No Way




This is good. It appears to be kind of goofy with the pupets in the promos. They don't get in the way of a dark well-told story.

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Really solid watch. I'm usually more inclined toward murders and aliens (and I'm not saying that this couldn't have been even better if they had thrown a serial killer in somewhere:grinning:), but this is so good. Margaret Qualley is fantastic and her (real-life) mother, Andei McDowell, is annoying as f*c*, which is exactly what the character is supposed to be.

This reminds me of the early seasons of Shameless. it has the same early-twenty-first century working class hopelessness. Shameless is obviously much funnier. The tone is great. The acting is great. It's a good watch even without someone dropping bodies.

I also liked that they kind of showed the 12-steppers to be the whiny douche bags I've always found them to be in real life. You don't get that kind of honesty often.

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This is not bad. It drags a little even at an hour and a half. It might have been better as a black mirror episode, but the premise is good and it's a satisfying watch.

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The Fall Guy

This movie is fucking awful. I enjoyed the last 10-12 minutes of it but I don't know if it was because it was almost over or because of the awesome cameos by Jason Mamoa, Lee Majors, and Heather Thomas and Blake Shelton's cover of the theme song. The rest of the movie is just garbage.

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The Last Stop in Yuma County

This is a very well done Tarantino-esque crime thriller that clocks in at a perfect hour and a half. I'll be keeping an eye out for anything Francis Galluppi does in the future. I liked everything here.

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Solid crime/horror/thriller thing with the right amount of camp. Go in BLIND. It's worth an hour and fifty minutes of your time. If you read too much of the reviews or watch the trailer, you won't enjoy it as much.

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To Catch a Killer

This is GOOD. Watch this! They use Woodley and Mendelson to good effect. Woodley has a production credit and she's always struck me as being sharp as a tack. I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't the glue holding this all together.

It starts out kind of generic, but the ending works. I just finished watching and it wasn't a cookie cutter ending. It's not great, but a solid thriller.

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This is good. Solid cast. Decent script. It's not great, but it's good.

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Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

This is apperently Sidney Lumet's last film and it is masterfully directed. It's a pretty good film overall with some great performances, but the direction is especially well done. Good swan song for Lumet.

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The Portuguese speak English, but the Japanese speak Japanese, and the movie is set in Japan so 80% of the dialogue is in Japanese. Wouldn't it be just as, uh, immersive if we had the Portuguese speak Portuguese and the Japanese speak English, and then I could do other stuff while I watch this?

Also, it's based on a novel, written in English, and all the Japanese people in the novel mostly speak English because otherwise, the book would only sell to people who speak English and Japanese or people with an English-Japanese dictionary to look up the Japanese words.

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Excellent. I was afraid that the choice to be in black and white was pretentious nonsense, but it doesn't distract at all. Five minutes in and you forget it's in black and white. It also looks gorgeous and the way the black and white is graded may be the reason. I'm not sure it would look as good in color. The only negative thing that I could say about the show is that you can't watch it and do something else. There are long stretches without any dialogue and much of the movie is in Italian. I usually find it dstracting when English movies have the characters speak a language other than English. I would prefer that the imaginary people only pretend to speak a foreign language. In this case though, they use the foreign language to show Tom's character progression. His lack of ability to speak Italian at the beginning of the show and his fluency at the end tells you something about the character. This is just well done, and I hope that they adapt the next book Riply Underground.

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River Wild

First, this is not a remake of the 1994 film with Kevin Bacon and Maryl Streep. That's "The River Wild." This is "River Wild." Articles matter. It does share a similar premise, but in no way a remake.

That said, it's good for what it is. It looks like the budget was about nine dollars, and you can literally count the cast on your fingers, but used what they had well. It's not a waste of 90 minutes of your life.

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The Righteous Gemstones

This largely fails as satire because outside of Edi Patterson and Danny McBride, this is just kind of how fundamentalist mega-churches are. The silliness just has to be cranked up so high to be clear that it's meant as satire. Walton Goggins singing There is a Fountain Filled Blood just sounds like someone singing that song in church. John Goodman is such an awesome actor that he just comes off as a mega-church pastor. He's actually quite restrained in comparison with people like Robert Jeffress or Ted Haggard. Robert Tilton used to offer to send his favorite tie to anyone who would send him $10,000. You can't satarize that. The show is well done and the actors are great. It's just a hard thing to pull off.

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The Line

This is a f*cking awesome documentary, and I am stunned that I don't know this story. Everyone should see this.

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No Exit

This is good. A solid 7 and I want to give it an 8 just to counteract people voting it down. It's an hour and thirty-six minutes long. It doesn't overstay its welcome, and I'd be surprised if anyone say all of the several plot twists coming. It's apparently based on a novel by the author of The Woman in the Window and now I'm curious if that's good.

This movie is a gem. It's one of those little movies that you go in without expectations and get pleasantly surprised. Not a waste of an hour and a half of your time.

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Boy Swallows Universe

A little too saccharine for my tastes, but pretty good still. It's kind of a fable in terms of tone, and it's really, really heartwarming. Not my cup of tea, well done.

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Dublin Murders

It's not an unpleasant watch, but it's poorly and improbably plotted. Lots of coincidences that you have to ignore. If you can ignore them, it's not bad.

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This is good. It's a solid 8 after the 1st season, and I rated it a 9 because I suspect two groups are voting it down. The prudes are going to ignore the MA rating and vote it down because there's a fair bit of sexy time going on, and the conservatives are going to vote it down because it's "too woke" having a strong female lead. IF you're not in one of those two groups you'll probably enjoy it. The show has some dark characters which suits a crime drama well. I had no trouble binging it and want to watch the 2nd season.

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The Vampire Next Door

Not as bad as it should be. Reminded me vaugely of Teen Wolf from the eighties. Cheesy drive-in B movie that I enjoyed because I didn't expect much.

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Shining Girls

This was just excellent. It's weird and original and very entertaining. Easy watch.

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Twisted little bit while we wait for Netflix to drop Ripley. I liked it.

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True Detective: Season 3

Beautifully done show. Third season is my favorite by far. They could have gotten to the ending a little quicker. American television almost always runs too long, but it pays off in the end. I rated it an 8. If it had been six episodes instead of eight, it would have been a nine.

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This is an odd one. I've never watched anything that dropped the ball this hard. It's a solid 8 all the way through up until the last episode and a half where it just becomes a bunch of montages and nonsense. Other than this weird flex about Christian mythology being historical, it's fantastic until it falls apart at the end. I gave it a 6 because I was loving it but then it disapoints as drastically as anything I've ever watched.

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Gen V

IMO, Better than The Boys.

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Gone Baby Gone

God, I forgot what a gut punch watching this movie is. They ought to do one of the other books as a sequel. I think I'm going to change my rating to a 9. Fantastic cast. Great story.

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The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial

Loved it. Well done. They can reshuffle the cast and do Mister Roberts next.

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The Fall of the House of Usher

I liked this better than Midnight Mass. Some of how Poe's stories and poems were integrated into this narrative is just brilliant. It was done without it being ostentatious or artsy-fartsy. Just really well-done horror where you wanted to see what would happen next.

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Joe Pickett

I'm not sure why I'm enjoying this as much as I am. It's just well done. I'm assuming that they're adapting the individual books it's based on into seasons because they're plotted more like books than a television show. Good solid television.

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Pretentious crap. That pretty much sums it up. The acting is good.

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The Outfit

Very good watch. I went in not knowing anything and was entertained the whole time. It's like a tightly-plotted play.

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