

Emerald Isle

The Winchesters

I can't believe I have to wait until October for this. It's only two months away. Feels like I've been waiting half my life lol. So excited to dive back into the SPN world. If this is half as good as SPN I'll be adding another series to my favorites.

Can't wait.

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as a domestic abuse survivor, this show is hard to watch. it brings back all of those muddy, icky, second-guessing feelings and a lot of the thoughts i remember having myself. but it's also kinda therapeutic watching someone else go through something similar, hearing (on tv) someone blatantly validate emotional abuse is really important for a lot of people, because a lot of abuse starts that way. before they escalate to hitting you and pushing you down the stairs they scream and yell at you and blame you for everything.

and while this show is about domestic abuse, it's also about surviving and making it out. i appreciate more than i can say with words that there are shows depicting what these types of situations are like and for giving hope to anyone stuck in these situations that there is a way out of it.

margaret qualley has done a fantastic job with this role. definitely a show worth watching.

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Motherland: Fort Salem

It's a tragedy that more people don't know about this show already. This has to be one of the best shows to come out in the last five years or so.

Over the past few years most of the 'good' shows (ie - shows that have been running for a long time) have ended and there's been a huge void with nothing to replace them - but I think Motherland has the potential to be one of those shows.

Right from the beginning, the storytelling is clear and captivating, there's a rich foundational history with much more to discover, and new elements are introduced at the right time so there's no confusion about how things work.

The actresses are all doing a phenomenal job. I love Raelle's character and her raw badassery, Abigail is exactly the type of person I'd want to have on my team in a fight, and Tally is so genuinely good and kind that you can't help but love her.

I'm really excited for the future of this show and the cast.

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Squid Game

this was such an interesting take on a horror genre series and it was so so good right up until the last episode. the great big reveal at the end was meh and then the main character goes and makes a dumb decision that goes against what he's been fighting for literally the entire show. (when he decides to play the game again instead of getting on that plane and being there for his daughter like he's been saying he would the whole series.)

the major switch up in the final episode made the series feel like it wasn't cohesive. it just didn't fit and that made it a little disappointing, especially after the way this show plays on your emotions and really gets you invested into each of the character's personal stories.

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Extreme Rescues

this series is terrifying. watching other people come so close to death and barely make it is a stark reminder that life is fragile.

also feeling very comfortable that i won't accidentally fall off of the top of a mountain from my couch. watching this makes you think twice about future 'adventurous' plans.

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great series. muslim syrian ER doctor? sign me up. loved every episode and they touched on several sensitive medical issues that i was happy were brought up. i really hope there is another season.

only complaints - a lot of the subtitling is off. made it hard to comprehend when i'm hearing one thing and reading another. and sometimes the arabic seems off? like the use of slang words didn't make sense sometimes and other times it seemed off. i know in several occassions the arabic was not translated correctly or it was ignored and replaced with something entirely different for no reason. kinda annoying.

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