

Brisbane, Australia

Swept Away

This can't be that bad I said to myself after a few beers one night, I'll throw it on since I like Guy Ritchie's movies... Nope, everyone was correct. The comments here, the 28% audience score on RT, although the 6% critic score might be more accurate than that.

It really is that bad, almost across the board and not even any redeeming "Oh maybe they mean it's so bad it's good", nope it doesn't even do anything close to getting into that bucket.

See the worst type of "bad movies" are bad comedies, because a good bad movie can be (unintentionally) funny but a bad comedy, by it's very nature can't be funny otherwise it's a successful comedy. This fails in both the comedy and the romance.

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The Last Stop in Yuma County

These are normally the types of movies that end up in my top 12 at the end of the year because these small scale, (not quite in this case) bottle movies are just my jam.

Genuinly great performances across the board, and not just the larger roles like Jocelin Donahue, Nicholas Logan, Richard Brake and Jim Cummings but even the smaller roles all really put 100% in, which always makes the movie feel more natural.

While some of the characters could have had a bit more complexity, I think then it would have leaned more into a Tarantino/Hateful Eight style, where I think what this movie was going for is that more "These are just regular people in an unusual situation" story.

Some great scenes, a really effective score and some really solid performances make this a surprise gem for 2024 for me. While it won't be a movie for everyone, I think those that enjoy smaller scale, tight movies will enjoy.

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Great follow up to Shogun being set around 30-40 years after the show ends.

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The Fall Guy
Civil War
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
3 Body Problem
Love Lies Bleeding

This was what I wanted Drive Away Dolls to be, a much stronger film with a much more balanced take between the romance and crime elements.

The score and sound design is awesome, some greally strong perfomances almost across the board, two leads are phenominal and Ed Harris is nuts, The style and visuals are on point, reminded me of The Holdovers not in content, but just in the same nostalgia vibes from the 70's/80's without being nothing more than cheap nostalgia bait. There is a universe where this movie could have been a cheap notalgia bait movie, but Rose Glass made a story and characters that were interesting and compelling.

I think it will be forgotten by the time awards season rolls aroud, but Clint Mansell really did deliever a great score and I'd love to see his name pop up at the end of the year.

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Red Notice: The Plane Heist.

"Well at least they didn't do the "Oh we also stole/swapped the thing" in the end" so not every trope in the book...

Epilogue "Surprise guys we actually stole and swapped the thing" -.-

The one thing I will give this movie is it's only 106 minutes, I feel if they tried to push it out to the 2 hour mark it would have made this go from "Eh I can toss it on while cleaning/background" to really quite terrible.

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The Holdovers

Who would have thought a tiny movie would sneak out, that is funny, but heartfelt, nostalgic but evergreen, depressive but hopeful release. Holiday movies that can balance both the positive feelgoods and the realistic less good feelings that sometimes come with the holiday period are rare to get right, but when they do it's always a gem.

I think this is a genuine contender to top 10 territory. I think it was the intent, but it worked where it felt like I had just discovered a movie from the 70's/80's from some random top movies list on the internet.

Amazing characters, where each one gets their moment, every performance from lead to single line appearance delivers and feels like it belongs. Dominic Sessa as as far as I can tell is a first credited role is incredibly impressive.

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Godzilla Minus One
Beacon 23
Leave the World Behind
Beacon 23: 1x02 Wreckers

Continues to be weak writing and screenplay for me, the hinting at the bigger picture of other beacons shutting off, stopping resupply is interesting enough potential that I might give it 1-2 more episodes but it hasn't been a great start.

Feels much more like a traditional sci-fi channel original show from 10 years ago instead of the Expanse/Foundation level of shows that have been more recently. Hoping it does improve, because I love a good sci-fi show.

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The Marvels

Finally a third act of a MCU movie that doesn't drag itself out far far too long. The shorter runtime on this is a legit thing that made the movie that would have been terrible, to a more neutral fine for me. All because unlike most recent entries, they trimmed it down nicely, if not poorly edited.

Fine movie, but carried for me at least by Iman Vellani's pure presence. When she or the Ms Marvel family was on screen it was a delight, and the rest of the movie was fine enough, although I really did enjoy both the intro sequence and training montage.

The CGI looks better than recent entries, albeit nothing too incredible but also not near the Disney forced crunch of Antman/MODOK. Pretty enough, fun enough and short enough that it was fine if not tonally all over the place lol.

Better movies out there this year that you should watch instead, but also worse movies.

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Mars Express

I enjoyed this one quite a bit. While it doesn't bring too much massively new thematically, what it does it does well.
Complex, high-concept sci-fi with awesome sound design and score, that expects you to keep up.

It reminded me a lot of solid Japanese cyberpunk animes at time, but with it's own very distinct French identity for obvious reasons. The overall story did a few things differently than I was expecting, which I always enjoy. "Oh they are not going to do this are they" and then no, they actually don't.

I promised myself I'd watch more non-English language films this year and so far I'm yet to be disappointed.

The score and soundtrack were real highlights.

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May December

Complex melodrama with many different tonal shifts, some of which worked for me, others which didn't.
I think there is some great individual scenes and great performances but the overall flow didn't work as well for me as others. Only one character has any real growth, but I think that is one of the points. Playing on multiple tropes with commentary on Hollywood and tabloid sensationalism and the reality of true crime drama at its core.

Charles Melton and Natalie Portman would be the standout performances for me. There is an interesting story there, with as many layers as the characters themselves have and it certainly felt like a fresh idea it just didn't come together for me as much as I would have liked.

That said, I do expect there to be an audience for this that enjoys it vastly more than myself based on the audience at the screening I saw it at. I enjoyed it but not as much as others will I suspect.

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The Killer
The Kill Room

So I think I liked this movie lol, the fact I have to say it like that should tell you everything you need.

I think the start is done really poorly, but once it gets into it and you know who the players and stakes are, it does have a decent flow and turns into a decent movie. I think Joe Manganiello does the heavy lifting of picking the movie up from being completely average to at least enjoyable enough to not regret your time with.

Many better movies out there from 2023, but also many worse movies as well. Not all of it works, but the things that do work, work well enough that I could overlook the things that didn't. Mileage may vary.

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Anatomy of a Fall

Another heavily courtroom-based drama/investigation and while I enjoyed the others that were released in the last several weeks, this one I think will stand out a bit more and receive more widespread praise as a film.

Basic premise, but infinitely more complex as it brings the characters to life with more detail as the story tells itself. Not afraid to leave things messy with ambiguity, but intentionally so to reflect on how trials, investigations and relationships work as opposed to poor filmmaking/writing.

I expect this movie to show up on a few top lists at the end of the year, and feature on way more "top movies you might have missed" lists. So if you enjoyed the other recent courtroom dramas, The Burial and The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, I would expect you to enjoy this one significantly more, although I could see some people being a bit put off but the ambiguity throughout the movie, so fair warning on that if you think that might be you.

Also I'll not at all be surprised if I see Sandra Hüller floating around for performance awards at the end of the year.

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The Burial

Pretty stock standard "based on a true story" courtroom drama with a bit of splash from the comedic sides and some solid performances, Jurnee Smollett and Mamoudou Athie standing out for me personally.

Solidly written, decently paced and if you enjoy courtroom dramas I don't think you will go too far wrong. If you don't enjoy them, this will not be the one to win you over. Certainly not on the level of the likes of A Few Good Men, Erin Brockovich or The Rainmaker but I don't think anyone should be expecting that.

Between this and The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial coming out at the same time, if courtroom dramas are your jam you have an unexpected double feature. Again, neither are probably going to light the scene on fire, but for a genre that seems to get a lot less of them than we did 20 years ago, I'll take it.

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The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial

This is the type of movie where you will probably know if it's your jam or not based purely on the title and genre. If you like small-scale courtroom dramas you will probably enjoy it, if you don't you won't.

I really do like these types of movies, but never caught the original of this one, so it was interesting and compelling, thought I knew where they were going but it split slightly from expectations. Nothing too fancy, but a great platform for the actors to give long, detailed courtroom monologues. With Kiefer Sutherland of all people delivering the most impressive one and Jason Clarke taking runner up.

Also always a pleasure to savor one of the last performances of Lance Reddick.

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The Creator
A Million Miles Away

One of those movies that goes under most radars because Amazon does so little when it comes to marketing it's movies. I only found out it even existed because I saw it trending on Trakt, so thank you people for watching it.

With that said, I enjoyed it. I'm biased being a fan of most things NASA/space program based, but it was an interesting story, well told and paced. Based on a true story, so you will obviously see some things coming (if you're familiar with the space program) but since the focus is very much on the characters and their journeys it doesn't really hamper the story in any way.

Also refreshing to see Michael Peña in a bit more of a serious role with some depth and a space movie for Peña that is so much better than last years Moonfall lol. But not quite on the level of his first adventure into space with The Martian.

Honestly, I don't think you will go too far wrong to check this out if you generally enjoy NASA/Based on true story type movies.

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The Artifice Girl

What a gem of a small indie sci-fi, small in scope but high in concept. Really well put together with a lot of new faces both on screen and behind it.

One of those small movies where I get the middling average score because it's certainly not a film for everyone and people that like a bit more action or scale I could see not enjoying something this small and slow. Dialog heavy, but well written and reminded me of a more talking Upgrade in terms of small indie sci-fi. If you're a fan of those vibes, or like small scale bottle movies (not technically a bottle movie but close) this might be for you.

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Twisted Metal

I think this show, while not the most incredible show you will ever see or anything. I think it will have the widest gap of expectations to the quality of show delivered for 2023.

The show is surprisingly good and surprisingly funny but not every joke will land for everyone. Anthony Mackie, unlike Altered Carbon and Falcon and the Winter Soldier, actually feels like he's having fun with the role that is often self-depreciating and most importantly everyone seems to know what type of show they are making. Season One does a lot of the world-building required, in order to have the show everyone expected in Season Two (if it gets it). Some fun action sequences, albeit not as many as people might expect, a lot of gore and ultra over the top violence that works because everyone knows what type of show they are making.

So yeah, ultimately probably not going to make my top 5/10 of the year for 2023 shows, but it did exceed my very very low expectations when I heard they were making this show.

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Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

This is another Mission Impossible movie, and by that I mean if you enjoyed the last 3-4 MI movies you should enjoy this. However, if you didn't like those, this one is not doing anything that will win you over.

I've enjoyed the majority of the MI series, and this one was more of that. Great cast, both legacy and new, great action set pieces, and great visuals with the only real negatives for me being the runtime being 20 minutes too long, although I've spoken to others who didn't feel that so your individual feelings might vary on that point and the actual "Villian/antagonist premise" didn't quite work for me.

I've always had no issue with the suspension of disbelief for these movies in the past, but could not quite get there with this one. Could easily just be due to my own personal biases and background though, or maybe everything will make more sense/work in Part Two.

But those two minor issues aside, it was an absolutely solid entry to the franchise and I'll be along to the cinema for Part Two when it releases.

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What an absolute surprise gem, that I only noticed via the trending movies on Trakt.

The first two acts, are up there for me for the best comedy so far this year which was not at all what I was expecting.
Great visuals, a great story that added enough fresh elements to keep it interesting, even down the familiar setting with a slight variant, very funny first two acts, but still in line with establishing the characters, and a bit of heart.

In the 2023 movie season, we have had a lot of big expectation movies that have kinda fallen into "meh", not good, not terrible but kinda forgettable. So getting something like this, was unexpected and really enjoyable.

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