

Hackney, England


Movies I want to watch. This is my to watch list Once I have watched a movie that is on this list that movie will be removed so adding and removing movie's as I go


Movies worth watching again
Adding movies as I go


My top 20 all time gangster/crime movie's


Great movie's new and old. Main genre's include indie,crime,action, and thrillers Adding movies as I go


Tv shows I rate 8 or 9 out of 10 so great that are well worth watching again. A mix of different genre's. fiction and non-fiction. Adding more as i go.


Movie's that are Good an well worth watching new and old main genre's include indie,action,crime, and thrillers. Adding movies as I go


10 out of 10 best of the best the creme dela creme of movie's. Main genre's include action,crime,indie,drama and thrillers. Adding movies as I go


True story and based on true story and inspired by a true story movie's. And tv shows
Genre's mainly inc crime,indie,thrillers and drama. Adding movie's as I go


Documentaries that are well worth a watch. Main Documentaries in this list will be sporting and crime. a mix of t.v documentaries and documentaries that full under the movie category. Adding new stuff as I go


10 out of 10 best of the best in tv shows. Main Genre's include crime,thrillers,drama,action and sc-fi. New and old .ficton and non-fiction adding more as I go


My top 20 horror movie's from the late 90's to the present day.


Brilliant movie's. Movie's that i rate 9/10. movie's that are better then great but just full short of being the creme dela creme.Main genre's include indie,action,crime,horror and thrillers. Adding movie's as I go


Movie's thst in my opinion are not woeth watching movie's that are really bad acting or really poor story line or both or poor directing and in my opinion not worth wasting anyone's time watching but since its on this list I have already wasted my time watching. Adding movie's as I go


Movie's I rate ok. Movie's that just fall short of me rating a good movie. Adding movies as I go


t.v shows fiction and non fiction that are not great or brilliant but are good and we'll worth a watch. This list will be updated regularly
