David Given Schwarm

1 follower

Irvine, CA


Why in the world is this trending so poorly? The film is a FANTASTIC look at the hardships of touring, has some great dance hall moments, and is a very unconventional look at a very conventional genre. The film is not perfect, & clearly has some budget related faults, but it is totally worth watching.

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totally worth watching--story is cliched, acting is very solid, soundtrack is incredible. The guest stars give this at least one bonus point. I did not really enjoy watching this as much as my wife did, but I did think that overall it was a charming little story...

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The Skeleton Twins

This was the rare film that I enjoyed more after it was over--the plot is ok, the acting is good, the soundtrack is strong, the over/under/through is first rate--but the ideas around the complexity of the past is something that I did not pick up on while watching & really have enjoyed on reflection...one of those films I recommend to friends to see if they 'get it' or not--a worthwhile move...

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On the Road

I think every few years it is important to revisit On The Road just to see where I am at Artistically--this version of the events is much more in tune to the book compared to a lot of the documentaries I have seen which is interesting. The soundtrack is AMAZING--likely reason enough to see this film. I found the actors young, which was nice, and the guy that played Burroughs was amazing. The queer elements are played much more realistically and less "dramatic" which is nice. I really loved the scene in which Jack takes Neal back to see their musical hero--as the stand at the bar you can actually feel the falling nostalgia and crisis to come. A great scene in a much better then expected film.

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Totally Fantastic! A film which draws the evil analogy between TV News Human Horror as Entertainment and Hollywoods Image Manipulation. Deep, complicated, frustrating, and totally wonderful. The Everyone is an Expert because of the Internet theme is something we have been seeing more and more in indie films...

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Mad Max: Fury Road

This was a tough one--a little bit more 'story telling' and I think this may have been great, but to much was left out for their actually to be a movie with any reason--cool special effects is just not good enough for me these days, there actually needs to be a reason for the movie to have been made...

The Earth Mothers restore sanity to the world was a bit tired, the fractured evil triplets were not well developed--Raging Leader, Financial Scum, Super Hunter needed at least two more scenes to really make any sense or have an purpose in the film--to have been menacing. They 'landscapes' lacked diversity--though the Hurricane Alley & Desolate Swamp were great, we could have used more 'changes in scenery' at some level particularly the crushing urban stuff from the first film.

Hope is dangerous, Who Killed the Earth, Haunted by Nightmares of the Past, Drifter/Savior were all simple movie tropes that could have been developed SIGNIFICANTLY to make a movie that would have paid off a lot more.

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Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present

This is a totally fantastic artist biopic..

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The Matrix

This is the Single Greatest Movie Ever Made.

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