andrew nunes


Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 7x05 Draguation Speeches
RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 7x04 Fairytale Justice
RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 7x03 The Realness of Fortune Ball

it's funny, I might be the only person in the world who preferred this episode over the previous one. jinkx's performance in the last episode is more iconic and incredible than any performance in this ball, but I liked seeing the dynamics between the queens in the werkroom here. I was happy that jaida was rightly placed in the top two, I thought they were going to force raja there - despite her being the clear third place of the day for me. but for me, trinity won the lipsync, so it was strange to see jaida beating her. I'm excited to see how jinkx, shea and monét will perform in the next episode - these three are probably my favorites along with raja. and I'm sad that vivienne isn't shining as much in this season so far. she remains at the level of the queens but doesn't surpass them in any way... I'm sure it would have been a better decision in the last episode for her to have repeated the donald trump character, adding new twists and new jokes to it. what a great season this is.

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Ultimate Spider-Man: 2x08 Carnage

carnage deserved an entire episode just for him, but this episode is more about venom and the goblin than about him. misleading title.

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Ultimate Spider-Man: 2x09 House Arrest

this was cute but also too childish... why did they have them fight robots?

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X-Men '97: 1x09 Tolerance Is Extinction (2)

i can't believe they adapted this thing with wolverine... spectacular. what a wonderful series.

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X-Men '97: 1x08 Tolerance Is Extinction (1)

the two times I watched it, I spent most of the episode thinking it was a 7/10 episode, building a grand finale with this zombie chase that is cool but not as cool as famous villains or classic sentinels would be. BUT two things made the episode an 8/10 for me: xavier and magneto. the final scenes with magneto releasing his power, handsome spiderman appearing and xavier calling his x-men are top tier.

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X-Men '97: 1x07 Bright Eyes

rewatching it knowing what would be revealed in the next episodes, this episode got better for me. this is the best on screen version of rogue ever! total badass. the x-men rules.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 7x01 Legends

this is really one of the best drag race episodes in history. the cast chemistry, their performances, the surprises and the fair judgements were everything. so glad they got it right with the all winners format – at least for the first episode. this ep was shea's episode, she dominated it. i can't see a top four without shea, jinkx, trinity and monét, with maybe raja taking someone's spot instead – not shea's though, she's SO good at drag race

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 9x02 The Paint Ball

now I know more about what's bothering me this season. It's not being non-elimination - I think most all stars seasons would benefit from being non-elimination. in addition to not seeming like there's anything at stake, it bothers me that they don't give bottom placements. If no one went home but there was still a bottom two, I would love it. then in the last episode of the season the queens who were on the bottom couldn't compete for the crown somehow. something like that.

in this episode I was happy that the two right queens were in the top two, different from the first episode. but I would give the lipsync victory to plastique. and where is shannel? for me, she was the third best in the challenge today but she barely appears in the episodes. I want to see my queen! and I love roxxxy andrew, the winner for me. but I will be happy if angeria wins the season, as long as roxxxy is the runner-up.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 9x01 Drag Queens Save The World

that was ok... it's strange to see all stars emptied of its original meaning of bringing together stars. now it's more of a second chance than a reunion of fanfavorites. I like the non-elimination and the cast but I don't like them not winning any money in the challenges and the reviews being only positive. it deflates the meaning of the show. my favorite is roxxy, but I'm excited to see gottmik's runways. I like the humor that vanjie brings to the season and i'm interested in shannel's performance on this. In this episode, I don't agree with the top two - I thought plastique, gottmik and vanjie were the best.

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X-Men '97: 1x03 Fire Made Flesh

this episode made me so happy... it was like watching avengers infinity war or some episodes of wandavision... when you feel that the comics you read were also read and loved by the people who made the movie/show adaptation. it's so good and so faithful to what the x-men are, it's beautiful.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x16 Grand Finale

i can't believe it... sapphira and nymphia repeating the trajectory of shea and sasha. shocking. i loved this season so much and this was a great ending to a great season.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x15 LipSync Lalaparuza Smackdown Reunited

thank you producers, megami and morphine (and plane jane kinda) for a good episode. it must've been great to watch this in a bar.

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Sibling Watchery: 10x12 RPDR S16E11 - Corporate Queens

it works when monet isn't around bu it doesn't quite work when bob isn't around

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The Pit Stop: 18x09 Trixie Mattel & Luxx Noir London Gag Us! (S16E09)

luxxx is actually one of the best guests to the pit stop. she's one of the few that should be on every season of pit stop, along with violet and katya.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked!: 16x12 Bathroom Hunties

i love morphine love dion

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x12 Bathroom Hunties

I didn't expect to like this episode but it was really fun! the production and cast this season are great, truly one of my favorites ever. It is so satisfying that the judgment is being fair. I want sapphira to win the season, even though nymphia and q also have winner energy.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked!: 16x11 Corporate Queens

i actually love mhyia! and although i don't like this format of untucked, it gets better for me when there are only a few girls like this.

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Justiça 2: 1x03 Episode 3

okay at this point it just seems like cheap exploitation of sadness. tiring.

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Justiça 2: 1x01 Episode 1

It's not the best first episode I've ever seen, and the soap opera ending took me by surprise, but I found the proposal interesting and well executed, at least in this first episode.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x11 Corporate Queens

q is so weird. sapphira is my winner, nymphia is a sweetheart, morphine is a goddess i love, plane is kinda weird too, and dawn is not giving anything new. i love this season.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x10 Werq the World

I'm glad the show understood that we'd rather see the queens succeed than fail. morphine having her moment of glory in this episode was everything to me. he top placements were fair, and the bottom placements will forever remain in the imagination. for me, it would be fair if the bottom two were dawn and q, with dawn leaving, because even though mhyia has been in the season for way too long, she wasn't worse than these other two in the challenge.

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The Pit Stop: 18x07 Trixie Mattel & Orville Peck Do-Re-Mi! (S16E07)

i don't like orville peck as a guest, he's not as entertaining as brittany or t.s. madison

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Sibling Watchery: 10x10 RPDR S16E9 - See You Next Wednesday

they didn't seem interested in this episode

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x09 See You Next Wednesday

i love this season, i think it's on the way to become the best season since season 9 in my opinion. so entertaining. ok, i don't think morphine deserved this bottom placement, and in fact, i thought my mother sapphira deserved it instead. i just can't see sapphira's look being better than morphine's. but the bottom placements were correct and the results of the lipsync were also correct, which is shocking but i really like it. i love that rupaul is kinda being fair. not another kandy muse or silky staying when they don't deserve it. love it.

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The Pit Stop: 14x03 A Pair of Balls (S14E03)

they're right, either daya or angeria would be a better win for this ball than willow. production this season is weird.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 14x05 Save a Queen

bosco really deserved this win, she shined in the challenge. overall, i don't really like this cast and the production choices this season. i'm glad we have angeria, willow and kerri colby. angeria and kerri are the possible winners to me in this moment.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x08 Snatch Game

i agree with the tops and bottoms BUT i wish sapphira had won, i just think her performance gave more "snatch game winner" energy than plane's. it was a decent snatch game, not one person bombing. it wasn't spectacular either. i loved seeing mhyia in the top, she's a sweetheart.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x07 The Sound of Rusic

for me sapphira was the winner

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