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Omicron Persei 8

Top Gun: Maverick

Good action sequences.

Ludicrous mission parameters.

Cringe plot.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x09 Subspace Rhapsody

This is the fully automated luxury gay space communism future that Star Trek wants and I'm here for it!

All the haters seriously missing the point of the show.

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I first rated this 8/10, I really enjoyed it and it had me in tears at the finish.

I've been haunted by the closing 10 minutes of this film though, and it's forced me to come back to it several times. I just can't shake it, the storytelling throughout builds to a crescendo that is one of the most powerful pieces of film making I've experienced.

Any story that can have this level of emotional impact beyond its playtime is magical, hence my 10/10.

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Fun and creative story that is ruined by David Bowie's weak acting and terrible song composition, felt like an 80's disco not a theatrical soundtrack and it really breaks you out of the immersion so we can all make sure we're getting more Bowie. Suppose people loved this at the time, kinda like ed Sheeran appearing in GoT

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The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Not sure I understood it but it was fascinating, unsettling and captivating cinema

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The film is a wonderful experience, we watched without subs and you feel like you're experiencing it all from Victoria's PoV.

There's so many comments about bad script and plot, it's almost like nobody here has gone on a drunken night out. I've been in a handful of situations in my life where the tension has escalated between locals and my group of friends in a foreign country on late nights out that meander into one event after the other and this made me feel like I was back in those moments. Spoiler, we didn't rob a bank...

I was stuck to the screen all the way through, captivating viewing.

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

I could write a lot about why this film is awful but I can't be bothered to waste my breath after sitting through this

Worst film of 2023.

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If you're expecting pew pew, and pacheew pacheew, and kaboom! Then this isn't for you.

It's a pretty intelligent beautifully shot sci-fi spanning generations. Impossible to be faithful 100% to the original work but it feels like they've hit a sweet spot.

Captivating to watch.

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The Matrix Resurrections

There are actually some really nice elements here, the synths, the machine Vs machine war as power was scarce, even the meta elements that make up the first part. They had something with these and could really have forged something strong.

But there are 3 things you gotta have if doing a sequel to this franchise.

Guns... Lots of guns and bullet time ...

Kung fu... And not close up shakey cam but dramatic well shot emphasised cinematic combat.

And some 2000's hard house soundtrack. Where the hell was the techno?!? What a crime.

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The Witcher: Season 3

Poor writing. Season 2 built on 1 even though it wasn't following the books or game it managed to remain entertaining.

6 episodes into this and it's simply boring. Relies heavily on just putting the main cast on screen to have a laugh and too many episodes of "travelling" with no plot movement. Episode 6 I think tries to be clever with the ball shot from multiple time slots but it's just a mess. This doesn't do Netflix any favours around the rumours why cavil left, the writers clearly don't have the chops to make a compelling story.

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Sweet Tooth: Season 2
The House

Unique. Thoroughly enjoyed these three shorts looking at the absurdities we impress upon ourselves as adults around owning this "pile of bricks" as they put it in the credits :rofl:

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ONI: Thunder God's Tale

What a beautiful little series. The animation style is gorgeous and it kept our little one entertained all the way through but the story here is a joy for adults too

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It's basically Dark except I'm onto them this time and looking out for all the turns :P

Fantastic stuff, keep it coming.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

As a middle earth adaptation it's great, everyone should really chill and take this for what it is, someone's depiction of Tolkien's work. As a kid I would have died for more high fantasy of this quality, everyone seems eager to kill shows like this and go back to the dark ages.

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Bomb City

Hard hitting tragic story. The cinematography is on point, really trying to find the beauty in a down a down and out community. It goes to good lengths to paint both sides as ugly as they should be, they don't sucker you in with cheap tricks to make you feel more towards the punks which I appreciate. A great snapshot in just how unjust it all is.

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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

I was the right age when this movie came out, 11 years old...

I was hooked, it was the best thing I had ever seen.

I'm now much older, there have been better films, more interesting stories, fancier CGI and greater acting.

But you know what, this film IS Star Wars.

It's Lucas' messy vision come to light, it's not perfect but it's a damn good watch, the universe feels real, there is a plot that reaches over 3 films and there is some fantastic sequences like the pod racing, naboo fighter space battle, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan escaping an infiltrated starship, the setup for Darth Sidious and a damn near perfect execution of Jedi vs Sith.

This is exactly what a Star Wars film should be and it takes me back to watch it again today.

Will always bung this on and the rest of the saga up to episode 6. Everything beyond leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

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The Invisible Man

Thoroughly enjoyable, there was some exquisite camera work and set pieces here. The location was great and they really used it to it's advantage when framing a number of shots. I especially loved the reflection work here done in camera during the opening sequences in the carriage. The film touched me, I was moved by it. Not being familiar with the stage play or the older French movie this has made me aware of it and I will look to see this on stage when I can. Dinklage was great and really shows he's capable of such a wide range of acting skills.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x09 Jibaro

Surreal experience this episode, probably stuck with me and changed me more than any of the other love death robots episodes. It was almost hypnotising at times, genuinely creative and abstract depiction of a deadly dance, two intertwined characters and the pillaging/greed of foreigners in an unknown land. The range of emotions you go through here are interesting. It really is a masterful little piece that puts you on edge.

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The Northman

A bloody, epic, dark Viking saga. A look into a character who has lost his way despite their oath. A tale of trying to escape or fulfill ones fate and just how deeply entwined the spiritual was for people off this age. Hooked me for the full runtime, the story is simple but this let's the deep dive into the mysticism play out all the better.

Other reviews here are simply wrong, its like they're reviewing something they expected to be Fast and Furious Vikings Edition.

Eggers hits a perfect 3 movies for his directoral entry with The Witch, The Lighthouse and The Northman. Probably his most watchable for general audiences this really shouldn't be missed, the score is guttural, otherworldly and raw. The cinematography is sublime. The acting and character depth makes this feel all the more satisfying at it's climax.


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The Expanse

This is it.

This is the best space opera we're going to get in the next 20 years.

Takes a liquid :poop: over BSG in terms of plot, direction and execution. A genuinely intriguing, exciting, characterful adaption of the novels. Do not miss out on this fantastic piece of sci-fi.

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Ip Man 3

Mike Tyson held this one together... ...

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Cobra Kai

It's absolutely crap, yet I watched it all and if they release more seasons I will. Guilty pleasure.

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Chloe Grace holds the entire film together. It's a story of mother and fatherhood skinned in a post apocalyptic environment. The film would have been stronger without the lead female also being put in a ludicrous position where she activates the weapon that can disable the androids. Her character is plenty strong enough to not have to rely on a cheap superhero moment. The closing sequences were emotionally charged and the film did a decent job at trying to put me in a "what would I do" position. Not the cheeriest of films but enjoyable.

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Lost in Space: 3x08 Trust

It got a conclusion and I'm happy with that in the age of cancelled shows. However the "solutionising" in this series gets worse with each series, the analysis of a given situation and the implementation of how they get out of that situation comes all too quickly and neatly with little to no storytelling impact. Smith is yet again a spare wheel in this series they drag along with no real use other than to be some sort of chaotic element that the crew accept but then complain when they are screwed over.

The stars of the show here are the robots, they add a level of mystery that elevates the show but now that is depleted there is very little to go to from here.

An enjoyable enough show, and glad it has a conclusion.

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Russian Doll

The funniest thing was she plays a 36 year old. She looks closer to 56 :joy: other than that it was enjoyable, we got to the end.

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An outstanding example of how to engage your audiences brains. The film won't be for everyone but if you take the time to THINK about the metaphors in this film it is an absolute gem, everything is intentional, the music, the cinematography, those spiders...

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Dark comedy that doesn't hit the right notes. I can see what was attempted but the implementation is all too literal, checkout "The Invitation" which I feel captures some of the same vibe here but the execution is just better.

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Avengers: Infinity War

finally got round to seeing this and it's a hot mess, lacklustre action sequences that resort to fast cuts, some dodgy cgi head replacements (for a multi million $ movie!) but above all else it is just boring, you get the feel every scene just yelled "action" with the wooden performances of the cast, the art direction is not really existent except for the few completely CGI shots around Thanos with sunsets.

The plot is just a really poor example of send villains to do work, realise villains don't have any character building or backstory only to teleport the main villain into the fight at the end (which he could have done all along).

Honestly the film is just for people who like flashy lights but there are a million other dross flashy films and I expected more from a film with this sort of budget and acting pedigree.

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