

The Void

The Unnamable

The Unwatchable.

Horrible acting and bad directing. All the sound effects are repeated with a nonsense echo and reverb, even if they open a door or a book page, that makes totally no sense.

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The Invisible Guardian

The acting is very bad and forced. It seems that they tried to use the book directly instead of making an adaptation as it used to happens with other story-based films.
The edition is more than worse, it has a cold-blue palette that paints the actors face blue, the trees and the forests too so you are more close to the world of Avatar than a Mystery film.
The supernatural element... I think that is something that doesn't fit in this type of Mystery because I consider this piece in that genre than a Thriller.

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Goodnight Mommy

I agree with the comments that said that this movie is too foreseeable but there are a lot of sub elements that, even having an idea of how the movie will ends, the development is very interesting.
The cinematography is very beautiful and the sounds are very well recreated. The acting of the three main characters are glorious and, even if you think that you know what is going on, the viewer has to pay attention of the different keys that happens because not always something is what we think/believe it will go.

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Village of the Damned
The Wicker Man

Shout by BigHorrorData
BlockedParent2020-03-09T18:00:58Z— updated 2023-12-06T11:02:41Z

Strange and entertaining piece from the 70s that has a lot much hidden that what we can found in other pieces of this sub-genre. From Edward Woodward´s play as the astute Sergeant to the matchless Christopher Lee as the hippie Lord, every character in the plot is a piece in this mysterious puzzle.
Absolutely amazing end that was replicated several times even in the actual days (Midsommar).

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Jacob's Ladder

I totally agree with the comments regarding the dark atmosphere that this movie emanates. Sometimes you can feel the agony and despair of the main character perfectly portrayed by Tim Robbins.
It is the kind of movie that you have to be continuously on his loop of attention because, the jumps back and forward of the plot can easily confuse or even lost the viewer.
Regarding the end, I personally think that is a bit messy because the main history was developing in an appropriate way until this climax breaks in leaving you with only two options, hate or love.

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The Night of the Hunter

As discussed, the cinematography its stunning. Robert Mitchum portraits an intriguing character that makes the film work but, the plot and the rest of the cast ruins the move for any horror movie fan that found this movie as a reference because, it is not.
As a thriller, it works nicely but the end sounds more like a christmas carol than a movie of this genre. Even if you are not convinced by the comments, the photography, the light and how the cameras are used make it worthy.

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The history is vague and the development too slow. We miss a lot of relevant information in order to understand a bit more the plot just to not be surprised on the last 10 minutes.
It's a good end and a good concept but since Brightburn it is starting to create a new canon. Having Netflix on the back I totally agree that I will not be surprised if a second part comes out from this.

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The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death

Horrible second part... Nothing to do with the first awesome film but the same mannor and witch.

It appears that the script is written without watching the first part. Better to see something better because this sequel is clearly done to make benefits.

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