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Hannibal: 2x02 Sakizuke

"I believe you" yessssss! thank you Gillian Anderson!

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Hannibal: 3x07 Digestivo

1) The pig. Shocking. Amazing. I don't have words
2) Will taking a bite. WHAT. Amazing.
3) The ending.... that's love. Hannibal is in love with Will, no doubt.

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Hannibal: 1x01 Apéritif

Re-watching this show, and am reminded of how incredible and amazing the pilot was. Absolutely stunning visually, great acting, and an engaging plot like nothing else.

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Modern Family: 10x12 Blasts from the Past

Another episode of Mitch and Cam lying to each other? How original

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Hannibal: 2x09 Shiizakana

Nobody fucks with Graham's dog, especially not some otherkin nerd!

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Hannibal: 1x07 Sorbet

Gillian Anderson is the absolute best, I love that Hannibal has got his own psychiatrist

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Modern Family: 10x13 Whanex?

All the storylines in this episode were a bit meh, but I liked Gloria and Phil's ending!

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Modern Family: 10x14 We Need to Talk About Lily

All of the stories in this episode were cute, aw.

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Modern Family: 10x11 A Moving Day

Mitchell and Cam's relationship is one of the unhealthiest I've seen, my God...

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Hannibal: 2x08 Su-zakana

That ending scene between Hannibal and Will gave me goosebumps.

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Hannibal: 2x05 Mukōzuke

Hannibal does the MOST. Such a hard-working man! Jeez...

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Hannibal: 1x05 Coquilles

It gets... more boring. More dramatic, less horror and thriller-y. I really appreciated Bella as a character.

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Hannibal: 3x10 And the Woman Clothed in Sun

Shout by lene

I was more disgusted by him eating the drawing than Hannibal eating people, but then again, some art work is more valuable than some people

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Hannibal: 2x06 Futamono

Dr. Bloom and Hannibal... the self-cannibalizing... THE LAST MINUTE OF THE EPISODE?? Where do I even start? There was so much interesting stuff going on!

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Hannibal: 2x03 Hassun

I don't really see Hannibal's motive yet, but everything is just gold.

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Bridgerton: 1x06 Swish

so we're okay with daphne essentially raping simon? ok then .

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Sex Education: 1x05 Episode 5

haven't cried this much in an episode of anything in a while, than I did when the eric thing happened. and the ending warmed my heart <3

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 4x12 I Need a Break

As a person with BPD, I've never felt more personally attacked as I did by this episode !!! The episode is too accurate. Also, thanks for finally getting back to the core of the show! It's been a bit dull up until this point, and this episode nails it.

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Hannibal: 3x02 Primavera

I might be biased due to my own homosexuality, but this seems very homoerotic. I bet 10 dollars Hannibal and Will will become romantic as shit throughout this season. Also, great episode! I love where this is going

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Hannibal: 2x01 Kaiseki

This is a good start of the season!

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Elementary: 6x16 Uncanny Valley of the Dolls

This episode was funny as heck

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BoJack Horseman: 5x06 Free Churro

favorite episode of the show, so far!

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 4x11 I'm Almost Over You

NATHANIEL. MY BABY. MY SWEET BABY. I wanted to cup his face and tell him everything was okay. Also this episode blew my mind, holy shit! Wow, just wow.

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Hannibal: 2x10 Naka-Choko

Damn, that scene with the bed... Is there homo-erotic subtext or am I just imagining it?

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Dear White People: 2x05 Chapter V

Joelle is a feminist icon, change my mind.

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Dear White People: 2x01 Chapter I

This show is just as good the second time around. Samantha crying over the monkey-tweet is one of the scenes that have sat with me the longest. It's just beautiful and thought-provoking.

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Hannibal: 1x03 Potage

(Upon re-watch) I completely forgot that Abigail knew (or had a feeling about) Hannibal being a serial killer. The ending keeps the suspense well, but sadly, this episode was a bit slower paced than the first ones. Possibly due to the lack of a new killer?

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Glee: 4x04 The Break-Up

This was the last episode I ever watched of Glee when I was 12 (I'm finishing the show now to have watched it all and be done with the show). I get why little me finished it here because damn, this episode is heartbreaking. I still can't believe the show actually went through with this episode.

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Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers

I like the bi-ish, poly-ish #representation for my own sake, but it could've gone much darker. The two guy friends thing felt a bit too safe, it would have been much darker had he met a character in there that real-life player turned out to be 12-13 years old. Or if they wanted to experience more, and much more intensely, so they would've have gone for animal-like characters or child characters (I'm thinking "the last of us" or "beyond: two souls", leading to the whole thing becoming grey-zone pedophilia. That would've been more exciting that going for a biscurious approach IMO. Or having it lead into a proper discussion on how the bodies of these hentai/cartoon/video game women ruins his relationship to a real woman (his wife) due to expectation and addiction or SOMETHING. It felt a bit flat to me. But at least it was cute.

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Making a Murderer: 2x10 Trust No One

Do y'all notice how the documentary QUICKLY glosses over things against Steven? Like when his fiancé left and said she thought he was dangerous, and that he’d hurt her if he was ever released? They spent /maybe/ 2 minutes on it, which is a great contrast to this episode using SO LONG on Bobby's porn use. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think a woman’s testimony to her partner’s violent tendencies is more credible than a porn search history... What teen boy DOESN'T watch porn? In my teens, I knew lots of boys who'd watch gore-y porn. Evidence my ass.

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