

Viseu, Portugal

Eurovision Song Contest: 68x03 Final

Weak edition overall.

It's also the 2nd consecutive year where the winner is actually NOT the real winner. The jury needs to have less power. Finland > Sweden and Croatia > Switzerland.

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3 Body Problem: 1x05 Judgment Day

I can't believe that the Chinese adaptation somehow did Judgement Day infinitely better with a fraction of the budget :sob::sob::sob:

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3 Body Problem: 1x02 Red Coast

In Episode 1, they just pretty much skipped Ye Wenjie's backstory before Red Coast. They crammed everything into 5 minutes. Episode 2 is called 'Red Coast' but we barely pass any time at Red Coast base. Most of the episode is just present day characters talking and playing the VR game. In fact, we barely spent any time inside Red Coast itself. It doesn't even feel like a secret base/project. Besides the death of Ye Wenjie's dad - which wasn't adapted for censorship reasons -, nothing in this adaptation is honestly better than the Chinese version. I knew from the get go that 8 episodes, each with less than 60 minutes, would not be enough, but they are rushing. There's no way her character and motives will come across as understandable. This whole story is based on her past actions.

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Watching this series was honestly infuriating. The premise is fucking amazing, but its production is all over the place. Extremely slow placing, episodes without structure, corny moments where they shouldn't be, weird editing, terrible ADR and censorship. But even with all that, it still triumphs for me. From its story to the characters to the factions to the science and sci-fi elements; it's the kind of sci-fi that I like. I'm very excited for what's next. Maybe I'll read the books.

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Three-Body: 1x30 Episode 30

So, wait, did they forget about the countdown or did the Sophons just made that up?

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Three-Body: 1x20 Episode 20

Probably the best setup for an alien invasion of Earth that I've ever seen in sci-fi. It's so unnerving. Imagine having written records of your civilization dying multiple times because you live in a solar system with 3 suns. And you/nature keep coming back and pushing for a solution, only to realize that there isn't one and that you're about to be ripped apart. Now you have 1.5-2 million years to return and find a new home.

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The Little Mermaid

That Ursula interference and final battle was so stupid. I can't believe that no one in the writers room realized how dumb it was. This could've easily been Disney's best animated movie (not like I've watched all of them, but I was really loving this movie).

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Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Helga and Kida have definitely woken something within me...

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Treasure Planet

Yeah, I can see why this bombed. It's a universe filled with interesting ideas but it also feels incredibly boring and unsavory.

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The Lion King

Note to future self: never watch an iconic Disney movie you subconsciously remember in English again. It's not the language I grew up with and it sounded incredible wrong. The songs in English messed up my brain.

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The rotoscoping and poor 2D integration into 3D is nauseating at times, but I liked the main dynamic a lot. Rasputin was meh and that final confrontation was unnecessary.

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The Hunchback of Notre Dame

I'm gonna be honest. I don't like musicals. I very much dislike the idea and (general) execution of characters singing about their feelings and events, especially in public or along crowds. That said, something in this movie work. Probably the fact that it tries to be more serious than the usual Disney movie and the fact that its 2 best characters (Frollo and Esmeralda) have songs that I found to be incredible (that's a first). 'Hellfire' is quite easily the best I've heard thus far (and an actual masterpiece in my eyes). Esmeralda's 'God help the outcasts' is also extremely good. Nevertheless, that wasn't good enough for me. I feel like some of the songs could've been entirely cut (including the opening song) and the movie should've leaned more into its more serious tone. Removing the talking statues (or reducing their role) would probably be step 1. I feel like they do more damage than good.

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What in the actual fuck?????

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John Wick: Chapter 4

Honestly, I really hope that this really is the final chapter in John Wick's story. This series has become too over-choreographed, drawn-out and sometimes even goofy. There's no reason for this movie to be 2h50m long. The action is cool, but it also gets dull really quick.

Also, Rina Sawayama was really fucking good in her role.

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Requiem for a Dream

The amount of chills I get when I listen to Clint Mansell's 'Lux Aeterna' is fucking absurd.

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Shin Kamen Rider

Both Shin Ultraman and Shin Kamen Rider should've been TV shows. They possess too much content for a 2 hours film. That said, Shin Kamen Rider is far more enjoyable than the jumbled mess that is Shin Ultraman. I'm not particularly a fan of extremely fast paced movies, especially those that jump introductions and speed through character growth moments, but the way Anno directs live action movies (almost) always gets me. That said, I felt that the 3rd act fell kind of flat. It slowed down too much and without Ruriko to carry the movie (best character), it struggled to keep my attention/interest. Hongo just wasn't that interesting, let alone Ichimonji and Ichiro Midorikawa (KR:0).

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Loki: Season 2

So, I'm not a big fan of the Loki TV show. I thought Season 1 was hella mediocre and that it did Loki a disservice. As for Season 2, well, it's fine. However, I gotta give props to Season 2 because the difference in content, creativity and scale is just absurd. I like, and respect, that the writing team committed to doing something else. To pick up a mid work and turning into something that actually makes you engaged and think. There's obviously a lot of problems, and this season could've benefited from staying in the writers room for another year, but it proves that Marvel can still cook something interesting and worth people's time. Why can't their movies be more like this?

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The Spirit of the Beehive

Slowest movie I've ever seen. Not really a problem if I like what's on the screen, but I found it rather messy.

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Black Death

Thank you for not turning into some shitty supernatural movie.

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Haru was a weird experience. I usually like to go blind when watching movies, so I had jo idea what this movie was about. And for 1/3 of its run time, I was confused. And pausing a lot. But I also was captivated by its presentation. I've never seen a movie like this. Half movie, half text. It almost reminded me of reading a visual novel. It was really cool being in the skin of both characters by reading what they read at the same time.
However, I have to say that I was a little disappointed with the twist close to the end. I wasn't a big fan of bringing everything together. I liked the randomness of it all, so I feel conflicted about how to score this movie. I had no idea before (since it's a unique experience), so now, I'm even more conflicted. But I still like it. And definitely recommend it.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

The foundations for a great movie are all there, but barely any of them are used in an interest or satisfying way. Peach is the character with the most potential in here, and she's completely wasted. It's painful to watch. Bowser could've been better too, although he was easily the best part of the movie.

Also, the pacing of this movie is almost unbearable. This story asked for way more than 83 minutes.

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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

I was not expecting to like this, if I'm being honest. The first movie was pretty bad imo, but this one was quite good. It goes a little too hard in some aspects, but it's tightly written. I really liked that. Goldi was my favorite character.

Also, the production was stellar, especially the camera work. There's obviously an artistic whiplash with the first movie, but whatever, it looks incredible and I prefer this one.

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Marco Polo: 1x08 Rendering

I really dislike how little this show seems to care about Marco being the main character. He and the big events that surround him are always skipped or summarized for some reason. That attack on the Song capital city was important for him as a character, but we see nothing and are only told what happened and how that affects him.

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FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

When will this be updated? The episode titles are a complete mess and some knockout rounds are missing extra-time and penalties.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x08 Ribbit and Rip It

Daredevil is easily the best thing about this show. And it's not even close.

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House of the Dragon: 1x04 King of the Narrow Sea

Easily the best episode thus far.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

Incredible execution of a concept that has been abused in recent times in a pretty lackluster way. However, I still think that the movie is too overbloated and too fast paced. An extra 10 or 15 minutes could've made a big different imo.

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I vividly remember when I first watch the new Tomb Raider movie, and how disappointed I was at how they decided to bring the game(s) to life. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good neither. It was alright for what it was.
With Uncharted, I've never got around to play the games, but I know how praised they are, and looking at how bare-bones and unfunny the movie was with the characters and the treasure hunt, I can only feel sorry.

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Friends: 3x16 The One with the Morning After

Ross is such an idiot.

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My Mister: 1x04 A Diligent Lifer

My least favorite episode thus far. It's not, by any means, a big downgrade from the last 2 (which were brilliant imo). It's just that I have a really hard time connecting to the way South Korean society sees pride. It just doesn't make much sense in my head.
Then there's also the photography plot point, which was incredibly well set-up in the last episode, only to be resolved by another plot point that had never been mentioned before this episode. It's a story beat that came and went, and it didn't really do nothing. It felt really weird.

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