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Omicron Persei 8

Halloween II

There's unsubtle. There's heavy-handed. There's one-note and hysterical. And there's Rob Zombie.


If you scream that sentence at the top of your lungs for 2 hours straight, you can simulate the experience of watching "Halloween II".

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Literally within seconds, you'll know this is a Rob Zombie movie. Incest, domestic abuse, animal mutilation and all over breakfast.

Gone is Carpenter's subtle, graceful, suspense. Replaced with Zombie's in-your-face horror.

If you think that's a good thing then you'll love it. But I can't help but feel like Zombie was 100% the wrong choice to remake the classiest of the original slashers.

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What's bad about this is that it is not awful. It's just so predictable and dull. I can't even blame Jared Leto and Matt Smith. They try so hard to lift the film above bland but end up just looking ridiculous.

And I did hate how clumsy the film turns at the end when they desperately try to shoe-horn Spider-Man connections into the story. It was painfully bad writing.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Loved it. Sam Raimi's touch, trippy visuals and a satisfying ending. Definitely one of the most unusual and interesting MCU stories.

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre

If you approach this as just any middle of the road slasher, it's actually not bad.

But I felt safe watching this. Like I knew what was going to happen. You could never say that about the original.

Also, I didn't really care for the, "We should respect the OLD WAYS. Even if they are totally racist and dumb@rse" narrative.

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Resident Alien: 2x03 Girls' Night

Probably the funniest episode yet! And that's high praise for this show. Great to see the supporting characters getting more to do.

Harry attempting to seduce the scientist had me crying with laughter.

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Typically I'm a fan of Marvel but this felt like a bland adaptation of a dull YA novel to me. I'm all for inclusion in movies, but in itself it is not enough if the diverse cast are given nothing to work with. Of the ten Eternals only three seem to exhibit any real personality (thank god for Kumail Nanjani). Also, a climactic fight ends with one of the protagonists going, "Oh... err... I've changed my mind... soz." Which is not very satisfying.

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The Matrix Resurrections

Nearly 20 years later and The Matrix sequels still suffer from the same issues - over-convoluted plots, and silly pseudo-philosophical discussions distracting from the cool universe the Wachowskis originally created. As an example, one fight sequence is interrupted by The Bloody Merovingian, back again and just as irritating as before. Sigh.

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I was not expecting this. It was just wonderful, from the outfits to the music to the atmosphere but most of all the acting. Emma Stone throws out sparks against Emma Thompson and every scene with the two of them together is a delicious diabolique delight. Both actresses look to be having tremendous fun being truly wicked.

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage

All the reviews say this movie is messy and incoherent, and this is absolutely true.

But it's also fast, fun and over so quickly that you won't have time to register that it is disposable trash. Most importantly, the buddy pairing of Brock and Venom is still fun. I enjoyed it.

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No Time to Die

A poor send-off for the great Daniel Craig. The action is lacklustre compared to previous outings and resembles a first-person shooter game for much of the time. The love interest is flat and uninspiring, Rami Malek's villain intones nonsensical, cliched dialogue in a disinterested manner and the whole thing takes far too long to go nowhere. The only bold and interesting choice comes right at the end of the movie but it is too late to redeem this flabby effort.

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Halloween Kills

A good second part of the new sequel trilogy. The story is very slight and the film doesn't really warrant a 105 minute running time. There's a lot of extraneous people being effing dumb and investigating on their own for no good reason, but the violence and brutality has been stepped up from the 2018 movie and it's a nice set up for a (hopefully non-sucky) final part. Fingers crossed that these guys can stick the landing.

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Army of the Dead

Zack Snyder seems to have the unique talent to make things that sound great on paper, no fun at all in execution.

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Predictable, slow and cliched. The snowbound atmosphere isn't bad but the characters are awful. Marty spend the entire film being a patronising, cruel jerk and his girlfriend spends most of her time apologising to him for trying to "control" him.

I was hoping for a nasty death for Marty, is what I'm trying to say here.

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Absolutely astonishing! The entire cast is incredible, but Renee Alise Goldsberry and Daveen Diggs nearly steal the show. Of course, the biggest star is Lin-Manuel Miranda himself, and his smart, funny, emotional lyrics, his beautiful music and his moving performance. "My Shot" is rousing and thrilling, the rap battles intelligent and funny and if "It's Quiet Uptown" doesn't have you in tears then you're not human. This production is wonderfully directed, I almost felt I was there.

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After the Sunset

It's embarrassing to admit I like a Brett Ratner film, but this is entertaining and fluffy with all the actors clearly having fun. This light-hearted caper always puts me in a good mood.

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A terrific low-budget creature feature. Or is it a zombie film? Or is it body horror? Actually it's all three, put together with credible characters and a taut script. Very well done.

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The Gentlemen

Great movie. Usual Guy Ritchie stuff with a convoluted plot, great dialogue and a terrific soundtrack. This time the movie gets stolen by Hugh Grant and Colin Farrell, although everyone involved is great.

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The World According to Jeff Goldblum: 1x01 Sneakers

I did not expect to find sneakers fascinating, but Jeff Goldblum is so charming, engaging and funny. He should present every tv programme, ever.

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Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

There are so many bad zombie comedies out there and this one gets swept up in them. It's a shame because the jokes in this film are actually laugh-out-loud funny - my favourites being a toothless zombie granny who can't inflict any damage - and her army of zombie cats (who can!)

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Dolemite Is My Name

Such a great movie. Eddie Murphy's best since... well, actually Eddie Murphy's best - you could tell his heart and soul were in this.

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American Horror Story: 9x02 Mr. Jingles

I wonder if they've stolen the premise of the film "The Final Girls" for this series? It would make sense of some of the stranger plot twists.

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Pose: 2x06 Love's in Need of Love Today

I remember thinking The Sopranos were out of ideas when they started doing extended dream sequences. I hope Pose isn't going the same route.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

I did not think it would be possible to be bored during a film about giant monsters wreaking havoc across the planet, but seriously, this nearly sent me to sleep. A nonsensical plot, paper-thin characters (who STILL manage to take up too much screen time) and big emotional scenes that have no resonance because I seriously did not give a fart about anyone in the film. Even the SFX are nothing special to write home about. Pacific Rim Uprising was better than this (and that was pretty bad).

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The Contender

A gripping - and prophetic - drama with brilliant performances all round. Although actually US politics has sunk still lower since this movie was made. If only Jeff Bridges were President.

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Dark Phoenix

A lumpen mess of CGI and overblown rhetoric about power and love between underwritten characters you couldn't give a stuff about. It's only the charm of Fassbender, McAvoy and some of the other actors who save it. Meanwhile, poor Jessica Chastain is wasted as smug annoying floaty villain.

Definitely worse than X3: Last Stand. How on earth did they let the same guy take another crack at this story when he messed it up last time as well?

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Went into this with low expectations but thoroughly enjoyed it! Way more comedy than I expected, the banter between SLJ and "Junior" is hilarious. Great to see Richard Roundtree back in action too.

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Hibiscus & Ruthless

This was recommended to me by a PI friend. It's a pretty good pass the time movie, with some funny moments. But you will have to suffer the character of "Ruthless". I think you're supposed to find her free-spirited, but as written she just comes across as bratty, self-centered and annoying. It's not the fault of the actress - blame the scriptwriter.

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House of the Long Shadows

Not a horror classic, and Desi Arnaz Jnr lacks charisma, but it's just so much fun watching 5 horror stalwarts having great fun camping it up together. Sheila Keith, as always, is just wonderful, Peter Cushing affects a ridiculous comedy lisp, Christopher Lee is disdainful and imperious, but my favourite has to be Vincent Price - "Please - never interrupt me when I am soliloquising."

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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Never understood all the hate for this specific episode. It's true that it's the episode that comes closest to parody, but given the age of the actors, how else could they approach the material other than with a knowing wink?

If you like the characters, this film also allows you to spend a generous bit of time with them, and there are some genuinely funny lines ("I liked him better before he died"). And if the film ultimately bites off more than it can chew (it's a film about looking for God) then at least it handles the subject better than the ponderous Star Trek - The Motion Picture, which covered similar territory.

I also think it's a mile better than Part III, which one - lacked Spock - and two - had very fake-looking set design. Maybe the biggest problem this film had was that Part III was made in 84 when those flaws were acceptable. Star Trek V came out in the late 80's and was competing with a new type of blockbuster in "Batman". I suggest you ignore conventional wisdom and give part V a chance.

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