


Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?: 2x10 Hard Drive

Jory: "Do we know how big it was?"
Jon: "I think it was just like, 10 gigabytes, it's a pretty old one."
Jory: "Oh, then it's worth killing!"
Jon: "Yeah, let's get rid of this thing!"
Jory: "So don't comment us on the internet and say it was a perfectly good hard drive. It's not. It's SCSI. That's worthless! Nobody likes SCSI hard drives."
You're damn right about that, Jory. Those things are the computer equivalent of roasted nuts.

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Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?: 1x16 Compact Disc

There's the iconic line we all know and love.

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Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?: 1x06 Kool-Aid

I like how Jon almost instinctively panned to Jory's junk when he was talking about the tin foil shield. Noone likes fried junk.

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Marketplace: 51x14 The Big Bank Upsell

They're lucky Chrystia Freeland's goons didn't give them the same treatment they did to one of Rebel Media's guys trying to question her on something. Not that I really care that much for that rag or its viewpoints otherwise, though it's hard to deny that what they did then was awful. But go figure, they'll probably turn it into "oh they went soft just because it's the CBC!".

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Marketplace: 51x05 Access Denied

Peter's experience as a blind man is quite revealing. While it's something that most typically don't ever give a second thought about because it's ordinarily very simple, the UX of trying to board a C-Train for a guy like him is absolutely miserable.

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Dragons' Den (CA): 18x14 Episode 14

There is something to be said about the potential in turning otherwise dead real estate into active living spaces like SUSO pitched, and the smash success of the Pitikwe skate park in Winnipeg's Portage Place is a real living demonstration of that fact, as it was hugely successful on its opening day and still is, partly because it filled a niche that the only other indoor skatepark that was around previously is religiously-affiliated and wasn't really an all-faiths and/or agnostic facility. Both Vince and Michele do have a cautionary point about SUSO's model though, real estate is highly cyclical and the conditions that currently exist today where it's relatively cheap may not exist in a couple or a few years down the road.

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Deal or No Deal: 1x08 Episode 108

Get yourself a mayor like Bryan Thompson, who has the balls to look the banker in the face when shouting "NO DEAL!", slamming the cover shut on $198,000, and doesn't afraid of anything.

And also get your game show a host like Howie Mandel who tackles case 11 and has the best commercial segues and also doesn't afraid of anything either.

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Deal or No Deal: 1x06 Episode 106

I think Monty turned Deal or No Deal into an episode of 1 vs. 100 against the banker.

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Marketplace: 51x13 Driving Schools Exposed: Who's been cheating the system?

This is a real eye-opener into WHY Brampton drivers have the reputation that they do online, because holy crap, they literally do learn fuck-all and just buy their way in. But what a weak move on the CBC's part to not show us that second text from that one "instructor", I wanted to know how he REALLY felt after he was ratted out.

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Hell's Kitchen: 9x09 9 Chefs Compete
Shark Tank: 15x03 Episode 3

You know you're probably about to step on a landmine when even Mr. Wonderful has objections to a service like Bot-It on the grounds of moral reasons and public perception. At least Michael Rubin's got a decent counter, it's better in theory for an ordinary consumer to bot rather than a business built on scalping/flipping and buying let's say 10 of a jersey rather than 1 or maybe 2. But you gotta ask yourself, is the answer really to fight fire with more fire? I'm not too sure.

I could also side with Lori taking offense to Dating by Blaine not helping out ladies. I just can't believe the prices Blaine's charging for her classes...and people are actually buying them. You'd have to be real, REAL desperate to be coughing up close to $1300 in search of a hot date (or over $6000 for one-on-ones...holy shit!).

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Shark Tank: 15x02 Episode 2

Those StormBags look like a fantastic product. There's a LOT of people that are prone to outdoor flooding between flash floods from thunderstorms and also hurricanes, and unfortunately it seems more and more people are becoming vulnerable to it. That it does its thing just by getting wet is really, really cool. Kevin is right that it's hard to compete with free in conventional sandbags, but I would love to see these become the free or otherwise low-cost option. Yes, traditional sandbags are "free", but how much are you spending on labor filling them up and tossing them down a line of people? Bit of a sad irony that they suffered a polar opposite disaster in a wildfire burning everything down though. And go figure, right as I'm writing this comment, our hot water tank sprung a bit of a leak and these would've been handy to have even though it was caught early. I think Mark and Lori have a very versatile home-run on their hands.

Couldn't help but laugh when Daniel and Daymond were in that bidding war with Mark and Lori and Mr. Wonderful said "That sandbag's gonna blow up, you've gotta make a decision!".

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Dragons' Den (CA): 18x12 Episode 12

SwipeSkins could be demolished in two seconds by the banks. In fact a lot of its appeal is already swiped away from them since many US banks already offer customization of cards with either licensed art or allowing their clients to upload custom creations. Not so common in Canada by comparison, to be fair. Though those US cards are still on plastic, but again, their patent only covers swapping a chip off of a plastic card and onto a metal one, which the banks could totally side-step by just not bothering with a plastic card to begin with. After all, that Apple Card is metallic, and lots of firms like to imitate and/or outright copy them so there's nothing really stopping them from making available premium customizations of their own.

I have a feeling Vince is right, he just wanted a Dragon for credibility, and Arlene's got a point too, he's gonna be distracted playing whack-a-mole against copycats, and perhaps banks/credit card vendors may choose to go with the no-fun approach and crack down on it.

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Dragons' Den (CA): 18x11 Episode 11

"It's green, the color of money!"
Vince is channeling his inner Kevin O'Leary with that one.

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Dragons' Den (CA): 18x10 Episode 10

Juliet does make a compelling argument in favor of her Kid-Drop service from the safety side of things, but holy FUCK, 10x-12x the cost of a public school bus at >$500 a month rather than $500 for the whole school year is batshit crazy. I suppose in a market like Fort McMurray where there's big oil money all over town, that's more or less pocket change to many parents who are bound to be coughing up cash for a decked out F150 or a F250 or the GM and Chrysler equivalents, but for the 95% that's a tough pill to swallow and it would definitely struggle in a less affluent, and dare I say ordinary market even a short drive south to Edmonton.

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Dragons' Den (CA): 18x08 Episode 8

Palmtoms looks like it'd be a fantastic VR/AR/XR/etc accessory. Taylor and Sydney definitely need help getting it over the finish line given the long, LONG development journey he's been on so far. In a way, Taylor taking a sabbatical arguably helped him out since he's right - nowadays you've got Bluetooth LE and much lower latency, which 10-12 years ago would've been a dream come true given that Bluetooth as a whole was overall less reliable back then. But if they can get it over the finish line, I think air guitar champions Jeff Allen and Vernon Corteaux might have some competition in the not too distant future.

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Hell's Kitchen: 9x08 10 Chefs Compete

When this season started I kinda liked Jonathon. However Jonathon's attitude took a turn for the worse last episode and even more so in this one, and it completely sucked with his exit speech about Natalie, and he pays the price. It got to a point where even Ramsay was fed up with the deflections too.

Last episode, this line of Will's was sage advice that fell on deaf ears: "Walk like a man, talk like a man, take it like a man, bro. Straight up." I can't fault the rest of the blue team for coming to the conclusion that Jonathon had basically thrown in the towel despite his claim to the contrary that he wasn't a quitter.

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Judge Judy: 22x204 Shocking Tree Trimming!; Ex-Lover Slashing?!

Outrageous and ridiculous is completely right about that tree trimming case. Dwight McGill is a proper weasel. If I were John McKibben, I too would've been staring at Dwight the same way that he did trying and failing to justify why he just didn't wait a minute(, you dick!). Or rather, a day or two. I definitely respect John for trying to look out for his parents, he clearly isn't one to be taken advantage of and his instructions couldn't have been any clearer.

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Dragons' Den (CA): 18x07 Episode 7

Michele's got an excellent counter-point to Arlene's point about going up against Amazon, Hover could easily distinguish itself by focusing on rural last-mile delivery rather than urban last-mile delivery. But that last-mile ends up being numerous-last-miles on reserves isolated from road networks, and currently, you'd be lucky to get a drone from one end of a city to the other, let alone across several lakes and streams. I'm surprised that Cameron wound up walking away from Michele's offer over 2.5%. The Dragons were right, currently, his valuation's out to lunch, and I was equally surprised that Michele was even willing to make the bet that she did.

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Deal or No Deal: 1x05 Episode 105

Oh jeez, Janette had quite some abysmal luck to start off with. Good for her that it wound up turning around at the 11th hour.

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Dragons' Den (CA): 18x06 Episode 6

Wes and Arlene's innuendos basically wrote themselves with that Slipp pitch. Although she didn't walk out with a deal, I'm happy that Victoria's happy that she came.

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Deal or No Deal: 1x03 Episode 103

Daryl was a legitimate showman in his own way. What a ride he went on, and what a deal he ended up taking at the very end!

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Dragons' Den (CA): 18x01 Episode 1

Lux Aerobot's wildfire fighting concept is cool, but it has a massive problem with selling to the public sector. Why? Its main competitor is quite literally the public sector down south, in NOAA's GOES-R series. Though they do have an advantage of being much closer than geostationary orbit, and launching a balloon is significantly easier than putting up a satellite. Tough gamble for sure, but Robert sure seems willing to go along with them for the ride.

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Deal or No Deal: 1x02 Episode 102

I gotta agree with the banker, Jason might be a liar about being Mr. Unlucky (at least until tonight). What an incredible run he went on, him and Howie and Chrissy literally calling out what he wants, and he ends up opening EXACTLY what he was after not once, not twice, but THREE times in a row.

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How It's Made: 6x07 Traditional Bows, Coffee Machines, Mascots, Hammocks

Say, those mascots sure are getting pretty wild these days. I wonder if they make mascots that not only float, but are also edible in a dire pinch?

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How It's Made: 6x03 Ropes, Billiard Tables, Sailboards, Cymbals

That cymbal tester does have a pretty great job. You could even say he's a racketeer in the literal sense of the word.

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Hell's Kitchen: 9x07 11 Chefs Compete

Ramsay: "Do you like speed?"
Tommy: "Meth or coke?"

Krupa turns out to be Krapa with a repeated inability to handle proteins two episodes ago and in this episode. She did try and at least wanted to give a damn, yes, but she's way out of her depth.

Elise the crybaby is literally as useful as Lacey from season 5 during delivery day. Sob stories don't get you too far, as we all saw with Sabrina last season.

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Judge Judy: 23x59 Wild Tequila Bar Catfight!; Older Woman Takes Advantage of Young Partner?!

Oh come on, "it's un-ladylike" to get drunk? I'd agree if Judge Judy had at least followed that up with a "and get into arguments and fights over some guy".

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Hell's Kitchen: 9x05 13 Chefs Compete

Krupa's night was absolutely miserable, but I'm stunned that Gina wound up getting sniped by Ramsay. Yes, she got tossed too, but her performance just wasn't as horrific as Krupa's was.

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Pardon the Interruption: 2023x219 Dec 20 Wed

Hah, their potshot at Twitch's "artistic nudity" policy at the start was gold.

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