Dennis Alexis Hellström


Gävle, Sweden

It Came from Below

I'm generally quite generous when it comes to rating movies, at least compared to some. However, when it comes to this one, I agree with most reviewers: it's terrible.

I enjoy a lot of B horror flicks, as long as they're entertaining. But the worst thing a movie can do is be boring, like this one is. It had an interesting premise, so I was disappointed by how badly it was executed.

The biggest problem is that the scenes in the cave, where most of the movie takes place, are way too dark and the camera is too shaky, so you can't make out what's going on. Sure, less is sometimes more when it comes to horror, but this was just silly. It really annoyed me and I couldn't wait for the movie to be over.

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The Amityville Haunting

I'm a generous reviewer because I find that most people are way too negative these days.

With that said, this isn't a very good film. Not the worst I've seen but just too boring. We've seen and heard it all before. Over and over and over again.

I kind of liked the ending. It felt more like a "Paranormal Activity" ending rather than an "Amityville" one. My poor mother feel asleep a couple of times during the movie which isn't a good sign.

I have yet seen any movie surpass the original "The Amityville Horror" or the 2005 remake. They obviously have better budgets and actors but come on.

I think the child actors did the best job in a sort of boring film.

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I gave up after two seasons. It started out ok, and I'm a fan of miss Cassidy, but the show got old very fast. All the island flashbacks bored me to death. Good looking guys though, but that can't save a show.

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Hi everyone! I just made a fan group about "Lace" on Facebook. :) Check it out:

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I still LOVE this show! Best prime time soap in ages, a modern day "Dynasty".

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