


Mr. & Mrs. Smith: 1x01 First Date

I'm interested. It looks intriguing enough to continue. Not super entertaining yet but I like the chemistry so far.

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Carol & the End of the World

I hate looking in the mirror

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Westworld: 4x07 Metanoia

This awful incoherent mess doesn't deserve to use Bowie as an end credits song.

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Mr. Robot: 4x13 Hello, Elliot

Rewatched the show once. Won't do it again. After all, this only works if I let go too.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x02 College Tour

Yeah I think I already know what's going on.
A bipolar disorder with two personalities who don't know about each other. It's implied really crudely so it's pretty obvious though (at least to me who's watched Mr. Robot, maybe not so for others who didn't see it)
Wonder if I'm right or not, guess I'll have to finish this mess. It's least it's entertaining to watch Clay lose his shit.

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Space Force

The trailer is misleading. The show is nothing like it.
Also, don't expect a new The Office just because Steve Carell is in it. This is closer to Veep than it is to anything Greg Daniels has done before.
Also also, John Malkovich is magnificient, and his type and mannerisms work in comedy perfectly.

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Mr. Robot: 1x04 eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4

Spoiler for the whole series, beware.

It's funny to rewatch this after you've already seen the finale. I still stand by my old 3/10 rating from 2016 because drug trips are dumb and cliche, but knowing the ending gives the episode quite a lot of context and now it makes a lot more sense.

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Charlie's Angels

An odd flick. It tries to be both an old-type movie with pretty girls being an eye-candy, and a progressive modern one with strong female leads. Only it fails to be any of that. Action is nothing special, characters are boring, and there's not a single funny joke.

If it wasn't for Kristen Stewart, I wouldn't even have watched it and that would probably be a better decision.

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Altered Carbon: Season 2

Wow, I did not expect the second season to be even worse than the first one. This is just plain bad.

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Home Ground: 1x01 Episode 1

Happy to see Ed Sheeran willing to learn a different language and get fit, all for his love of football.

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Sex Education: 2x06 Episode 6

Wow, Mr. Groff looks exactly like an older Adam in this episode. He really didn't in the previous ones.

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Mr. Robot: 4x10 410 Gone

Shout by nawa

Man I hate that trope they've used in the ending, it's always so stupid and annoying and feels like a cop out. Seriously.

On an unrelated note, think of all the inflation that's going to happen because this huge amount of money just went into circulation. I hope they'll address that in the last three episodes.

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Shout by nawa
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-11-03T19:43:44Z— updated 2019-11-21T18:27:46Z

So odd to watch a movie and get an absolutely different idea out of it that the director probably didn't even think of.

I've watched Yesterday because there's Lily James which I'm a huge fan of, and The Beatles, which is self-explanatory. Like, a feel-good movie for a Sunday evening, was on my backlog for a while, might as well watch it and promptly forget it afterwards.

And then this simple movie hits you with an impostor syndrome which is always somewhere back there in your head, and it gets a bit unpleasant to watch.

Come on, he does not deserve this fame.
He didn't do anything special to get there.
The fact that he's a good singer doesn't mean anything, these are not his songs.
He can't possibly be performing at Wembley, what the hell?

Thankfully Jack is just as tormented by it as I am, otherwise it would be just impossible to watch. Of course it ends the way you would expect from a feel-good movie (which is what this is) but that is beside the point.

Why the hell am I even thinking about this stuff when I'm watching this simple-meant movie?

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Mr. Robot: 4x01 401 Unauthorized

Oh shit, what a start. I've almost believed that plot armor won't work this time, and then it did. Doesn't make the episode worse however.

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Tuca & Bertie

Tuca & Bertie is Broad City with a bit of lightened Bojack Horseman sprinkled in. Except it's worse than them in most ways. You should go watch Broad City instead.

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Too Old to Die Young

This series is gorgeous visually, but it's also absolutely impossible to follow. People do stuff, then nothing is happening, then something kinda starts to happen, but you're already bored and distracted. I get that slow pacing is Refn's shtick, but the story and the viewer really could have benefited from making all episodes 45 min or so. There's just enough material for that length.

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Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers

I can't believe Brooker took the premise "Two closeted queers having sex in VR" and managed to make a boring episode with an unsatisfying ending around it. So much more could be explored in that hour. So much more provoking stuff could be in it. Someone really needs to stop the presses.

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Love, Death & Robots: 1x02 THREE ROBOTS

This episode hits the same spot Nier Automata does, oddly enough. The whole post-apocalyptic world, the general vibe, all that. Those dialogs about weird stuff humans did are like straight out of the game. I love Nier Automata and I love this episode. I would love a whole season about these three robots and the cat exploring the remains of the cities, please and thank you.

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American Gods: 2x01 House on the Rock

It is different, but still good. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.

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Sex Education: 1x07 Episode 7

That dance was just beautiful.

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Narcos: Mexico: 1x07 Jefe de Jefes

I cannot stand this show's insistence on stretching the episode runtime for the sake of stretching the runtime. I cannot rate the episode high because something interesting happened in the last ten minutes if I'm forced to watch nothing happening for forty minutes before that. Good start, then it's impossibly slow in the middle, then there's some action in the end. Original Narcos series suffered from it too sometimes, this spin-off does too, but this episode peaks with uninteresting dialogues which provide nothing of substance. No suspense, no drama, just people talking to each other about nothing.

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Destination Wedding

Two of my favorite actors talk about stupid shit for an hour and a half, what could be better!

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BoJack Horseman: 5x06 Free Churro

Honestly, this episode would've been better without that ending. Just straight cut to the credits. Didn't really need that gag.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 13x01 The Gang Makes Paddy's Great Again

This is great. Mindy Kaling fits better than I thought she would.

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How to Talk to Girls at Parties

That's a one weird movie. Great stuff, you should watch it.

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Westworld: 2x10 The Passenger

This is incomprehensible and unwatchable. A terrible finale of a good season. They could have gone with twice as less twists and the story of this episode could be just as good, but easier to understand.

And that's coming from a guy who was a crazy fan of the mind-bending first season.

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13 Reasons Why: Season 2

13 questions why this show got a third season.

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The Florida Project

Shout by nawa
BlockedParent2018-05-01T18:59:08Z— updated 2018-06-19T16:29:11Z

I genuinely don't understand why I liked this movie so much.

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The Good Place: 1x13 Michael's Gambit

Okay, this episode almost makes it worth enduring through the unremarkable two thirds of the first season. Wasn't a fan of the show until the last couple of episodes but I'm really interested in the second one now.

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How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home

Очень классное, неожиданно классное кино, которое настроением и атмосферой очень напомнило мне "На игле". Отличный каст, отличная операторская работа, отлично подобранная музыка (да, она плохая, но и происходящее на экране хорошим не назовёшь). Разве что концовка простовата.

Five English words for Trakt

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