

New Westminster, British Columbia

Galaxy of Terror

This has very few redeeming qualities. The pyramid set design is cool.
I laughed at the monster attack sound that sounded like Scooby Doo eating a sandwich. All the characters are horrible at their jobs.

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Pajama Party

It's technically not part of the Beach Party series, but it's the same type of movie. Annette and other common actors have different character names, except for Eric Von Zipper and his gang.
Good fun, silly alien stuff.

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What a weird movie. Aimed at kids with lots of jokes only adults will understand. Lots of kid daydreaming sequences and strange stuff.

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Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears

It was missing the charm or something from the show. They tried to make an Indiana Jones movie starring Phryne. Convoluted, and the beginning sequence was far too much.

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It's an Adult Gremlins knock off with sex, drugs, and rock and roll. The Munchies drive a Gremlin, and the paper has a big Gremlin! headline on it. I enjoyed it because it knows it is campy and leans into it.

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A Brush with Christmas

I don't think these writers have worked at a restaurant, made risotto, or understand how acrylic paint works. The mother is completely oblivious to her daughter's feelings. The acting isn't the worst.

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Letters to Santa

If I read about this relationship on AITA, I would side with the mom. Dad sucks, and the grandma does too honestly. The children are quite annoying.

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A Merry Scottish Christmas

They spent some production money on that castle. This was much more about family, and I didn't connect with it. The bagpipes gave me a headache.

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Planet of the Vampires

It's surprisingly boring. I think they were going for tension, but it was just slow.
Nice costuming, interesting sets and models.

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