


The Big Bang Theory: 8x24 The Commitment Determination

I love when shows manage to leave me with my mouth agape -- Are you KIDDING me?? -- by dropping a cliffhanger bombshell I never saw coming. Nice job, BBT! See you next season!

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The Resident: 2x20 If Not Now, When?

Very very few shows can pull of a "ripped from the headlines" episode without coming off as preachy. This episode of The Resident accomplished exactly what it set out to do: deliver a poignant and sobering message in a way that made the message deeply moving and food for thought. Well done. Also, please pass the tissues.

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Grey's Anatomy: 11x14 The Distance

This season has been one of the best since the early glory days of Grey's and this episode has been its crown jewel to this point.

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Arguably the best show we currently watch. If Paramount wants to make a name for itself with a flagship original drama, they chose well. Season one was great. Somehow, season two has surpassed it (and I can say that with confidence the week before the season finale airs). Well written, well acted, and has me edge of my seat every single week.

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The Blacklist: 10x22 Raymond Reddington: Good Night (2)

This was SO CLOSE to a well executed ending. They should have left it at the Reddington/bull staredown, "My Way" playing in the background, and the bull just starting to charge. If they wanted to be cheeky, the final scene could have been just the bull strolling away with a fedora stuck on his horn. That would have been enough, especially with that beautiful pseudo-eulogy by Dembe. And I would have been ok with just a tiny sliver of wondering that there was a chance that Red disappeared one last time...

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Yellowstone: 2x07 Resurrection Day

Beth may be a piece of work, but Jamie is an absolute train wreck. Rip, however, is one genuinely good dude. The most important lesson no one ever seems to learn, though, is: do not mess with John Dutton.

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Victoria: 3x06 A Coburg Quartet

That sister needs to go.

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The Resident: 2x22 Broker and Broker

Is there any role John Noble can't hit out of the park?

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The Resident: 2x19 Snowed In

I was thinking this was a really great episode with all the reunions. I loved the father and children and was all emotional...and then Donna tells Bob to "go to hell"? I'm not sure if they meant it to be funny but there's nothing amusing about bitterness. It's just sad and ugly, the sort of thing that will eat away at all the best parts of a person. I'm sorry Bob broke her heart, but to hold onto that resentment for THIRTY YEARS? That's not how love acts. I was disappointed. Bitterness is just the younger sibling of hate. Blah.

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I used to really like this show. The first two seasons were really well done. Season three, it slipped a little. Season four was not good at all. I had hoped season five would right the ship, but having just watched the season finale, here's where I stand: And with that, I sign off this show. It has become an unwatchable combination of obnoxious and stomach-turning, without a single likable character -- White Hat, if you will -- remaining to redeem it.

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The Good Wife: 7x13 Judged

Every single time he appears on the screen, I am convinced Jeffrey Dean Morgan is the best thing to happen to this show. And the show was already pretty great to begin with.

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The Good Wife: 6x22 Wanna Partner?

Shout by daybreak1012

I am DYING. I really hope we didn't just say goodbye to Finn. He's my favorite. I was so hoping when Alicia opened the door, following the knock, that it was going to be him, coming back for a smoking hot kiss...and instead, it was that little weasel, Canning (I do love me some Michael J Fox, but he's no Matthew Goode ;-) ). Can't wait for season seven!

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Grey's Anatomy: 11x21 How to Save a Life

That was sad. So horribly, horribly sad. I hate that it happened, but damn, if Ellen Pompeo didn't put in an absolutely profoundly brilliant performance. The great episodes make you feel something. The best ones make you feel everything.

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The Blacklist: 6x07 General Shiro

This episode is like the best of Boston Legal and the worst of Fringe had a love child.

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The Resident: 1x14 Total Eclipse of the Heart

Malcolm-Jamal Warner is a brilliant addition to this show. I hope he sticks around.

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Fuller House: 1x01 Our Very First Show, Again

Total dorky cheese-fest, but that's the charm of this show (even if the acting is, and always was, B-list). Keep your expectations reasonable and you won't be disappointed. Nostalgia tv at its best.

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Mom: 3x09 My Little Pony and a Demerol Drip

Shout by daybreak1012

I'm kind of disappointed they didn't drag that out a little longer. I was amused by Candace being a wreck for a change.

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The Good Wife: 7x07 Driven

I'm still not over Finn's departure, but the addition of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Jason Crouse just becomes more brilliant every episode. Also, is there anything in this show more amusing than the facial expressions on Eli Gold? BAHAHAHA!

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Scandal: 4x17 Put a Ring on It

Finally getting back to what this show does best. Also, excellent job using the flashbacks.

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Grey's Anatomy: 16x19 Love of My Life
Grey's Anatomy: 15x23 What I Did for Love (I)

Shonda could take a lesson from The Resident on how to put together a "ripped from the headlines" episode without ramming a minimum of three soapboxes down the viewers' throats. It doesn't even matter that the messages may be valid. Her method doesn't tug at heartstrings and prod the viewer to think for themselves. It just preaches without creativity or authenticity. If you want to see a truly well-done delivery of a poignant episode, check out S2E20 of The Resident "If Not Now, When?"

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Madam Secretary: 5x16 The New Normal

That was a far more emotional episode than I was anticipating.

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Madam Secretary: 5x10 Family Separation (1)

Another decided political statement. While the issue is important, no question about it, one of things I like best about this show is its protocol of staying away from "ripped from the headlines" type topics. I watch TV to escape reality for a while. I don't like to have it crammed down my throat while I'm looking for entertainment, even if I agree with the opinions being expressed.

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The Resident: 2x04 About Time

Odds two medical dramas use the same rare disorder diagnosis in their 2018 seasons? (see Grey's Anatomy S15E3)

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When Calls the Heart: 1x05 The Dance

This one made me giggle several times. I really enjoy the dynamic between Jack and Elizabeth.

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Grey's Anatomy: 11x17 With or Without You

Mer-Der scenes are always my favorite.

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Once Upon a Time: 4x17 Best Laid Plans

One of my favorites all season! Excellent twist at the end!

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Scandal: 4x16 It’s Good to Be Kink

Blah. I do not like the direction they're taking Huck.

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Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen: 13x02 The Big Stink

Shout by daybreak1012

Is anyone else feeling like maybe they want the surprise chef to make an appearance in the Top Chef Kitchen and that the Last Chance competitors don't really stand much of a chance?

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Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under: 1x06 103-Year-Old Tortoise

Austrailian Sea Lions. Olive Python. Giant Aldabra Tortoise.

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