


20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

I really like the original story, it's one of my favourites. But somehow I just couldn't keep my attention while watching this one.

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The Vanishing Prairie

I never knew Disney made these True Life Adventures series, but it was great to see. For the time the images they shot are great, I also love how they added animation to it.

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The Living Desert

I never knew Disney made these True Life Adventures series, but it was great to see. For the time the images they shot are great, I also love how they added animation to it.

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Peter Pan

Never really been my movie, but it is a fun one to see. And the songs are great.

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The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men

It's different than the other Robin Hood movies I've seen. It's fun to watch, but not very special.

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Treasure Island

Yeah, not really that interesting. Nice try though,

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Who doesn't like Cinderella? These songs also get really stuck in my head.

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The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad

I could've done without seeing this one. Neither of the stories really interested me.

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Melody Time

I've seen it last week. I know I enjoyed it. But I can't remember it at all.

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Fun and Fancy Free

I love the first part with Bongo I really like, the second part with Mickey.. Well, not my favourite of Mickey.

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The Three Caballeros

A lot of music, quite fun, but you've seen it after you've seen it once.

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Saludos Amigos

It was fun to see how they did research back then, but otherwise not that special.

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It has it's cute moments, but I don't really need to see it again and again.

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Somehow I never ever remember how this movie plays out. It's just not that memorable.

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The Reluctant Dragon

Not really a movie, more of a documentary. A really playful way of showing what happens in creating an animated movie at that time.

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A different way of looking at classical music, I love it.

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Pinocchio never been my favourite, but the movie ain't that bad.

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

It stays a classic, definitely worth a watch.

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King of California

Not sure what to say, Michael Douglas plays his character very convincing? The movie couldn't keep my interest.

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It looks amazing, graphics are awesome. Otherwise I didn't find it very impressive.

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The Game Plan

More fun than I thought it would be. Pretty nice to see once. It was really sweet.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

I'm a crazy Harry Potter fan, I never get enough of them, can watch them over and over. Somehow, this one doesn't fall in that category. It's fun, but not like the original HP series.

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Bad Hair Day

I've seen way more fun Disney Channel movies. You can skip this one.

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The Back-Up Plan

It's fun. Not special, good to see once.

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I've never seen the original Annie, bus this one was a lot of fun.

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Pitch Perfect 3

At least the first two were somewhat believable. This one was just over the top.. The music is good though..

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Four Weddings and a Funeral

I normally like movies with Hugh Grant a lot. But this one was terrible.

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Never Been Kissed

I have to say.. it was very uncomfortable watching this movie.

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That was better than expected. After what I heard about it, I thought it would be very Mean Girls like, but it was very different. Good movie.

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The Theory of Everything

That was a very sweet movie. The acting was amazing. That Jane Hawking is an amazing woman.

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