 4 while watching this was the hardest part but once I started taking it seriously I realized this is great sci-fi. The first sequence with the Tripod instantly sold me, perfect entrance, so thrilling and such a cool design and sound. The fact that they come from the ground and not the sky is refreshing. Tom Cruise's character is alright as a main character but the kids are so annoying, especially Robbie, ruined the movie a little. Great action with the boat sequence especially and the basement part was so tense for so long. The third act wasn't as good though in comparison but still enjoyable. The red roots looked amazing and I love the idea of using blood as fertilizer. Nice look for the aliens. The effects still look amazing to this day. Didn't need the spoonfeeding narration at the end, we can put the puzzle pieces together mr. Spielberg.

Tom Cruise doing sandwiches and throwing it at a window is my favorite part.

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Deeeeelicious! Go in blind. Wasn't expecting this from a Tubi original. I was sold with that unpredictable twist in the first act, it's nothing original but so exciting and sets up some interesting character dynamics that had me entertained throughout. Good acting, nice bloody kills, a few surprising practical effects, cheesy in a good way, a bit slow in the second act, poor dialogue but hilarious one-liners, and a satisfying wild third act. Although because that first twist was so unpredictable, I expected something unpredictable in the third act but it's all predictable unfortunately—but hella fun!

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Your french is not doing good!

An average time travelling flick. I have trouble praising the concept, feels like i've seen it a few times before but they did a decent job with it. We get some unnecessary exposition narration at the beginning that I found lazy and this movie has some pacing issues. The first act was very fast-paced and a bit rushed, we're thrown into this so abruptly. Gave off some cheesy B-movie vibes at first with some laughable choice of dialogue. It gets progressively better thought and finally gets good once Emily Blunt enters the picture. Her character and her son are interesting and finally give some much needed character interactions for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character. He was alright in the main role, Emily Blunt is the best (the "getting lost" monologue was great), Bruce Willis is underused, and the child actor really surprised me. Good use of slow-motion in the staircase scene. The third act is a little silly and unintentionally funny (I laughed so hard at that futuristic bike) but I was fully entertained.

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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Great concept with the sun stuff that actually makes a lot of sense. The direction feels logical but I was bored a lot of the time. Quite the cast of future successful actors. The characters in here feel like horror movie characters, the actors portraying them are the only thing that drives them—who are they? Because of that I don't care for them and therefore i'm uninterested in who makes it. The importance of the mission and what it represents for humanity is something that's clearly established though and that's what mostly kept me going.

I love the set and the outside shots with the orange lighting. A few cool space deaths and realistic visuals. The space suits look ridiculous. Bad musical choices in some moments that contradict what i'm seeing on-screen. It does the Malignant/Barbarian-ish third act that transforms the movie into something else but unlike those two, it doesn't commit enough and isn't willing to change it's tone. We get serious scenes in the middle of ridiculous events and i'm ultimately unsure what to make of them. It also got confusing to me in the third act, not sure what was happening.

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Godzilla Minus One

Surface level drama, unsatisfying action, alright CGI, poor acting, cheesy characters and one of the dumbest plans i've ever heard to take down a Godzilla that instantly regenerates. The PTSD guilt trip storyline was interesting and I wish we got a bit further with that. I enjoyed the action set piece in the second act but everything else wasn't epic and satisfying enough. Although looking at all this with the fact that it's done on a low budget, I fully respect the effort.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x10 Life, Itself

Gravitational chaos indeed... thankfully the photon torpedoes terminated this black hole of a season.

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2001: A Space Odyssey meets Twin Peaks season 3. If you think that's a compliment you'll love Solaris. I think it's a strong recipe for boredom and pretencious nonsense.

I felt every second of this. It took 44 minutes and a 5 minute scene of just traffic before we finally get to space and I was happy for a second but then it's right back to the turtle pacing. There might be a great story hidden in there if you glue all the character interactions and story bits together but all the silences, slow talking, unimpressive visuals and slooowwwnesss in between ruins everything. It just couldn't keep my interest most of the time and never really earned it either.

The dialogue is well-written and profound but the character interactions are so weird, off, slow, like a fever dream. Ugly visuals whenever they show the water but the inside sets are nice and I like the variety of color and black and white filters they used. Good performances. Ok score. Incredibly long. Nice metaphor to the metaphorical metaphor there at the end.

Watch here:

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Shin Godzilla

When you ordered a Kaiju movie but you got an unfunny episode of The Office instead.

A refreshing twist on the Godzilla movies as Godzilla is now evil incarnate and must be stopped before he destroys everything. I love the new scary look, coming right out of a horror movie and the "evolving" concept is a great idea. It focuses on the government reacting to the crisis which is boring as hell and slows down the movie considerably between action sequences. Only three action sequences in it's 2h runtime—shame! The action we got was epic but weird, the laser sequences were so exagerated and silly compared to the serious tone in the human storyline. The CGI is nothing to praise. A spectacular score that amplifies everything and gives the illusion that this is a great movie. Laughable final fight, it looked and felt like a fan-made movie.

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The Fly

"Ready for a demonstration, kids? Here goes..."

Hasn't aged a day. The Fly is the best body horror of all-time, it's focus on Jeff Goldblum's perfect body slowly degrading is just genius. Some really gross and weird stuff all done with peak makeup and practical effects. Great performances from Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum who's very physical here and has nice dialogue delivery. Some well-placed comedy like that hilarious insect politician line, it all goes with the silly tone. I liked the journalism aspect at the beginning and the romance is believable. I have to say it takes a while before the good stuff starts though and it can be a bit boring at times but as soon as the body horror starts it got my undivided attention. I like how simple yet brilliant the sci-fi aspects are, very easy to understand and quite logical. The transformation scene has to be among the best practical effects ever put to screen. Just when you think that's got to be the final form, we get an even more impressive one after that!

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2024-05-26T19:36:00Z— updated 2024-05-27T22:37:04Z

"STEM, you can take over."

Excellent tech thriller, one of my favorites. You have a John Wick revenge story about a man who loses someone, getting an upgrade implant that's kinda like the symbiote in Venom, some robot action that makes me think of Terminator meets IP Man, in a futuristic dystopian setting similar to Blade Runner.

A very strong heartbreaking start for our main character that brings depth to the character. Great performance from Logan Marshall-Green who nails every robotic movement, is believable as a quadriplegic and displays a wide range of emotions. His quest for revenge is easy to root for and I was invested in finding the culprit. The detective character was a nice addition.

The action sequences are so fast, fun and satisfying. The camerawork isn't shaky or too close up, it's actually better than most action movies and follows the very quick moves with style. Love the modified human tech, futuristic cars, sets filled with neon colors, very suspenceful score, and quite bloody. The car chase and the final fight were my favorites. The final twist is maybe too much, too exagerated and obvious.

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A good concept but not the best execution. Brainscan is cheesy 90's teen horror but it's not nearly fun or entertaining enough to stand out in that subgenre. The acting and dialogue is terrible but I really like the score. Trickster does some cool tricks but he feels like Freddy Kruger from Wish. His interactions with Michael get repetitive and annoying. The CD-ROM, computers and TV did not age well but it gives it nostalgia. I see the necessity to include the investigation from the police because the objecive of the game is to murder without getting caught but that side of the story could've been better. Got boring from time to time. The reveal of who Trickster is followed by a few cool visuals was the best part. Good ending and begging for a sequel.

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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Children of Men
Total Recall

"I'll blow this place up and be home in time for cornflakes."

The first act did not sell me on this at all, I expected a better premise coming from a sci-fi classic. Granted, this came out before many other classics that did it better but Total Recall comes off as a bit generic for the genre (at least nowadays). Every aspect actually, the story had me bored at times and even the action scenes I found ordinary, I don't think i'll remember any of them for very long. What's memorable is the mutants, the cool Mission: Impossible gadgets, and the freakin amazing practical effects, miniature sets and one of the first CG scenes in a movie—huge respect for Rob Bottin and the whole special effects team.

Very average performance from Arnold and everyone else. The one-liners aren't that funny. I kept expecting them to do more with the concept of amnesia and memories but it kinda turns into a normal action flick and puts that on hold. The third act was highly entertaining though and I can't help but fall in love with the spectacular display of practical effects.

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"I have a terrible urge to port into it."

It's Cronenberg alright, it's weird, it's gross and everything is sexual. The concept isn't original by any means but the execution is alright. I found it highly captivating for some reason, I think it's the constant weirdness, Jennifer Jason Leigh's character which is mysterious and somewhat magnetising, and the way that it slowly unravels the mystery about the game. That whole first half you're just anticipating the game, waiting for them to finally show it. I wish the game was better in terms of visuals at least because this whole movie is visually forgettable and bland. The game was also boring to me, weird direction within the game. The sci-fi tech is the most interesting aspect, made me think of Crimes of the Future. Kinda mixed on the acting. Allegra and Ted are two completely different characters that make interesting character dynamics. A ridiculous amount of twists in the third act, mostly all predictable but at least something was finally happening.

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Hope and Glory: A Mad Max Fan Film

I've seen my fair share of bad fan films but this one's as good as you can make 'em. In it's entirety, Hope and Glory looked like Mad Max and felt like Mad Max. You get that Fury Road lighting with the orange and blue, the cars, the desert, the sets, it all looks the part. For a fan film it looks like it had a big budget because some of the sets and costumes are quite impressive and full of detail. The acting is a bit rough, the sound doesn't always match with the visuals, the story is alright but generic, commendable camerawork, and some decent thrills.

Watch here:

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The Strangers: Prey at Night