

Screen Maniac

The Butterfly Effect

Worth seeing. Even if you aren't a fan of Punk'd or Dude Where's My.. you'll enjoy seeing Kutcher in this role. The story is very gripping and almost makes you review how things could have changed in your life had some different events altered it.

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Big Trouble in Little China

While its looks may have aged, its sense of humour and style is as fresh today as the day it first rolled out in cinemas. In short, it's pure escapist magic.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon

Not a lot of credibility but a whole lot of entertainment.

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The Fly

"The Fly" is a very devastating film. Powerful enough, but not exactly pleasant to look at. Like only the greatest directors can pull this off, Cronenberg overwhelms the audience with a sublime mixture drama, mistery and repulsiveness.

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The way a comic book flick should be made.

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I caught a preview showing of Hancock tonight. I enjoyed it for what it was which is a fun, mostly fast-paced popcorn flick. The writers of the film also tossed in a nice plot twist that I didn't see coming but it turned out to work just fine.

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The Final Countdown

If you like time travel movies, its worth a glance but be prepared for a very weak pay-off at the end.

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The Hangover Part II

Just as outrageously messed-up as the first Hangover. Let the good times roll!

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Mrs. Doubtfire

"Mrs. Doubtfire" is an extremely funny and heartfelt film. It has tons of laughs as well as tears, this is definitly Robin Williams' best film. Watching williams do voices as well as play Mrs. Doubtfire is a real treat. Also the supporting cast of actors do an excellent job, I highly reccomend it.

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The Vikings

OK film but not on a par with the truly greats of the genre.

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Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Yes, same plot, but it still gets the same laughs as the first one did if not more.

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A highly creepy and original movie.

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Back to the Future Part III

A great trilogy comes to an End!!

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Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Kill Bill, both volume 1 and 2, is absolutely gorgeous! The art direction is beautiful! The camera angles are perfect... just Gorgeous! The lighting, the sound, the dialogs... and of course, the details!

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Beautiful cinematography, wonderful cast, but this Is not my favorite adaptation of Bram Stocker's novel.

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John Woo knows, if anybody, how to make good, stylish action. And that's exactly what this film is; good, cool, stylish action.

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Infernal Affairs III

I would conclude that the first one is like spicy cuisine which is strong in taste and quick in making one like it immediately if you can stand it. The third one is somehow a French cuisine where you have to be patient, taste it slowly together with the wine before you appreciate the marvellous cooking skills and feel the heart of the Chef.

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Infernal Affairs II

Unusually good prequel... I shall be interested to see if Scorcese's remake can come close.

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Infernal Affairs

A seriously refreshing police thriller that cranks up the tension to the max. There's no overblown gunplay or buddy cop crap here, this baby is tight as a drum and will have your nails down to the quick. Superb performances, a tight script and tense direction make this a winner in every department. Pick it up if you can, it's fantastic.

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And Then There Were None

Simply put, I've seen all but one of the versions of this film (Ten Little Indians (1966, 1989), And Then There Were None (1945, 1974), and yes, even April Fool's Day (1986)), and this is by far the least interesting... I recommend the first (And Then There Were None (1945) as the best of the bunch.

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Blood Diamond

The torturous road of South African diamonds to the greedy fingers of an indifferent world makes this new Edward Zwick movie one of the most powerful Action/Adventure/Dramas to come out of Hollywood in a long time. The perfect balance between entertainment and a thoughtful social commentary helps the center of the story to have a real heart and a palpable respect for us, the audience.

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Emmanuelle: The Joys of a Woman

It's a good sequel to the original, but isn't as good. When it first came out, it was plenty interesting, but after nearly 40 years, its flaws shows. Sylvia Krystel is even more beautiful in this movie. I just wish that the story matched the quality of the visuals, then this movie would have been fantastic.

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Well filmed and ultimately good sword and sandal epic.

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Night of the Living Dead

The budget was low.The actors were not the top of the heap,yet Night of the Living Dead is a very effective horror film.It was the film that no doubt set the standard for horror films of today.

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Dawn of the Dead

If you call yourself a horror fan and you haven't seen the original Dawn of the Dead, you need to get with the program immediately! No one messes with Romero, no one!

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If you like action movies, give Salt a go. Angelina won't disappoint.

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The Giant Gila Monster

If films are supposed to entertain, this will certainly satisfy fans of pulpy sci-fi like me. I can't honestly recommend it for those who do not enjoy camp and kitsch. Enjoy!

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"Airplane!" is, was and always shall be the master of spoof movies. It is single-handedly responsible for literally inventing a sub-genre of comedy. It is the ultimate Silly Movie. A satire of the disaster movies of the 1970s, particularly the "Airport" series, nothing makes sense and it doesn't need to. There's no real plot. Just laughs - and plenty of 'em.

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For me this is one of those movies I will come back to time after time. Long after the CG thrills of hyped fantasy movies and big budget Hollywood productions have faded and been forgotten, Amelie will still be jumping around in my heart, doing all those silly and charming little things I wish I dared to do too...

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The Goonies

So if you've not seen it do it right now, and if you have kids sit them down, hold their hand through the scary bits and enjoy!

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