



I'm going to put it simply: There's not a single thing this film does wrong.

The comedy is on point. The drama is on point. The moments of tension are on point. The commentary on social class is on point. Acting, writing, filmmaking—on point.

Parasite totally deserved the Palme D'Or and I want this to win all the Oscars, all the Golden Globes, and any other awards it gets nominated for because everything in this shit was incredibly on point.

Parasite is nothing short of a MASTERPIECE.

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This is the freshest show I've seen in a while. Absolutely flawless.

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Bill Burr: Paper Tiger

I mean, I liked it, but why is he always yelling? Like, where is all that rage coming from?

I just don't understand.

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"It was exciting to see her grow. Both of us grow and change together. But, you know, that's also the hard part. Growing without growing apart."

Her is simply a masterpiece.

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Love it or hate it, this film is technically astonishing and whatever it's trying to do, it's doing it very well. It's almost like they've trapped the true essence of French Extremism, set it on fire, and followed it with a steady cam.

The camera work in this is surreal and its movements, along with the actors' choreography, are surprisingly well coordinated for a "write-as-we-go" film.

Climax will make you feel a lot of things and I don't think you're going to like how most of those things feel, but that's exactly what makes Climax a very well executed horrifying experience.

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Portrait of a Lady on Fire


I'll never forgive this film for being so goddamn beautiful. Watched Citizen Kane last night. Shit look like ass now.

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Get Out

This film is really scary.

I almost crapped my pants when dude pulled out a windows phone. Now that's some horror shit.

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Dave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones

Probably the most Non-2019 thing to ever come out in 2019.

There were some very wrong things said in this special, and that is a fact. They were all jokes and I pretty much laughed all the way through it, and that is also a fact.

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Succession: Season 4

What a painfully satisfying ending! My god!

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Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

These Netflix true crime docs are on some other shit.

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Call Me by Your Name

Masterful filmmaking. Masterful writing. Career-defining acting. Fire soundtrack.


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The Strange Thing About the Johnsons

It's nice to see that Ari Aster was into disturbing people from the start.

This short is amazing.

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Little Women

Little Women (2019) is a period film but it manages to feel so modern and fresh, maybe due to the fact that it touches upon topics that are relevant to us, now.

Even though I've never read the book, I'm aware of its significance, and I'm certain Greta Gerwig did an excellent job adapting it.

Honestly, I feel like I could rewatch this a thousand times and still love it, but I recommend you watch it at least once, because it's definitely worth it.

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

This film made me realize that I have this incredible ability of falling in love with fictional characters in the first 30 seconds they're on screen

Like, Jesus Christ, Ramona Flowers is the ultimate crush.

And also, the soundtrack is absolute fire!

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Aziz Ansari: Right Now

This was good. Honestly, expected nothing less from him, he's really funny in Silicon Valley.

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I think it's pretty safe to say that this is the only movie about Jazz Drumming you actually have to watch.

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The Killing of a Sacred Deer

"I don't know if what is happening is fair, but it's the only think I can think of that's close to justice."

This was amazing.

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Nontraditional horror at its best, and that's on period.

The fact that Toni Colette wasn't even nominated for anything really pisses me off, but what can you do.

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"The animal that threatens us is a cat. The most dangerous animal there is."

Dogtooth is one of the most ridiculous and eerie 'European' films I've ever seen, and I must say I loved it.

Also, incredible dance scene.

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Shout by colorthekid
BlockedParent2019-05-25T18:36:30Z— updated 2019-05-26T22:25:23Z

I enjoyed this film quite a bit. I think it's a very well-paced comedy, the dialogue is dynamic and funny, and pretty much every single joke lands. The only real issues I had with this film were its 'MTV show' moments. It feels like there's a song playing over the film every 5 minutes, but it does help that a majority of those songs were, in my opinion, pretty great. Other than that, Booksmart pretty much nailed it.

A huge amount of people are comparing it to Superbad, and I do get why they're doing that. I recognize that they do seem to have a lot of similarities, but I think their tones are completely different.

I don't think Booksmart is a good comedy because of its Superbad similarities and how aware it is of the generation it's portraying and presenting itself to. I think Booksmart is a great comedy because it was able to feel very much like its own thing despite of its Superbad similarities and how aware it is of the generation it's portraying and presenting itself to. And to me, that's super-good, just like the film itself.

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Uncut Gems

Watching this just made feel like I couldn't breathe the whole time. I literally had to pause the movie at some points to grasp for air.

The acting, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the editing—were all incredible, and were all in consonance with each other, making this a very fast-paced, naturalistic, anxiety-inducing film.

The Safdie brother's killed it, and Sandler proved, once again, how great of an actor he is.

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I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Challenging. This is a very depressing film, and it only gets more and more depressing as you realize what it's about, and what it's trying to say, and how it's trying to say it.

"Other animals live in the present. Humans cannot, so they invented hope."

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An Evening with Tim Heidecker

Easily one of the worst comedy specials I've ever seen.

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Begin Again

This shit just made feel good.

Adam Levine looked stupid as hell with that fake ass beard, Jesus Christ!

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From all the Booksmart ripoffs I've seen, this is clearly one of the better ones.

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Dave Chappelle: Equanimity

I don't know how he does it, but Chappelle always manages to be "almost offensive".

Now, that's a skill.

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Dave Chappelle: The Bird Revelation

Not every comedian would be able to pull off being this low-key. I guess that's Chappelle for you.

Unlike any other comedian.

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Raising Kratos

They had a very hard task at hand: Transforming a beloved character without destroying it. Revitalizing a franchise without leaving an ugly scar. Making it grow without having it fall apart.

Bringing something special to life is a very painful process and it's nice to see how much effort, and passion, and frustration it takes to craft a literal game-changer.

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I love the fact that every single character in this is just Tilda Swinton wearing prosthetics.

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Don't Look Under the Bed

This movie used to scare the living shit outta me when I was a kid.

And also, Larry lowkey a snacc. Like, you under my bed, sir? Where you at?

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