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Omicron Persei 8

Inside No. 9: 9x04 CTRL, ALT, ESC

inside no 9, I see what you did there.

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Inside No. 9: 9x03 Mulberry Close

it's been such a long time since I have enjoyed a tv episode heaps while disliking the characters so much. well written, small episode.

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Inside No. 9: 9x02 The Trolley Problem

so far this season seems more conversational then previous seasons. I am less intrigued by the twist then the characters and the ideas they allow me to ruminate on. this felt grounded. part of the feeling may come down to the editing and direction as it isn't rushing anywhere but consistently building but never feeling long, in fact I was shocked the ending came so soon. perhaps this reflects the creators mindset knowing this will be their last season for at least now.the ponderousness about these first two intrigue me as to what Reece and Steeve might do with Christmas specials or after a break.

all in all not yet a favourite....yet. there is nothing mind blowing here, no massively surprising twist just thought fodder and that's something missing from most tv these days so in that regard I guess it's pretty special

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Zorro: 1x01 The Chosen One

a mostly in offensive show with a comic book feel, bits of a CW show mixed with a hint of telenova.

This won't be the worst thing you watch this year but it won't be the best. The show kept me wanting more and is a bit of a guilty pleasure. it's full of tropes but has some interesting characters even developing more depth to some. in some ways it reminds me of early "arrow" with similar plot contrivances, plans that only make sense if you don't think touch. but who cares if you can suspend judgement and your understanding of physics it's pretty enjoyable.

the final EP is a bit sloppy and although I enjoyed this show overall I have no desire to watch next season

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Would I Lie to You?: 17x09 Sam Campbell, Will Mellor, Kimberley Walsh, Charlene White

nice to see them enjoying themselves with this one. no best moments here for me but a genuinely pleasant episode

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Frasier: 1x06 Blind Date

I have been rewatching the original series and am struck by how much this mimics a classic style ep but with a little twist. while this is one of the best so far it is merely a mimic of the style and doesn't have the depth of the original. I was very disappointed by the end which felt really clunky.

on the plus side it could be an indication of a better season next year.

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Frasier: 1x04 Trivial Pursuits

there were some nice moments here and a bit of the classic whodehouse/frasier misunderstanding I like. while this show pales in comparison to classic frasier or even cheers it has the potential to become it's own thing. this episode gave me hope that the show could become solid in season 2. even some of the hammy/poor acting is reduced.

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Futurama: 8x04 Parasites Regained

this appears to be evidence that chatgpt is writing scripts. something happens, misunderstanding, something else happens etc. There is also a joke that is delivered too late. it's quite an accomplishment - poor timing in an animation

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Not Going Out: 13x06 Beep

So disappointing, these actors have really dropped their game. They have trouble with their lines, goody face expressions and timing. it makes the writing appear worse. this problem happens across the board with all the actors, last week I noticed it was especially bad with Lucy's parents, Toby and wife so it may be direction. this one was baaad.

Lucy and Lee have a terrible relationship no matter what other characters say. At this stage I think the best thing for this show now would for Lee to become a widower.

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Inside No. 9: 8x06 The Last Weekend

This show brings so much out of a small cast and set.

A good reminder of the curse of holding grudges and not dealing with trauma. The overly convoluted nature of the plan highlights this in a way a simple one wouldn't. I found it thought provoking, sad and disgusting. this episode does a great job of including character behaviours that look different in hindset. I saw a couple but am sure more would be noticed on rewatch.

Overall I felt this season was a little weaker than others and I don't think there were any episodes that were laugh out loud funny which I missed. I enjoyed it nevertheless and still feel these guy's produce the finest example of this kind of TV today.

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Inside No. 9: 8x05 3 by 3

originally advertised as "Hold on tight" an episode based around "on the buses". instead a game show episode 3x3 was shown.

if watching when first televised it would have been confusing as it mimicks the classic British game show so well. The episode title & description has since been updated so some of the excitement of watching at premiere has been lost.

minus this premiere confusion the story is pretty simple and by itself wouldn't rate high for me or be one I rewatch much. I do however admire the risks and creativity this team continues to take. It keeps me watching this show even when the episode doesn't work for me. If only I could watch these at original broadcast.

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Kongen befaler: 7x01 I am not there, I am here!

a series of decent tasks and some good moments. I enjoyed this more than the first Aussie episode. it was nice to see Ollie in a new dynamic and it almost has a feel of the advisor who has guided a young king who has just come of age and is finding his way. keeping this in my mind makes it more fun for me. the new TM is still finding his way and does not have command of the room yet and his judgement of
tasks is a bit timid. some of the tasks have been edited in a way that kills understanding of the thoughts of the contestants which is disappointing. overall ok and I am hopeful that by the end of the season Bard will come into his own.

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Resident Alien: 2x04 Radio Harry

An improvement on the last few eps. For me although this show was always substandard with a few fun bits and a tny bit of charm. Much like "no tomorrow" was. Ultimately like that show I realized my life was richer without it and this is where I stopped. it feels like it is built for the binge and consume model and there's too many already. it's a pity as I hoped in the second season it might pull a Seinfeld and up it's game

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Taskmaster: 14x06 Long-legged Lobster

wait...what?, standard fare from this show but still fine. few challenges really showed different problem solving but we got o see more of the contestants characters

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Doctor Who: Special 210 The Power of the Doctor

Terrible episode and possibly the 2nd worst of all time (inc that I have seen from classic who) Some very exciting moments which really mean nothing. You may get to the end feeling the excitement but think about it for a minute and you will realize how paper thin the writing and characters were.Turn off your brain ad enjoy stuff but you probably won't want to watch again. Chibnalls writing is too sloppy for my Tates with artificial tension and techno jaargon solutions and it iss such a pity from someone who was a fan.

plenty of 'memberberries but previous writer's have got so much more out of much less.

Once again I feel we lost something special by not seeing more of Paul Mcgan onscreen. He may have been my doctor. The twist at the end indicates to me how far this show has fallen that they need to take the step they have.

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Avenue 5: 2x02 What an Unseasonal Delight

so disappointing. there was a rich vain for comedy and suspense but it wasn't mined. I suspect the writers don't know how to write for such a large group of characters. this could have been the opportunity to focus on a smaller group. why do we need to keep flashing back to mission control when nothing really happens but breadcrumbs seemingly for future events. the attempts at world building is fair but it fails and ruins the tension.its a pretty average episode overall.

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Our Flag Means Death: 1x01 Pilot

reconsider all ye who enter 'ere. I am a fan of many of the actors here but they seem mostly miscast. pooor and unstable characterisation, mostly unfunny, and writing where things established in characters or the world are rewritten to bend around the story. some cool ideas but ultimately unfulfilling. shows like wrecked and the Mick handle the constant changes in fortune much better. this could have been so much more. I am hoping better writers are employed for the second season. kudos to the effects and set departments. very impressed with them for this small show. less so with the costumes with tees and Bikie leathers and other anachronistic elements being used. I wanted to like this so badly.

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Parks and Recreation: 7x13 One Last Ride (2)

Terrible ending borrowing the mechanisms of a clipshow but with new content. In wanting to give every character a happy ending the episode appears it was just the creators getting off. Lots of emotional argumentation a happening here rather than good story. This may have been more appropriate as a short form web series.

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The Grand Tour: 4x04 Carnage a Trois

I really enjoyed this episode but I consider this a comedy show and not necessarily a reflection of reality. I think that's the key. The classic nature and their response to real and almost believable covid restrictions gave it a fun feel. It is nice to see people have fun with cultural views and also surprisingly kind as well. Being of neither culture and looking in I get to see a window into two.

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Only Murders in the Building: 2x10 I Know Who Did It

looking at all the positive reviews of this episode leads me to ask.

Are we watching the same show?

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The Orville: 3x03 Mortality Paradox

Shout by aztele

ok episode, if not redundant in some areas. There was more opportunity to learn the fears of the different characters and it is disappointing that we didn't. I think this may have been better with less people. the central premise is thought provoking but others have done it so much better. philosophically it is as deep as an egg cup but not offset by comedy.

Deconstructing what it is to be human is the only way "to evolve" and get peace. come on man.

the twist was nice to experience if it didn't feel like a way to fill the last few mins. overall much better than the first two episodes for me but still sitting around meh

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The Orville: 3x02 Shadow Realms

meh. Some ideas that failed to sprout into anything worthwhile. lazy writing and no fun. I'm going to give this one more ep before giving up on the show. I feel they have lost their mojo.

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Barry: 3x07 candy asses

wait...was the elevator scene a composite or green screen? it looks so fake and the eyelines don't match. Acting in an age of covid??? it was really bad

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Severance: 1x05 The Grim Barbarity of Optics and Design

I enjoy this mystery and the character interaction and don't mind that it's a slow burner as the mystery is becoming secondary for me. I am a little disappointed in the ricken character as he is too weird for my liking for an outsider.

I am not sure why but it reminds me a little of the original Le Femme Nikita and The Prisoner.

Nice to have something more unique on TV. Hope it doesn't go up its own backside and outlive itself.

p.s. I'm calling it now - ms cobal left the book behind :monkey:

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Severance: 1x01 Good News About Hell

To me great science fiction asks interesting questions, is philosophical and not about the special effects. This therefore has lots of potential for me. In this first episode i liked the slower pace and how information isn't shown till it needs to be known. I worked out what was about to happen when it was about to happen and not before but it was somehow fulfilling. The end however was a little less fulfilling. An enjoyable first episode though I am worried it's walking a tightrope and may fall flat. So far I am liking it and appreciating what is told with seemingly limited resources. Very atmospheric and with a unique feel and potential.

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The Orville: 3x01 Electric Sheep

Did not enjoy this overall. Some nicei deas but no joy. I really grew tired of Isaac last season and hoped he'd be gone. the episode title is a bit of a give away tho. I think the show could be better without him.

on the plus side some nice action scenes at the start with some great acting.

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Barry: 3x06 710N

such fantastic work for a 30 min tv show so amazing! Lucasfilm should get these guys to do their chase scenes.

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Not Going Out: 12x06 Tent

Amazing what they fitted in this episode given the length. An enjoyable episode with more real stakes then usual. I think the best this season.

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Inside No. 9: 7x02 Mr King

wow. this one was a surprise. good use of British folk stories. I feel it was the most disturbing one yet. glad I didn't watch it before bed.

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Inside No. 9: 7x01 Merrily, Merrily

A decent episode with an ending I expected from the start. An episode like this is better than the vast majority of shows can do but left me wanting. as always great acting, characterisation and directing. I feel like I had a better idea for this ep. I suspect rewatches will lift my view. I like PuMa2006's interpretation.

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