

up north

The Fire Within

one of the worst adaptions I've watched. I gave it 2 and not one because I liked Ronet's performance and the beginning scene. the score was also nice. otherwise a really badly executed movie.

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Pete Davidson: Alive from New York

my baby !!!! so awkward, so funny

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Carnage: Swallowing the Past

had to rewatch this movie. it's my favorite "vegan movie" to date. very underrated within the movement!

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Freddie Mercury deserved better. Hell, all bisexual men deserve better than this piece of horse shit. Excuse the language, but fuck this movie. I cried throughout the whole movie, but for the wrong reasons. I don't even know why I bothered watching this.

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Velvet Buzzsaw

Is bisexual horror a genre? Cause it's certainly my favorite one. Morf is a bisexual, feminine, intellectual and a character that says much about the elite art world. It's also a nice horror, not scary or revolutionary. Aesthetically visually pleasing, and good acting!

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Green Book

This was so heartwarming and funny! I don't know much about how Italian-americans dealt with oppression and such, as I don't particularly know much american politics besides modern politics and the civil rights movement. However, I think this movie perfectly captures what lower-class, (second-degree) immigrants / Italian-americans can learn from lgbt+ black folks, and vice versa. I did have a problem with how the movie breaks down black stereotypes, but still has Mortensen act the most stereotypically Italian-american I've seen in a long time. oh well. it was a great movie!

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Wow, the movie was funny, captivating, and beautifully shot. The ending blew my mind. Never forget Charlottesville, and never forget the black sisters who built the Black Panthers. The women were the main organizers and members of the organization. Don't you ever forget it. The movie would've gotten 10/10 if it hadn't been cop propaganda (ACAB) and if the Jewish character would've been played by a Jew for once, and not just a white man with a big nose. Anyways, great movie!

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A Star Is Born

Shout by lene
BlockedParent2019-01-28T01:47:29Z— updated 2019-07-13T20:35:23Z

y'know how Tarantino usually manages to put a foot scene in every movie he makes because of his foot fetish? I think Cooper might have a nose fetish.

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La La Land

I just don't like it. Maybe because I don't like jazz. Maybe because the songs are forgettable. Maybe because Gosling's acting was okay at best. Maybe because the romance is based on an affair (I don't think cheating is romantic). Maybe it's because the singing was just plain bad. I just did not enjoy it at all.

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The Favourite

I don't even know where to start on this movie. The cinematography, the plot, the costumes, the soundtrack and the acting are all the best I've seen in a LONG time. This is one of the greatest movies I have ever watched. I could elaborate, but it would take up all day. And as a young, gay woman, thank you for making a lesbian couple that wasn't just for the male gaze, where one didn't die off and where the story wasn't just about them coming out / discrimination. Yes to more movies of people who just happen to be gay and that's not the point of the story! Cheers!

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Call Me by Your Name

Don't know what to say that haven't been said; beautiful cinematography, a beautiful score and great acting, especially from Timothee Chalamet. The movie still gets a lower rating due to the romanticization of child abuse and pedophilia. At least Lolita acknowledges that it's wrong, in this movie, even the parents are okay with it. It might be my fault for watching such a triggering movie, but it left me in tears and in need of several breaks due to the sexual abuse trauma. I still recommend it thought, due to the acting, and if you're not a child sexual abuse trauma survivor, seeing this movie will probably be a good experience. I would add that my partner, without my trauma experiences, also found the sexual scenes very uncomfortable due to the predatory aspect. But I don't consider this a bad thing, as Lolita and En Affære both have these, and are magnificent stories/movies. Watch at your own risk!

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6 Years

Shout by lene

It's a good movie, but I can't stand the cheating, the abuse and most of all the lack of communication. It is just unbelievable to me that a couple would date for 6 YEARS in our hook-up culture, without once being faced with challenges like "what if it gets boring"/"what if one gets tempted"/"don't you ever feel like you miss out" until 6 years later, and then they're not equipped enough to deal with it!? A more realistic approach would be a teen couple dating for a year, and then handling those challenges. The ending is also incredibly dumb, as well as how the physical fighting always ends when he gets hurts, and she takes the blame. Pushing her when she said don't touch me? Well, she'll push him away and he'll happen to get a concussion so it'll be her fault. He punches her face? Well, she'll push him and he'll step on glass and so it'll be her fault. It's very one-sided, to the point where you think the movie is written against her. Has Hannah Fidell dated a girl like her, or been the other girl in a relationship like this? It sure feels like it.

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Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

Surprising! I'm not usually a fan of sci-fi, but I liked it. It was fun, but I probably won't watch/play it again. It also got a bit boring and repetitive.

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Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2

Not only is this full of pseudoscience and bad advice, but it offers nothing new that you didn't get in the first movie. If you're gonna preach bullshit, at least make it interesting! Giving it a 2 because the animated parts are cute.

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The Bye Bye Man

You'd think this horror movie was made in the early 2000s, not 2017. Boring and unoriginal. Props for a mildly diverse cast, though.

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Meh, this movie was a 1 until halfway through, where it became more than just poly-propaganda (heh, funny word). Way too long, but got an extra star rating due to the great visuals and editing.

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Very funny, but a bit too childish at times. Pegg and Frost has the same, undoubtable chemistry, but it doesn't feel as good as their other movies together, due to Rogen being put into the mix.

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The Conjuring

Overhyped, but still a decent story. Probably won't watch it again.

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The True Cost

A good and convincing documentary that sadly gets a bit repetitive and boring. As a piece of information on convincing someone to drop fast fashion, it's great; however, as a movie, it's not the best documentary I've seen by a long-shot.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge

I have never seen a more (unintentionally?) homoerotic horror movie. Reminded me a lot of having to deal with my gay identity in my teens. Horribly homophobic though? But still a hilariously bad movie, I would recommend this for a marathon-party with your friends.

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22 July

This was a really hard movie to watch, especially because I have been to the island during a Socialist Youth summer camp in 2016. I can't give this movie an unbiased review, or rating. I just want people to know that the feeling of happiness before the shooting, the camp fire and the football match, that still happens every year. We're trying to take our island back, and we're succeeding. For socialist, social-democratic, and green youth, this island's name will return back to being synonymous with joy one day. I was too young to be politically active in 2011, but looking back upon it, I hope our comrades who lost their lives are proud we're still using the island for summer camps, and not letting the tragedy stop us.

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