

London, England


Far too many sub-plots that have nothing to do with what we came to see. Started to feel like a soap opera instead of a proper tv series, so I decided to stop watching halfway through episode 5. Disappointing.

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Not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was high when I watched it though so that might have helped.

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Assault on Precinct 13

Terrible writing and cinematography aside, the aggressive and completely unnecessary sexualisation of the only two female characters in this movie made me feel like an SJW for the first time in my life.

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If Hideo Kojima directed movies...

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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Way too much unnecessary melodrama. I was basically begging the movie to end after a certain point.

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The Flash

This is easily one of the most exhilarating super hero movies I've ever seen. The storyline feels fresh and unpredictable, the action sequences have a fun and unique flare thanks to the main character's cool abilities, and the comedy was appropriate and didn't take away from the more serious tones. The only glaring issue was the movie's incessant use of uncanny CGI models for human characters. But aside from that, everything else was brilliant.

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Started strong with a decent cast of characters and a good setup, then quickly devolves into a dumb, hollow slapstick comedy with the most ridiculous antagonists I’ve ever seen. Their motivations where so nonsensical that they might as well have been replaced with a silent axe-wielding psycho. The synopsis describes a "fight for their lives", but the characters are unceremoniously killed without warning and are never given a chance to run, hide or fight anything. What a waste of time.

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Knock at the Cabin

The movie has an interesting premise but ultimately 90% of the movie felt like a waste of time because none of the major plot points had any effect on the ending. The audience is never left wondering how the movie will end because it's made very clear from about 20 minutes in that there won't be a twist. What we're told is happening... is infact happening, and it's just not very creative at all. All Shyamalan had to do was not show those ridiculous news reports and I would've given this a higher rating.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2022-09-18T12:00:01Z— updated 2022-10-11T21:39:40Z

This is honestly the best UFO mystery/thriller movie I've ever seen. Despite being a Jordan Peele movie, I didn't feel like I was being beaten over the head with racial politics and everything about the writing felt like classic Hollywood. The alien itself is extremely unique and genuinely terrifying. A must-see for any science fiction fan.

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The Lobster

A smart and hilariously blunt social-commentary on dating. Loved it.

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The Last Witch Hunter

This has the best world-building I've ever seen in a movie of this genre. Far better than Constantine or Bright. Unfortunately, the cliché plot elements and Vin Diesel's horribly wooden acting prevent it from being anything greater than average.

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The Voyeurs

Towards the end of this movie I was feeling satisfied with the plot and ready to walk away with several meaningful lessons, until the absolutely horrendous ending. The ending was so bad it felt like the last paragraph of the script was written by the writer's 13-year old daughter. Completely ridiculous, top 10 worst endings of all time.

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An extremely interesting concept that falls flat on its face due to some of the most miserable writing and directing I've ever seen. For a movie about a so called hunger strike, you would expect a harrowing, tightly-knit story about prisoners fighting to overcome various mental and physical obstacles while struggling to carry each other through the horrors of starvation. Instead we get a mismatch of completely irrelevant scenes with random characters, then a 10 minute montage of Michael Fassbender sleeping. A complete waste of time.

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Come and See

This movie makes Schindler's List look like a comedy.

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Holy shit, I was not expecting such an intelligent and subversive plot from a cheap horror flick. Everything that feels like a plot-hole or a piece of lazy writing is actually a subtle clue, and the moments where I finally understood each clue while laying in bed or taking a shower the following morning was so exciting.

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Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping

Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2021-09-04T00:01:42Z— updated 2021-09-12T15:50:53Z

GENIOUS. Andy Samberg is a parody mastermind and this movie had me laughing my ass off at the dialogue, editing and original music that perfectly spoof so many cliches in pop-culture that are still relevant till this day. Non-stop laughter, an absolute joy to watch.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2021-08-30T01:22:56Z— updated 2021-10-10T13:13:35Z

I feel like I just watched a live-action anime. On one hand it's pretty ballsy. But on the other hand you have to question whether something so obnoxiously unrealistic is actually good. I have to draw a line at characters being able to run, swim, fight and eat while also having large objects impaled through their guts. Or characters being able to suddenly become survival experts by taking drugs. The film is visually stunning and I'm sure film students will gush over it, but the plot is just too outrageous for the average viewer.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2021-08-22T14:40:24Z— updated 2021-08-29T12:29:56Z

I was somewhat enjoying the movie up until the incredibly boring third act. This concept is better suited for a television series, so we can see more cool demon-hunting and less deliberation about yet another evil entity that wants to open a portal to earth. Keanu was also quite sloppy in this, there are so many incredible apsects to the lore but Keanu sounds and looks like he doesn't give a shit about any of it despite being someone who wants to go to heaven so badly that he spends all of his time hunting demons. An actor who can properly convey emotions would've really elevated this movie.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2021-05-08T14:57:02Z— updated 2021-07-23T14:24:03Z

WOW, this was a very impressive cinematic experience. As a fan of the old Step Up films, the dance sequences alone where exhilarating and fun to watch, but the unique cinematography and masterful camerawork is what truly sets this one apart from others in the genre.

I don't think any movie has done the continuous-shot gimmick as flawlessly as this. The dramatic performances that are expertly interwoven throughout the movie had me on the edge of my seat, and I’m shocked that the casting director was able to find people who were not only terrific dancers but terrific actors too. The same can't be said for the Step Up films.

Also, the use of colour and music in this film cannot be understated. Despite taking place in one small building, the director and cinematographer make every room feel like a new world with creepy, dream-like atmospheres that the characters are able to exude, making for an epic yet claustrophobic journey. The only reason I don’t give this a 5/5 is because the plot itself, while unique, is not interesting, and there where no major events that stood out.

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I liked how funny and entertaining this actually was. The characters were great, and the fresh concept of child zombies really helps it rise above most low-budget zombie flicks. But at the end of the day, it's still a low-budget zombie flick so you probably shouldn't watch it if you're sober.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2021-04-16T22:43:54Z— updated 2024-01-22T23:26:22Z

I went into this expecting nothing new compared to the dozens of horror slasher flicks I’ve already seen, but I was genuinely surprised by how it began to exceed my expectations towards the last act, there are so many subtle gems in the writing and cinematography of this film that it had me so intrigued with its lore, more than I’ve been with any other horror movie involving a murderous demonic entity.

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The Big Short

A fun, quirky flick that does a great job at crafting an engaging storyline out of an otherwise boring and complex subject. Despite the massive cast of characters and side-plots, everything flowed perfectly and culminated in a fairly satisfying and thoughtful ending.

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The Hunt

Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2020-12-03T23:58:18Z— updated 2021-02-07T22:56:14Z

Now this was a pleasant surprise. I loved the effective balance of gruesome horror and laugh-out-loud comedy. The writing was incredibly fresh and smart with so many twists and turns that i never saw coming. My only problem was the pacing of the film, which made it feel like there where only two acts instead of three. But aside from that it's a solid flick that would be great to watch with a group of friends.

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At first i was worried that this was gonna end up being another silent art-house piece of shit like All Is Lost (2013) but thankfully it surprised me and turned out to be a genuinely thrilling and interesting survival adventure flick.

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6 Underground

I couldn't even make it past the opening scene before quitting. I seriously question the sanity of anyone who actually enjoys this garbage, especially if you're over the age of 13.

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Uncut Gems

Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2020-05-21T17:31:16Z— updated 2021-03-10T23:49:49Z

This movie is a gut-wrenching, heart-pounding thrill ride from start to finish. I swear i probably wouldve had an anxiety attack if i watched this in theaters.

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The Assistant

This is such an empty, soulless movie that wants to be deep but offers no substance at all. I really wanted the main character to uncover illegal activity at the company so i can root for her in her persuit of justice. But no, we get no concrete evidence of foul play at all and we're just supposed to believe that her boss is evil because he supposedly sleeps with a lot of hot women? What a waste of time, and such a missed opportunity at what could've been an interesting drama.

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We Need to Talk About Kevin

Expected an atleast semi-realistic portrayal of a vulnerable child descending into madness due to unfortunate circumstances (like an actual school shooter). Instead i get an episode of Goosebumps where a mother gives birth to a literal demon child. Completely ridiculous and unbelievable.

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Triple Frontier

A unique and well-paced heist movie that keeps you at the edge of your seat with realistic action and cinematography, moral dillemas, adventure and drama. The ending was a bit TOO unique for me though.

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High Life

Did i just watch 2 hours of a director's fetish? Such a pointless, boring piece of shit. The most disturbing part was how they kept calling the skinny white girl the "big booty girl". Some serious self-inserting going on here. Not surprised when i found out it was directed by a woman.

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