


Beautiful Disaster

What a strange direction to go for an adaptation. The characters were ok I guess but the plot was all over the place. Each scene should follow or at least connect with the previous ones but this was fully random. Just a rush of scenes in order to get to the end.
If you're looking for a comedy, the humor was pretty good but otherwise there wasn't much to it.

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Hits a little too close to home at some points. I laughed, I cried, you get it all in Barbieland.
My only complaints are
1) too much Ken honestly and
2) the whole patriarchy thing felt a little rushed and weird. I know they were trying to prove that the patriarchy hurts men too but I think they missed that mark.
Otherwise I had fun watching this and I hope it managed to open some minds.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Honestly, better than expected. I loved looking for the little hints to all the different games they added. Well done!

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XO, Kitty

The story wasn't too bad but man couldn't they have given the actors better dialogue? I wanted to rip my hair out so many times. The actors themselves seemed like they were trying the best they could with what they were given.
Also the whole show felt like they were trying to capitalize on the whole Korea trend right now. It felt like they were trying to make a kdrama but more American and they only made it feel awkward.

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Stranger Things

Sadly it's getting worse each season. What happened to the character focus from the first season?

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Not great, not horrible. It was marketed as more horror/thriller but it wasn't all that scary. More of something to put on in the background while doing other things.

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