Brian Umbaugh


Nampa, Idaho

Mack & Rita
The Power of the Dog
Bullet Train
tick, tick... BOOM!

Premise - 12/20 - On the cusp of his 30th birthday, a promising young theater composer navigates love, friendship and the pressures of life as an artist in New York City. I'm not a fan of musical theater, but it just came so highly recommended.
Cast/characters - 15/20 - Andrew Garfield was wonderful in the lead role! The surrounding cast, most of which were unknown to me, also played their roles with a lot of tenderness and emotion.
Story - 17/20 - An engrossing watch from basically start to finish! Very well-written.
Dialogue - 13/20 - The musical dialogue did a good job to help with characterization, even though I didn't like all the songs. The non-music dialogue was sometimes a little slow, but not bad.
World-building - 17/20 - Since I came in with relatively little interest, I was impressed by how invested I got in the plight of Jonathan Larson, his friends, and the musical theater industry.

74/100 - 3.5/5 stars - I would recommend this movie to anyone that might be interested in a well-acted, well-written musical drama.

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Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank

Premise - 7/20 - A dog becoming samurai in a town full of cats? Ugh. My kids made me go.

Actors/characters - 8/20 - The voice actors are well-known, but Michael Cera is not nearly commanding of a voice enough to lead a movie. "Hank" sounds like a whiny dipstick and it's impossible to get behind him. In addition, the other characters not named Emiko were more annoying or vanilla than anything.

Story - 10/20 - Extra points for the ending, but I struggled to stay awake for the first half.

Dialogue - 2/20 - I don't think I've ever given a score that low, but even during kids movies there is usually redeeming dialogue. Almost every single joke fell flat. How does every joke fall flat?

World-building - 5/20 - Average visuals, but what a terrible idea for a movie. As such, the world built around this idea was terribly boring and plain.

32/100 - 1.5/5 stars

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The Gray Man

Premise - 13/20 - CIA, assassins trying to kill each other, blah, blah, blah. I'm in, but not all the way in.

Actors/characters - 18/20 - Great cast! Ryan Gosling is believable in this role. Chris Evans was great as a psycho govt contractor. Billy Bob Thornton is usually on the money. Ana de Armas is wonderful again. The actors and the characters were the main reason for enjoyment.

Story - 16/20 - Certainly not much drag in this high-paced action movie. Most everything made sense.

Dialogue - 15/20 - The banter was pretty funny. Thumbs up for sarcastic wit.

World-building - 15/20 - Or destroying. How much damage was done in this movie? Anyway, the creation of the back story fleshed out the story to create concern for the antagonist.

77/100 - 4/5 stars

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Captain Marvel

Lead characters - 17
Secondary characters - 12
Story - 15
Dialogue - 15
Setting - 13

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Where the Crawdads Sing
No Exit
Point Break

Premise - 13/20 - Undercover FBI becomes a surfer to investigate bank robberies. OK, I'll bite, but not hard.
Cast/characters - 15/20 - Keanu is a plus. Patrick is a plus-plus. Lori Petty as a surfer works for me. Gary Busey isn't quite as crazy here. The extra characters were just guys.
Story - 16/20 - Story wasn't much of a surprise, even when I saw it the first time. The ending is satisfactory. The story could have been a little shorter; movies around this time seemed to have male bonding done within a sports activity, a fight, or both. The best part is the choice Johnny has to make between his career and his friends.
Dialogue - 13/20 - Enjoyable, slightly deep, not that special.
World-building - 17/20 - The immersion into the surfing world was interesting. The scenery was beautiful.

74/100 - 3.5/5 stars - Two legends doing what they do. No harm in that. Sit back and enjoy the wave.

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Premise - 13/20 - The premise had promise.
Cast/characters - 13/20 - The cast wasn't bad. I believed the actors were the people they played. However, the characters seemed to have a lot of backstory that wasn't explained and it was a waste of acting ability.
Story - 7/20 - With so much back story left out, there was time to have some shit happen, right? Wrong. All action was packed into the last minute, and not even a satisfying ending.
Dialogue - 10/20 - If there's no action, the dialogue must be snappy, right? Wrong. Jason Segel's dialogue was underdeveloped, with his hostility under the surface. Jesse Plemons's dialogue was overdeveloped, without establishing why we should care about him at all. The wife was subservient, and you could tell the couple had issues, but why? Never discussed. Disappointing.
World-building - 8/20 - Nothing about the environment was important.

51/100 - 2.5/5 stars - The main idea of the movie was rooted in one simple idea that was explained but never really took off.

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Senior Year
The Black Phone

Premise - 18/20 - An abducted child receives calls from the spirits of other children previously abducted by this guy? I'm all in.
Cast/characters - 17/20 - Madeleine McGraw as Finney's sister Gwen was wonderful! Newcomer Mason Thames was great as Finney, and Ethan Hawke was seriously believable as The Grabber. Robin was also a favorite character.
Story - 17/20 - You knew the end, but how? Not only that, but who were the spirits, and what would they say? Very little downtime; everything moving toward the climax.

Dialogue - 17/20 - Every kid had his say in limited dialogue, so every word was important. Gwen's dialogue and attitude was very sassy, yet endearing. The Grabber's dialogue was very tense and telling to his character.
World-building - 16/20 - 1978 Denver can't be that easy to recreate, but the production team did well. Clothes, cars, surroundings, activities all believable.

85/100 - 4.5/5 stars - I had been looking forward to this movie for over a year, and it would have been easy to disappoint. It certainly did not. The build-up, the action, the actors and characters, the ending were all superb. I loved it!

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The Tinder Swindler

Premise - 15/20 - There's a lot of douchebags on dating sites, but a guy stealing millions of dollars? OK, I'll bite.
Cast/characters - 15/20 - For some reason, I thought there might be an actor playing the main guy, but nope. Actual people, which is cool to see. Is it me, though, or is Cecilie really hot? And she's single? Looks like I'm going to have to learn how to date a Norwegian.
Story - 16/20 - So how did he do it? And how did he do it for so long? Did they catch him? I wanted to know.
Dialogue - 10/20 - Other than the main guy's fake bullshit, there isn't much dialogue. There's just explanation, and I enjoyed hearing all of it, but it wasn't Tarantino. It was a documentary, and real life isn't always poetic.
World-building - 13/20 - Jet-setting around the world was interesting. Checking out all these rich places where the main guy would take all his 'gram pictures was interesting.

69/100 - 3.5/5 stars - Another shout out to Cecilie. sigh

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Cha Cha Real Smooth

Premise - 14/20 - For some reason, coming of age stories work for me.

Cast/characters - 15/20 - I only knew three of these actors, but the others held their own very well and made their characters believable.
Story - 16/20 - I actually cared what happened to these characters and stayed interested the whole time.
Dialogue - 17/20 - I laughed way more than I expected. The heartfelt moments were also poignant for this type of movie.
World-building - 13/20 - High school is high school; not much different here. I think perhaps the most interesting part of this school was how many students were already out and how OK it was for all of them.

75/100 - 4/5 stars - I came in looking forward to it and left very satisfied. Like, unexpectedly.

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Premise - 16/20 - The trailer and the premise got me in the door. Prisoners being used as pharmaceutical guinea pigs? OK, I'll bite.
Cast/characters - 11/20 - Miles Teller offered a layered performance. Chris Hemsworth was strange, and I never really felt I understood him. Other characters were often glossed over, but I was disappointed that Mark was not explained more.
Story - 18/20 - I had no idea how it would end, and many different endings would have worked. The plot moved along well and made sense, except for what I-16 actually did.
Dialogue - 11/20 - The dialogue between some characters was decent, but Chris Hemsworth was often frantic for no real reason and his dialogue made it clear that he might have been on his own drugs more than it showed.
World-building - 16/20 - The setting was very important, as the prison was in most every scene. The lab and the rooms set a good tone for how sterile and yet unpredictable their lives all were.

72/100 - 3.5/5 stars - I want some of that N-40.

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When Harry Met Sally...

Premise - 13/20 - Going in, I knew it was a rom-com, but the premise doesn't seem very exciting.
Cast/characters - 17/20 - The two leads are splendid. I love Billy Crystal in this! Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fisher are also good.
Story - 18/20 - The "will they, won't they" tone never got too crazy, and I thought they actually may make the friendship last. Everything was believable, and everything led toward the conclusion.
Dialogue - 18/20 - The dialogue made the movie. There isn't any action; it's all based on the development of these characters through dialogue.
World-building - 12/20 - The setting wasn't very important, except that they kept running into each other in NYC, of all places.

78/100 - 4/5 stars - Finally got to see this in its entirety, and I was very happy that I did.

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Premise - 11/20 - A conspiracy theorist's wet dream. Time to suspend disbelief.
Cast/characters - 13/20 - Halle Berry and Patrick Wilson did OK, but others were not very layered. John Bradley as KC made you cheer for the nerds.
Story - 15/20 - Much better than I expected, with a satisfying ending.
Dialogue - 12/20 - Interesting rhetoric, even if it's crazy.
World-building - 17/20 - They went all out on this idea. Building a moon structure and destroying most of the world takes good visuals.

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Halloween Kills

Premise - 15/20 - Michael survived? I can't believe it. But hey, I'm in for the next one.
Cast/characters - 12/20 - The returning characters were good, but Anthony Michael Hall wasn't great as Tommy.

Story - 12/20 - Oh, the stupidity. Half of these deaths were plain old helpless people. If you're going to go down, go down swinging. Wow.
Dialogue - 10/20 - Nothing to see here, but nothing too bad. The "evil dies tonight" was a little overdone.
World-building - 15/20 - Haddonfield went from unified to mob mentality to helpless dipsticks in a big rollercoaster ride.

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Premise - 15/20 - 40 years after the 1st Halloween movie, Jason finally breaks out. OK, I'm paying attention...
Cast/characters - 13/20 - Laurie's family are not that interesting, which is a bummer because I like Judy Greer. You know who was cool? Vicky. But that didn't last long.
Plot - 12/20 - Same ol' problem. How many prison buses really crash? No backstory about who Karen's father is, the cops are putzes, and Oscar's little power play was a stupid add-in. I don't know...too much nothing to be something.
Dialogue - 10/20 - Not what you watch these movies for, but there wasn't anything distracting.
World-building - 14/20 - Love the whole Michael Myers world, but this one fell a little short of the typical fun. Halloween II was better than this sequel.

64/100 - 3/5 stars - Liked it, but not as much as I had hoped.

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Deep Water

Premise - 13/20 - A couple with problems? Interesting, but not special
Cast/characters - 15/20 - Ana de Armas has certainly blasted onto the scene. Ben Affleck has more acting ability than credited for, and he's certainly improving with age. Grace Jenkins plays their young daughter, and she is definitely fun to watch. The end credits scene gives you a big smile.
Plot - 15/20 - I was more interested than I thought I'd be.

Dialogue - 12/20 - Nothing special.
World-building - 10/20 - Nothing to see here.

65/100 - 3/5 stars - I enjoyed the watch, but honestly, it's not anything I'd watch again. It was forgettable in the long run.

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The Northman

Premise: 10/20 - Not my style of movie, really. Period pieces from this era are often a bit boring.
Cast/characters: 16/20 - Alexander Skarsgard is a convincing Viking, and Anya Taylor-Joy commands the screen, even as a supporting character. The characters themselves were simple, and Olga's backstory was missing, but I liked most of them.
Story: 15/20 - I didn't figure the story would interest me, but it did. This story of long-game revenge was a good one, with a nice twist toward the end.
Dialogue: 15/20 - I was just happy to understand most of it without subtitles. However, the conversations between Skarsgard and Taylor-Joy were deep, and the twist dialogue was effective.
World-building: 14/20 - A lot of sacrificing and beheading. Pretty brutish world.

70/100 - 3.5/5 stars - I liked it. I'm not going to seek it out to watch it again, but it's a good flick.

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Jurassic World Dominion

Premise - 14/20 - Women's prison movies are like the proverbial train wreck.
Cast/characters - 7/20 - A hot lead, but the acting is a dumpster fire.
Story - 7/20 - A couple extra points for the softcore fun, but the story is predictable in a bad way.
Dialogue - 5/20 - Part of it is the actors' delivery, but reading this script is punishment for shoplifting in some countries.
World-building - 5/20 - It's a prison, I get it, but the prison in Shawshank was its own character. Not here.

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