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Omicron Persei 8


Shout by ChuckMCCluck
BlockedParent2022-05-03T07:40:14Z— updated 2022-05-27T10:44:11Z

After the 20th time of hearing the daughter character monologue about stupid inane garbage I, much like a lot of other characters in this series, want to put a gun in my mouth.

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If you told me a guy who's infamous for starring in stupid low brow comedies would direct one of the best, thought provoking and most stylish TV shows to come out within the past 10 years I'd call you crazy. This series oozes personality and makes me wonder where Ben Stiller as a director has been all these years, guy just puts every other garbage live action show today to complete shame out of nowhere.

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South Park: 25x01 Pajama Day
Squidbillies: 13x01 One Man Banned

This is the movie I think of whenever I hear the phrase "all style over substance". It's visually striking, has an interesting premise and incredibly intriguing..... but unfortunately the terrible ending ends up poisoning the entire thing. This movie is a mystery along with being a horror movie and unfortunately the mystery aspect becomes a train wreck because absolutely nothing is resolved due to its extremely ambiguous and artsy ending. If you watch this movie do not expect any payoff.

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The Banana Splits Movie

It's "every single white guy is an over exaggerated comically bad person" the movie. I seriously thought both of the mustache twirling white dudes were the same character until they appeared on screen in the same scene. This movie is just a pile in every aspect.

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The Daily Show

If your brain is empty enough to actually find Trump jokes for the millionth time funny then maybe you'll like this show. Don't know exactly what the hell will happen if Trump ends up losing this years election cause Noah will just be all out of material.

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JJ Villard's Fairy Tales

Such a garbage show. Litterally only aspect the show has is heavily relying on shock and gross out humor. It's like Mr.Pickles but somehow worse because making a gross out show based off of fairy tales is one of the most creatively bankrupt ideas I have heard in awhile, I don't know what Adult Swim employee greenlight this show but he needs to be fired.

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Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace

Incredibly funny and extremely different from what passes as comedy in today's television. This show had the balls to make fun of absolutely everything that modern PC culture deemed as untouchable but because of this the show became a target of certain individuals it was promptly cancelled despite its surprisingly high ratings and the shows creator was blacklisted. As someone who has been following the comedian Sam Hyde, the creator of the show, long before World Peace even existed I was very happy to see him given the spotlight but I knew in the back of my mind that due to Sam's type of non conformist edgy humor that he wouldn't stay on the air for long.

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Smiling Friends

Mike Stoklasa, Zach Hadel, Marc M. and Michael Cusack all in an animated show together? I need more of this.

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The Shivering Truth

This show is from the same creator of Xavier: Renegade Angel so that alone should tell you the type of show this is. Clever, horrific and incredibly funny at times, it's all wrapped up in a great piece stop motion animation media. This show straddles a fine line of coming off as clever to seeming like just a bunch of random shit thrown at the wall to see what sticks, episodes are either the former or the latter but either way the show is worth watching just for the unique and appealing artistry of stop motion. I can't wait for the second season. Adult Swim has been making some pretty hard misses with their shows lately but I can confidently say this one is a hit.

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All This Mayhem

A great little documentary about the Pappas brothers and Tas' rivalry with Tony Hawk. Although the documentary is pretty one sided against Tony Hawk and the X Games it's still an extremely compelling story about two skaters who were left in the dust of Hawks shadow due to unfortunate circumstances. I may not agree with Vices extremely one sided views on politics and how politically charged their stuff can be sometimes but they are always good at highlighting stories you would not normally notice through their well directed documentaries.

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Rick and Morty: 4x04 Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty

Shout by ChuckMCCluck
BlockedParent2020-04-06T07:34:23Z— updated 2022-02-04T13:15:36Z

I don't know who the hell wrote this episode but he or she shouldn't be allowed to touch anything ever again. Every ounce of subtle humor that Rick and Morty as a series had left is thrown out and replaced with terrible references such as "slay queen" or some garbage rap album and drugs because that is what is cool right? Seriously whoever wrote this needs to lay off the drugs, stop listening to garbage music and get off of social media before their brain rots completely. The only remotely decent part of this episode is the side storyline with the cat everything with the dragon is cringe inducing.

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A gem of animation that completely slipped under the radar for most people. If you like Johnny Depps wierd quirky sense of humor and enjoyed his performance in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas than this is the movie for you. Despite the movie being 9 years old it still looks stunning, it manages to have a sense of styling to the characters while still being somewhat realistic, something the new complete farce of the Lion King could learn from. It's bizarre, interesting, surreal, complex and filled with subtle adult humor and if you have any interest in animation in general it needs to be watched. I stll enjoy watching today's animated movies but Rango really puts to light as to how much this genre of films has devolved over the years.

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Joe Pera Talks with You

Shout by ChuckMCCluck
BlockedParent2020-02-22T03:15:56Z— updated 2020-05-17T10:59:06Z

With so many politically charged, hedonistic and absurd programs filling up today's television it is really nice and refreshing to see something that has pure intentions. As someone who has followed Joe Pera and his unique sense of humor for awhile I can't say enough how happy I am to see him finally get some recognition.

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Lake Mungo

One of the most unique horror movies I have seen in awhile. Lake Mungo is structured as if it were a crime documentary and it successfully portrays the events occurring in this film as almost undeniably true, though it does achieve this through sacrificing quite a few things you would see in a normal film. Just like all crime documentaries there isn't a big payoff and often there are more questions created than answered. This movie understands that the most terrifying things are the ones left unknown to us and uses an impressive amount of restraint to achieve a sense of unknown dread that takes a hold of you and never lets go even after the film is finished.

In short do not go into this movie expecting any type of conventional horror film. Here is a quick test for you to whether or not you'll enjoy Lake Mungo: Do you find documentaries boring? If the answer is yes than you most likely will find Lake Mungo uneventful and boring also. But if the answer is no it is most definitely worth the watch.

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Fantastic Planet

Shout by ChuckMCCluck
BlockedParent2020-01-24T04:41:04Z— updated 2020-02-22T03:09:57Z

A little unknown gem of animation that needs to be watched. It's disconnected story and character relatability is a little lacking but the movie more than makes up for it by beautiful illustrations, interesting and creatively designed creatures and a catchy otherworldly soundtrack that is worth listening to outside of the film.

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