



Where is Salt 2 ?!?!
Give it to us!

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So.... There's crab people and there's fish people, and they're gonna fight.
Oh, and sharks are horses.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

This shit so dumb. Is actually what I said by the end of this movie.

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The Circle

I know this movie was trying to make one or several points, but it was just not capable of conveying anything of substance in a convincing way.

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Funny and cringy in the best of ways. At times quite derivative, but it somehow always felt absolutely intentional. So many things about this movie felt intentional; like how the clock in Charlie's cabin had stopped at 9.11, to name one obvious example.

I don't want to go into a whole thing about "catfights" other than that the fight scenes felt a bit slapsticky. That's like the one thing about this movie I wished they made "real".

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Keeping Up with the Joneses

This crapfest was just excruciatingly straight.

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Suicide Squad

The misogyny! Also, nothing about the characters or the story made sense. Script and editing completely failed. Viola Davis being bad-ass and Margo Robbie dealing zany one-liners won't make up for this.

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This really kicked ass! I totally loved this funny movie, and I die for Kate McKinnon's character and performance.

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Either the past movies failed at realizing what this series is about or I totally didn't get them. To me, this was at a whole other level. I am actually looking forward to the next installment.

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I cried so hard so the first episode.
Amazing acting, great cinematography and interesting characters. Feels far more real than most shows.

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Gods of Egypt

The only thing that surprised me with this movie was that CGI sometimes looked a bit 90's. I totally expected story and characters to be crap, but I actually thought the special effects would be of good quality. But no.

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Les Misérables

A couple of the songs got me, and the performances of Ms. Hathaway and Ms. Seyfried were impressive, but this story does not work in 2016, or 2012 for that matter. Also, I feel sorry for Mr. Crowe. Someone should have told him not to "sing".

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On the nose, without making a point that made any sense.

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Robot & Frank

Old people and robots are cute.

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I didn't expect the comedy in this film would be this strong.

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This was so extremely grey.

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Ex Machina

Innovative in many ways, but not innovative enough to shift focus from male heterosexuality. I get so sick of it, and frankly, it bores me.

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Jupiter Ascending

Basically a Barbara Cartland novel.

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