


Depp V Heard

This just reminds me have fucking grim it was watching this trial happening in the background when everyone decides to defend a known and proven abuser.

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An interesting premise, that while weak in areas, is an overall enjoyable romp.

Season 1 had a bit of an issue with a lack of confidence in the vision and their ability to tell a story in a continuous fashion. It used Aaron Mahnkhe as the Narrator, who told bits of side history alongside the main story. In the second season, this was dropped, partly because of a stronger direction in the main story being told, but it did lose a bit of the charm, especially the additional context Mahnkhe was ale to provide.

The first season felt like an exploration of why we tell stories, and how there is a common motif linking otherwise disparate stories (they tickle the same fears), while the second season is just a straight retelling of spooky or creepy stories from the past.

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This feels like a show that was such a blast to film, that no one expected that editing it all together would lead to a boring and unengaging mess.

It's a game show where the rules seem very dumb, the contestants play second fiddle to the hosts, and any and all tension is immediately wiped out by every round of 'challenges' just being a series of cut together clips of people flinching.

This falls completely flat, I would not bother watching or humoring this at all.

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13 Reasons Why

This was a steamy pile of an out of control train wreck.

Poor and unintelligent writing, a pretty reckless approach to the subject material, and a whole character or utterly unlikeable and sympathetic characters.

Just avoid, no work the time.

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