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Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


My favorite TV shows and movies.


As I have a list here on over The World's from my eyes 1000 Greatest Female Musicians. So am I of course also going to have a list over The World's 1000 Greatest Musicans. Which has its origin in my project on Spotify over The World's 1000 Greatest artist. And if you compare this projekts. So is it many more profile pictures of the men than the women. And that is littel sad, But, as this is a movie database, so is not a suprice. About 30 % of the artist/groups are also missing from this site The position that every men then have on this list are you going to think around whit a littel salt spoon - to use a Swedish expression. But the rules for this project, are really sencer. And they are:
1) Every musican have to be on my spotify-list over The World's 1000 Greatest Musicans
Or so could they be in a group that I have on this list
2) All men have their position out of how we read a text. And that is from left to right.
3) To make it more interesting so are every 50 men from Sweden.
4) I don´t give a dam about if the men have a profile picture or not.


Alright, when it comes to outline every actor to his post in this project. So is it not something that you do »over a coffee break«, to use a Swedish expression. Because, there are always going to some people that thinks that you are »utterly behind your float« - to use a different Swedish expression - over that you for exampel have John Krasinski as No:10. in their minds is he not higher than 150.I have therefore several criterias to counter this kind of attacks. And first is my age a factor, because you don't watch the same kind of movies when you are a hardworking 50-year-old man, as when you were a strong minded teenager. Yes, I watched almost only action movies in my teens, and then was Bruce Willis my idol. But now, when I are over 30, so is my film taste very different. Yes, ten years ago would I never see a black & white Polish road-trip drama about a nun, who are trying to find her parents' grave, Because she has been told by her liberated aunt Wanda (Agata Kulesza), that her real name is Ida Lebenstein and that her parents were Jews, who were murdered at the end of World War II when the country was occupied by Germany. So, since the beginning of the 2010´s have I seen many movies from independent studios. Which all you movie geeks here out in cyberspace probably see, when you browse through the list's first 150 actors. Or?, what do you think yourself? Well, that's what I have been doing. And secondly, so are the actors ranked from the relations that I have to them from my own personal opinions. And thirdly, so are the actors ranked [after careful consideration], from their profil pictures here at Track. And since we best read a text from left to right, so are this list also constructed from this view. then ranked from how their faces are facing on this paige.


Hi! And welcome to this list över The World's 1000 Greatest Actress. Yes, it really is a big project. And I started to rank and outline every actress to her utterly precise position on this list since April of 2018. I have also spent a lot of time on this project, since we here in Sweden had our first big outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in the spring of 2020. And during this time did I think a lot about how tough it must be for these folks to always be »on top« of their acting skills and their »social radiance«. So, they can stay in the »lime-light« amongst the world's leading actress and »be on good terms« with the general public around everything that they consider that a great actress is. No, it is clearly not easy in our very performance driven society. Yes, you really have to be »straight at your craft-work«, have a strong glow and not put yourself in any dubious situations [such as getting arrested for driving on the influe-nce of alcohol]. And of course, you must have starred in at least one great movie. And around this topic [what is a great or a poor movie], is it maybe as many opinions. as the amount of people here on earth! Therefore, so consists this list solely of the actress that I [and no other], rank as The World's 1000 Greatest Actress. And they can be from a great TV-series, a trendy theatre, or a good Game. Because, in my mind is their job no different from what every »ordinary«, are going through, to shine in a movie. And sadly, have some of these women not a profile picture here at So, for a while was I thinking to »skip over« these women, but they are too great to be omitted. And finally, so have I to apology for my bad english, because at this moment have I not had some help from my aunt, so until then so is it maybe a lot of errors in my in my grammar.


Alright. Here is my list of Sweden in my eyes 1000 greatest female actresses. And if you have been inside and looked at my other lists, so should you be very aware by now, about the many hours, that I spending, to put together this ranking list on my spare time. But you newcomers are maybe thinking that it can´t be so much difference between actress number 345 and 346..But you are now seeing a list from a person whit a NPF-Diagnos, and we are littel special when it comes to how we aare seeing things compare to you - how are normal. One of my criterias are for example that I rank this actress from their profil pictures here at Track. And since we best read a text from left to right, so are every actress in this project thereby ranked from how their faces are facing on this paige. And some of them are not born in Sweden. But their are on this list as their either livring in Sweden right now, or so are them so famous in my country for their role, that I didn't know before I read about them, that their was not born in Sweden.


Alright!. For you, how have been watched my profile before here on You maybe are think that I am crazy. When I spend a lot on a list about The world's 1000 Greatest Directors. As it is not a innovative concept. And that's true.But this is not an ordinary "Greatest-his-project". NO!. I have 4 complIcated criterias for "my" directors. And these are:
1) Each individual on this list is attatched to a specific movie that they have made.
2) To make it really interesting, so have this project three categories. We have 1) Male directors, 2) Female directors, and 3) Swedish directors.
3) I do not take into account the popularity of these filmmakers, although it is really difficult to avoid.
4) I also don´t give a dam about this peoples film genres. So, all kind of movies styles are allowed/ represented accept porn.


If any of you people here in cyberspace - who right now are reading this text have been here for a while on my page and checked my various lists, so can you see, that the main criterion for this list is the same, as my list over Sweden's 1000 greatest female actress. Because, even though it is easier to place a male Swedish actor next to a foreign one, so it is not a dance over red roses, to use a Swedish expression. So, in order for me to someday be able to complete my list of the worlds’ 1000 most prominent male actors, so did I create this list from the October 1, 2021. And as you can see, so have I almost collected 25% of the goal of getting 1000 actors.


To keep track of all the documentaries that I think are really bad. And who will never be able to qualify on my list of The World's Greatest Documentaries, I have created this list. Because otherwise it will be easy to sit and do a big double job


A great movie poster is like a skillful striptease: As it grab your attention and give you an idea of what the movie is about, and what it like you to feel without revealing too much of the plot. So they are created to hook your interest but leave you wanting more. And as you going to se. So is it movies from a wide variety of genres on this list. And some posters are just as—if not more—memorable than the films they advertise. And I have searched through hundreds of movie posters and picked out the one that I think are the most beautiful and creative poster designs of all time, Many of this movies have I therefore never seen. So I don´t know if they are great or not.
